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Congratulations Alex, long may you continue
Copied from Facebook Howdy folks. Here's a story of a fancier from Annan...Andy Muir.....told by the bard himself, Billy Wortley, thanks again Billy. 1 / 3 Andy Muir Within this article we reflect on Andy Muir, who was a quality fancier, he housed Kirkpatrick x Logan x Stoddart bloodlines and competed into Annan in the mid part of the last century. Andy was reared on the family farm in Annan. He was disabled from birth, having been born with a physical weakness down one side of his body, which caused him to have a severe limp. In adult life he and his brother worked the small farm and additionally sold coal and vegetables around the town. Will Muir bagged the coal at the Railway Station and delivered it on a horse drawn flat top lorry. Andy meanwhile, grew vegetables on the farm and similar to his brother, delivered the produce to his regular customers by horse drawn vehicle. They were well known and popular in the town and worked ever so hard to earn a living. Notwithstanding his disability, Andy was a superb fancier who was ‘always there or there about’ in Classic competition. He participated in the Fancy for 43 years and through successive seasons until he disposed of his pigeons in 1969, he scored prominently from the National year after year including being 1st, 2nd twice 3rd, 4th, 5th etc. Section and 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 6th, twice 7th etc. Open from Rennes and twice 1st, 2nd, twice 3rd, 6th etc. Section and twice 3rd, 4th, 7th, twice 8th etc. Open from Nantes. He first came to National prominence in 1934 when he was 1st Section 2nd Open from Rennes. On that occasion no birds were home on the night and on the morning of the second day he was bringing the cows in for milking when he sighted a pigeon on the loft roof. At his own pace he continued to take the cows down the road into the byre and having chained them in their stalls, made his way to the loft, which was located in a field behind the farm, to clock the pigeon. He couldn’t hurry, due to his disability but eventually timed the pigeon to be 1st Section 2nd Open on 761ypm, beaten by one yard by Frame and Cochrane from Strathaven. The winning pigeon was a 1930 Mealy cock that was 24th Open Rennes 1931 and 32nd Open Nantes 1932. He was from a daughter of J.Crail’s Van Cutsem Blue cock that was 7th Open Rennes when he was paired to an introduction from Capt. W.D. Lea Rayner. John Crail, incidentally was a Chemist who had a shop on the High Street and was one of several professional people who participated in the fancy in the town at the time. The Dam of the 2nd Open Rennes was bred by Andy’s fellow Club member, Will Robertson. Andy was a close friend of Jos Aitchison and his post-war team had a strong influence of the J.B. Joel Logan’s of Jos Aitchison, indeed when his birds were sold by auction in 1969 Ref. ‘A’ pigeon in the Sale List was a Mealy Cock bred by Jos Aitchison, being a three quarter bred Joel Logan. In 1931 Jos Aitchison was 22nd Open Rennes with a Dark Hen that was the product of an egg purchased from Solly Joel. In 1936 this same hen was 1st Section, 1st Open from Nantes. In 1936 also, a direct daughter of the Nantes winner won the Section from Rennes. The Mealy cock that was owned by Andy Muir was received as a gift from Jos Aitchison in 1951, when only a squeaker. It flew Rennes in 1953 and was just out of the prize list and the following season competed from Nantes and was 161st Open. In 1955 it went back to Nantes and was right up with the leaders but didn’t get a position as the Railway Company failed to deliver the clock on time for checking. In 1956 it went back to Nantes and was 1st Section 4th Open when there were only ten birds home in race time. Ref. ‘B’ in the Sale List was Blue Chequer cock ‘3605’, which was a Stoddart bred by Willie Patterson from Ayr. Robert Stoddart suffered from a debilitating skin disease, which bound him to his bedroom, wrapped in bandages. In such circumstance he required ‘hands on’ assistance at the loft, which was provided by friend Willie Patterson. Following Wartime Service, RMS Queen Mary and 2 / 3 Queen Elizabeth underwent interior refurbishment in Southampton Docks and Willie Patterson was one of hundreds of Scots who travelled South to work on the liners on behalf of John Brown Shipbuilders. Whilst in ‘digs’ at Southampton, Willie visited Vic Robinson and he and the legendary English fancier became close friends. The friendship was such that Willie said that he would speak to Robert Stoddart on return to Scotland, to see if the two fanciers could exchange youngsters. Youngsters were exchanged and amongst the pigeons produced that contained Stoddart bloodlines was Dark Chequer W.F. Hen ‘Mademoiselle’, which was 2nd Open N.F.C. Pau in 1954 and 1st Open from the equivalent event in 1955. We all recognise the importance of a cross into an inbred family to provide hybrid vigour but on producing ‘Mademoiselle’, Vic Robinson didn’t use the Stoddart imports as a cross into his family but instead used his family as a cross into the Stoddart’s. ‘3605’ proved to be a fabulous breeder for Andy Muir, leaving a host of winners. It should be understood, however, it contained the very best of Stoddart lines. His Sire was a grandson of the ‘Dollar Cock’, brother of ‘Dandy Boy’ on the Sire’s side whilst the Paternal Grand Dam contained the lines of ‘Air Mail’ and ‘Fidelity’. Dam of ‘3605’ contained the lines of ‘Dandy Boy’ and the ‘Ghent Hen’. Ref. ‘C’ in Andy Muir’s Sale List was Red Chequer cock ‘2078’, which was bred from Ref. ‘B’ above, when paired to ‘4074’, which was bred from a direct Kirkpatrick hen closely related to ‘Galabank Supreme’ when coupled to Ref. A’ above. ‘2078’ proved to be a superb stock pigeon being Sire of a number of channel winners including 3rd Open Nantes, and 3rd, 11th and 25th Open Rennes. Ref. ‘D’ in the Sale List was a Red Chequer hen, which was another Kirkpatrick, being bred from a son of ‘Galabank Remembrance, that was 3rd Open S.N.F.C. Rennes for Mrs. Kirkpatrick when paired to a Red hen that was bred from a son of ‘Galabank Supreme’ when paired to the super Red hen that John Kirkpatrick obtained from Jock Reid from Stenhousemuir, which was a sister to the breeder’s 2nd Open Rennes. Red Hen, Ref. ‘D’ was described by Andy as the best stock hen he ever owned. Amongst other Kirkpatrick pigeons used by Andy Muir was Red Hen ‘29’, which was bred by Willie Graham and was a direct daughter of Willie’s great stock cock ‘5355’. Over the months before John Kirkpatrick’s death, Willie Graham assisted the Master to look after his pigeons and through the friendship obtained the very best of Kirkpatrick bloodlines. ‘5355’ was bred from a son of ‘Galabank King’, which was 2nd Open S.N.F.C. Rennes when paired to a daughter of ‘Galabank Duke’ that was 2nd Open S.N.F.C. Nantes. ‘5355’ was sire and grandsire of a host of channel winners including 9th Section 24th Open Rennes for Willie Graham, 4th Section 11th Open Rennes for Irving and Johnstone, 1st Section 7th Open Rennes for Andy Muir, 2nd Section 2nd Open Nantes for Dick Lupton, 1st Fed. Guernsey for J.Rae, Kirkoswald, 7th Fed Guernsey for Dobie Brothers etc. Andy’s birds were at all times in superb order, being brought into condition at home, around the loft, as he didn’t have a car. The loft was immaculately clean, the birds were bathed in the loft, once a week and the water was then used to scrub the loft until the floor boards were white. He was a dedicated supporter of the S.N.F.C. and over the years won The News of the World Cup for the best average from Rennes and Nantes, The Mrs. H.A. French Rose Bowl for the best average from Rennes with two Nominated pigeons and the E.R. Williamson Trophy for the best average from Nantes with two Nominated pigeons. He was a very intelligent man and I recollect Matt Jamieson telling me that on one occasion, when he attended an S.N.F.C. Management Committee Meeting, the Secretary showed the Committee a letter that had been written to him by Andy, which pointed out an error in a Race Result and made the observation that it was the best hand writing he had ever 3 / 3 seen. Each Saturday night Andy cycled to Swordwell to visit Jos Aitchison and the two friends sat round the fire and talked ‘pigeons’. At that time Tommy Morgan from Airdrie occasionally visited Annan to fish the River and when he was in the town he joined Jos and Andy at Swordwell; ‘oh to have been a fly on the wall’. Our older readers might recollect that Tommy Morgan owned the great pigeon ‘Agnes’, which was sold to Doctor Rigg in 1945 for £500. When I was in my mid-teens I used to go to the loft of George Hind and Jim Crombie to watch their birds return from the Nationals. Andy Muir’s loft was across the road and over the field from Hind and Crombie’s and at the time, a fancier from Central Scotland used to come to Annan on the nights of the Nationals to sit with Andy at his loft in the field to watch his entry return. When he heard of a pigeon being timed into Annan he made his way to the local phone box and called home, believe me, the atmosphere was ‘magic’. I publish with this article, photographs of several Andy Muir pigeons. The first photo is of the Mealy cock that was 2nd Open Rennes 1934. I include a photo also of, Chequer cock ‘1169, which contained Kirkpatrick bloodlines; he scored from the channel on four occasions with his best position being 2nd Section 7th Open Rennes. Publish also a photo of Red Cock ‘682’, which contained the best of Kirkpatrick lines, his grandsire being ‘5355’. ‘682’ was a prolific winner with his best position being 1st Section 7th Open Rennes. Include also a photo of Blue Pied Hen ‘Andy’s Pride’ that scored in the Club on several occasions and after having flown Rennes was so fancied that she was ‘put by’ for stock. I also include a photo of Jos Aitchison’s 1936 Nantes National winner, to provide our readers with an indication of the quality of the base bloodlines. Due to failing health Andy Muir parted with his pigeons in December 1969, the team being sold by Auction in London by Frank Hall. Following the death of Will and Andy the larger of their fields was sold and is now the site of a Tesco Supermarket. I should add that it was said locally at the time that the amount paid by the supermarket giant for the field was a sum beyond Will and Andy’s wildest dreams. The field behind the farm was also sold and is now called Muirfield Gardens, being home to houses for Senior Citizens. Each time I pass the site I reflect on the superb loft of pigeons that occupied the site and reflect also on Andy Muir, a real gentleman and very talented fancier.
Congratulations Alex and well done. We at Pigeon Basics are always happy to support your business
Today marks me going into my 11th year of self employment. And RV WOODCRAFT LTD celebrates 25 years in business. We have supplied customers all over the world, which is testomy to the effort that goes into manufacturing customers orders. It’s been a roller coaster, but what business doesn’t experience that. We survived covid, which was no mean feat, but we are still going strong. It wouldn’t have been possible, without my employees who done an amazing job in their time with me, and were often pushed to the limits. I’ve had 5 units where we have worked, but landlords greed, made me do away with them. I now work mainly on my own, with help from my son Mackenzie, and friends Mark Wilson, Brian Fairfull, Kevin Wilson, when needed, they have never let me down, and I’m forever grateful. However there is one person who I’m forever indebted to, my wife, friend and sole mate Karin. Without her support there would definitely be no business. She continues to support me, through thick and thin, as well as doing my books. And lastly a massive thank to every single customer who has used my services, good bad or indifferent. With those, again, I wouldn’t be here today. The future looks bright, and will continue to benefit from all our hard work over the years. So here’s to the next 25 years. 😊
- Last week
Copied from Facebook The Late Geoff Kirkland was a highly respected and influential figure in the world of pigeon racing. He was known for his exceptional skills and contributions to the sport. Geoff won numerous prestigious races, including the NFC/BICC/BBC and MNFC grandslam. He also authored a book, produced films, and shared his knowledge through teaching, significantly impacting pigeon racing. Geoff served as the president of the National Flying Club (NFC) of Great Britain. His dedication and achievements earned him iconic status among pigeon fanciers. #pigeon @followers
Chryston homing society Presentation of prizes and social evening. Buffet and raffle. Auchengeich miners welfare club. 7.30 start entry free. Wee are having a first wee presentation for some time at the geich club if you are free on Friday night why not come along for a few hours and a pint with some fellow fanciers.
Future Auctions/Sales On Basics
sapper756 replied to sapper756's topic in The Rules & How to Sell on Pigeonbasics
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Congratulations Sophie and Jensen, wishing all the best for the coming season
Fanciers, North West Federation will be running a breeder buyer competition this coming season. Sponsored by Pigeon Botanics & Coxydene Farm Feeds respectively. Sale will run from sunday 30th March, until the following Sunday, through pigeon basics. Although I can take phone bids until the final hour of the sale in which it's then only through the site. Competition is open to all Scottish Federations and performances will be based on fed program , snfc young bird national & snrpc young bird national. their will be an inscribed trophy for the fancier flying the winning pigeon. £1000 first prize split 50/50 breeder& buyer £50 voucher for Coxydene farm feeds plus £100 worth of supplements curtousy of kevin winter at Pigeon Botanics. All awarded to the fancier racing the pigeon Some of the elite fanciers across the UK have already donated young birds inc Mark Gilbert Les Green Micky Betts Mark Bulled Mike Parker The list goes on... if interested text myself Allan Orr Laurieston HS on 079212 24708
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£30,000 + vat. + auctioneers costs.
This is an other special pigeon that was given to me from my old pal jokey Robertson. He claims this pigeon is better than mikes memory. with the results he had over one season this doo was 4th open 3rd section roye. This doo has also become a top breeding pigeon he’s produced some good winning ybs. Let’s see how his baby’s do this year
Look at this old cock 16 years old still healthy just doesn’t fill eggs no more this cock won the national for my old mate jokey Robertson then he gave me him along with some other cracking stock doos wen I started in 2018 wen he come to fly with me 😎