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Veteran of the Loft!

Veteran of the Loft! (6/8)

  1. RIP Jacko. Condolences to the family.
  2. Great team performance 👍
  3. I managed to get in touch with an official of The ALL ENGLAND ROLLER CLUB and he said he would get back to me this evening.
  4. The bird AERC 2023 7268 is in a loft in Dundee. According to the SHU the ring was issued by THE ALL ENGLAND ROLLER CLUB, the phone number I was given was for the past secretary who is no longer involved. Does anyone know the current secretaries number ? Thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks also to past national winner, Iain Scott, Forfar who is kindly donating a youngster.
  6. CPH number, vaccination sheet and Vet visitation attestation form.
  7. It is with sadness that I inform the fancy of the passing of George Briggs this afternoon.
  8. It would have been easily missed as it wasn't listed with the other Nantes winners. It's good that the SNFC are going to have a 600 mile race in 2024. Good luck to you in the coming season, you did well last year 👍. Cheers Brian Donnelly, Dundee.
  9. It was flown in 2000 - W & S Aitchison, Eyemouth won the race.
  10. Well done the Coutts Brothers, delighted for you !👍
  11. Rest in peace, condolences to the family.
  12. Rest in peace George, condolences to the family.
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