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About walterboswell59

  • Birthday 09/12/1953

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    jan aarden man

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walterboswell59's Achievements

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High Ranking (7/8)

  1. and been taking stock of how my new team of sprint middle distance birds have been doing since ive had enough of the hassle of cross channel racing so i have been building this team of John Short Pigeons for just over three and a half years winning over 20 firsts in club 14 first west sections in the fed from Wooler to Guernsey and over 2000 pounds in Snfc inland Nationals this season these birds have won 7 first club 3 2nd club 4 3rd club plus minor tickets in the first six ten club Trophies inc yearling Ave Old Bird Ave and Combined Ave Six fed Trophies inc first yearling Billericay Lanarkshire Federation Inland Average four first sections four second sections and two third sections and i am delighted considering i had my worse youngbird season for years after my worse toss ever early on in the Season Thankyou to John Short for the outstanding Pigeons the help and advice over the past few years and having my back when i needed your help thanks pal
  2. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Green and Son 1031 1012 1003 1001 5th Alan Nelson 991 6th Walter Boswell 977 Alan Nelson wins all pools well done alan and well done James and Gary on a Great youngbird Season well done guys well thats it for another year guys a bad race and bad returns all round the fed im told will get club and fed trophy winner on as soon as i get the info cheers for now
  3. well done Rab chuffed for ye pal
  4. 1st Walter Boswell 1231 2nd Green and Son 1216 3rd Green and Son 1215 4th Green and Son 1214 5th Green and Son 1214 6th Green and Son 1214 Walter Boswell wins all pools well done to James and Gary great race guys returns were good in club even though 90 per cent of the birds came out the north so well done the Lanarkshire Race Team just one to go and im in second place in the fed Leader board but ill not be emptying the loft to win a Trophy got to think of next year if its for ye its for ye
  5. that could bring a reported youngbird up to Scotland gladly help with fuel phone me 01698 427551 thankyou
  6. 1st James McMillan 1320 2nd Green and Son 1304 3rd Green and Son 1285 4th Walter Boswell 1285 5th Green and Son 1283 6th Alan Nelson 1276 well done jimmy looks like a section winner and well done james and Gary winning all pools returns were mixed at checking some good some not
  7. forgot to say well done the fed race team great returns ive 32 from 33 most in club the same
  8. first fifteen positions in Burnbank club plus the pools and loft to ko were won by James and Gary Green vel 1279 Brilliant flying lads well deserved result by good doo men very well done to both of you
  9. Friday Saturday and Sunday would a Sunday Race from Otterburn showing good for sunday be a better option of course it could change again but at the moment looks a far better option jmo what do you think looks like a race controllers nightmare
  10. just been told after i had put the result on theres a mistake with the pools James and Gary green win all pools sorry lads can only go with what info im told but no problem its sorted well done
  11. 1st Alan Nelson 1250 2nd Green and Son 1248 3rd Green and Son 1248 4th Green and Son 1248 5th Green and Son 1246 6th Green and Son 1245 Walter Boswell wins all pools well done Alan James and Gary
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