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He should be telling the pigeon fanciers of Scotland this on the SHU website poor show from the new president in my opinion


Websites useless for sure


I emailed him as he did email when lock down first kicked off


Tbf tho it’s first time needed an update as Scotland has been in lockdown since that email was sent


But I emailed him today to see if at least it’s in talks and the answer was yes

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as long as the information on what we can and cant do is issued before thurs thats all im looking for so we can get the ball rolling or not


expletive remove I AGREE way ye Tommy, who’d have believed it !! 🤣🤣


I rather wait to hear what’s happening but hopefully training can start hate seeing my birds acting like sitting ducks doing F all, the reason I got racing pigeons is to race them.


I emailed G Turnbull today


He’s in talks with Scottish Goverment


He believes phase 1 will allow training the same as England

But this is not official


But he’s in talks and I’m sure should be emailing feds maybe Monday or Tuesday

why should it be up to you to email mr turnbull he should be giving us updates to what's happening he may be in talks with the government but its his responsibility as president of the SHU to let members know what's happening and keep us updated


keeping the fingers crossed, birds up here screamin for the road. :animatedpigeons:

It would have been a haudower the day any way.


why should it be up to you to email mr turnbull he should be giving us updates to what's happening he may be in talks with the government but its his responsibility as president of the SHU to let members know what's happening and keep us updated

Maybe there's nothing to tell, no need to waffle on like a politician.


I only emailed Gordon to simply ask if anyone is in contact from SHU


And answer was yes


Nothing will happen pre Thursday anyways so am sure we will have answers by that


p*ss poor is that is the case Andy we are aswell paying our dues to the RPRA.....


I bet that is crossing the minds of many SHU members now . RPRA seem to have been very professional in their handling and communication of the situation


I bet that is crossing the minds of many SHU members now . RPRA seem to have been very professional in their handling and communication of the situation

im a rpra member and still not been told any different from what the shu has told me no training in scotland


im a rpra member and still not been told any different from what the shu has told me no training in scotland

will you not only be an associate member tommy like me tommy


im a rpra member and still not been told any different from what the shu has told me no training in scotland


I am soley an SHU member and find the RPRA press releases far more profesional than any thing I have seen from SHU, regardless of the situation here in Scotland .


Shu has been a shambles throughout this. They will struggle to get in the office for transfer papers behind the door. Imo we should all be RPRA who have been great throughout. That being updating Web site facebook pages or even a pm or call from Ian Evans. Last update on shu website 2015 .on the upside the shu will be in a good financial position next year with minimal spend for 3 months.


Shu has been a shambles throughout this. They will struggle to get in the office for transfer papers behind the door. Imo we should all be RPRA who have been great throughout. That being updating Web site facebook pages or even a pm or call from Ian Evans. Last update on shu website 2015 .on the upside the shu will be in a good financial position next year with minimal spend for 3 months.

and a grant and no wages for 3 months


COVID - 19: Training: UPDATED 22 May 2020


This statement is based on the principles set our by the First Minister's announcement on Thursday 21 May 2020 and Friday 22 May 2020 outlining a policy for implementing Phase 1 of the easing of the lockdown policy by the Scottish Government


Individual loft training

Individual loft training will be permitted from 28 May 2020. This is based on the advice from the Scottish Government


Group Training

In Phase 1 of the Government strategy, this allows individuals to meet up with one member from a different household, while adhering to the social distancing requirements of 2 meters. Therefore group training of 2 lofts is permitted. However training in larger groups (more than two) is NOT permitted.


Addidtional Information

In no circumstances should fanciers from different lofts travel in the same vehicle.


You should also be aware that NO RACING is allowed in Phase 1 relaxing of the lockdown and I do not expect any notification to be received before the next stage of easing of restrictions takes place.


Gordon Turnbull, B.E.M.


President Scottish Homing Union



Yours sincerely



Mrs Linda Brooks

Scottish Homing Union Secretary


great news so whats the plan now are we racing old birds or just youngbirds as no point in training old birds that are not going to get racing and what is the plan with the SNFC are we channel racing or not or are we putting national racing back a month and taking it from there all things we need to know now so we know how to proceed in our own lofts


COVID - 19: Training: UPDATED 22 May 2020


This statement is based on the principles set our by the First Minister's announcement on Thursday 21 May 2020 and Friday 22 May 2020 outlining a policy for implementing Phase 1 of the easing of the lockdown policy by the Scottish Government


Individual loft training

Individual loft training will be permitted from 28 May 2020. This is based on the advice from the Scottish Government


Group Training

In Phase 1 of the Government strategy, this allows individuals to meet up with one member from a different household, while adhering to the social distancing requirements of 2 meters. Therefore group training of 2 lofts is permitted. However training in larger groups (more than two) is NOT permitted.


Addidtional Information

In no circumstances should fanciers from different lofts travel in the same vehicle.


You should also be aware that NO RACING is allowed in Phase 1 relaxing of the lockdown and I do not expect any notification to be received before the next stage of easing of restrictions takes place.


Gordon Turnbull, B.E.M.


President Scottish Homing Union



Yours sincerely



Mrs Linda Brooks

Scottish Homing Union Secretary

Ok so we're allowed to train but at what distance Nicola was quite clear in her statement about a 5 mile radius from your home

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