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  1. Whereabouts in the country are you Matthew?
  2. A member of my club has had all his youngsters and stock birds stolen, as well as virtually new baskets, would you all keep your eyes open please I have attached a ring list of the birds that are missing ( Bob had lost only 6 of the youngsters from his original list of 39) 33 young birds and 8 pairs of stock - Owner Bob McGillicuddy
  3. Have you tried the text reporting system?
  4. Facebook - the downfall of pigeon racing Full of lies and hatred, it is an awful platform for pigeon racing. Because of health issues I am a member of several helpful and supportive health groups, but otherwise it seems to be full of evil
  5. Lost 2 hens and had further attacks, youngsters have only been out once, on Sunday and hens were attacked later in the day on return from a dreadful training toss where I think they were hit en route as well. I used to have an Owl CD but can't find it. Can anybody help?
  6. You can buy plastic eggs - to replace the real eggs, the doves will happily sit them for 3 weeks until they fail to hatch, you can do this ad infinitum - taking away the newly laid eggs each time. If your birds have never been let out from their current (new) abode you may have a problem with trying to settle them to where they now live. Do you have any wicker baskets? They need to see the outside of their home without at first being given their freedom
  7. So sorry to hear the news, Goodnight God Bless George xx
  8. It's a nightmare trying to get the insurance cover, our current insurance broker said they can't get us insurance, so we have now asked another - they just leave you high and dry! Our last insurance cost over £300 and we have never made a claim (that's more than twice as much as my building and contents insurance for my home)
  9. Your thoughts, daily reports of the odd bluetongue in animals seems to be taking priority over reports of Avian flu via APHA/ DEFRA does that mean there aren't any cases as opposed to aren't being reported or investigated? Has anybody noticed any cases in Europe of bird flu. It seems strange going from 200+ cases to next to none - not that I am complaining!
  10. I can't remember the last time I went, my other half has been twice without me, including 2023! I don't think I will be going this year My other half may well go on his own ... again ...... 🤐
  11. One of our club members lost theirs and the replacement was priced at £234 in late 2022 by UNIKON
  12. Evidently it is only in France as they don't use the system in the way they were intended. (Manually use the information, not electronically, that information was from another pigeon site)
  13. The racing in Cumbria always seems to be decimated each year, quite early on, and there doesn't seem to be many fanciers in the area now. It must be very disheartening for them.
  14. Just noticed, you mean Scotland to Scotland - so "no" to that, but if they are delivering within Scotland, they may pick up and collect, you can only ask
  15. Highflyers - it says from Inverness to Penzance on their website - online bookings, I have used them once https://www.highflyersukcouriers.com/
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