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Well done everyone but this is not level playing field farcical to be called a national

Maybe we should have a nat that dusnae include some of the nation? Would that be a national? Or maybe make it easier by moving the race point to somewhere some areas would be disadvantaged? Maybe we could have loads of races from all points and work out the best from that?? Do you think the average result would be much diffo from the norm? Give us some clues on how we should move forward. The race from Buckingham has quite a good spread of sections thru the leaders with te exception of the far west.....in a fresh west wind...unless we let them up on dead calm days or a fresh south wind I fear we might go around in circles

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Maybe we should have a nat that dusnae include some of the nation? Would that be a national? Or maybe make it easier by moving the race point to somewhere some areas would be disadvantaged? Maybe we could have loads of races from all points and work out the best from that?? Do you think the average result would be much diffo from the norm? Give us some clues on how we should move forward. The race from Buckingham has quite a good spread of sections thru the leaders with te exception of the far west.....in a fresh west wind...unless we let them up on dead calm days or a fresh south wind I fear we might go around in circles

Dry you eyes expletive remove min. gee the birds that did well a bit o justice eh. It's good when touch get going. Well done all who timed brilliant. :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:

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Guest mambo

Well done everyone but this is not level playing field farcical to be called a national

Would agree totally great race for the north flying 100 miles more yet the velocity is killing them some are only flying 230 mile and it is they that set the pace and velocity makes no allowance at all for tiredness, looking a Edinburgh milage 286 and king Billy's mileage 288 only 2 mile of a difference and all results favour east side should be made a 380 mile race for all,in 5 sections in 5 race points then you can go on velocities

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Dry you eyes expletive remove min. gee the birds that did well a bit o justice eh. It's good when touch get going. Well done all who timed brilliant. :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:

Am no greetin ...I agree completly

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Guest mambo

Horse racing they either all race the same distance, or they get weight lumped on, dogs racing get yards of a start yet pigeons and for some get loads of help, as you all know distance racing was for west of Scotland mainly Glasgow and Lanarkshire, it changed to be called a national with no thought given to its geography, the nat first race now should have been a 230 mile race for the north section, and 5 section's all at a race point down the road giving a race for all at 230 mile all released at one time, and every nat race there after, working on the shortest flying club there next race measurement up by 100 going 330 mile then 430, then 530 mile each of the 3-4 nat races this would be the fairest way and be then called a national

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Horse racing they either all race the same distance, or they get weight lumped on, dogs racing get yards of a start yet pigeons and for some get loads of help, as you all know distance racing was for west of Scotland mainly Glasgow and Lanarkshire, it changed to be called a national with no thought given to its geography, the nat first race now should have been a 230 mile race for the north section, and 5 section's all at a race point down the road giving a race for all at 230 mile all released at one time, and every nat race there after, working on the shortest flying club there next race measurement up by 100 going 330 mile then 430, then 530 mile each of the 3-4 nat races this would be the fairest way and be then called a national



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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