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About greenlands

  • Birthday 05/25/1945

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  • Location
    West Cumbria.
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  1. Happy birthday Archie,have a good day.
  2. Sad to read that the Pigeon Chat site is closing down,been a member since 2008.
  3. Might be of interest to some.
  4. Two editions of the BHW are free on the R P R A website.
  5. Some cracking local photos tonight,here's one I thought you might like. Looking over the Solway Firth. (Not my photo )
  6. Young boy brought the pigeon to me,said it had been hit by a car,sorry, did not survive. Blue pied hen. SU23.7186
  7. I haven't got the bird Andy,a fancier down West has it,I have passed info on to her.
  8. Bird came in monday with yb racers in cumbria SU 22 G 1076 cheq hen looks like it been out a bit please get intouch if it's yours.
  9. One clocked about a mile from me 13:26:34.hrs
  10. My measurements about 365 ml,wind here very strong South,if it's like this down the Country they'll should do a good time. PS.I've nowt away.
  11. Sorry....Forgot to say In a South wind.
  12. Cumbria Combine libertated at 07:00 hrs Guernsey.
  13. Happy birthday Archie.Hope it's a good'n pal.
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