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About TheHigg

  • Birthday 05/11/1965

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Veteran of the Loft!

Veteran of the Loft! (6/8)

  1. Can't be at newmains and blantyre at 9.30
  2. Can someone please tell me where I can get this done cheers
  3. Does carluke still open on a Wednesday night for feeding and what's the times if they doo cheers
  4. TheHigg


    Well done josey bhoy
  5. 7 from 12 with Lanarkshire think I'll have to shut up shop till next year
  6. Very well done Walter and all that's timed horrible night now
  7. Still waiting on 2 from 30 took all day though first time on the transporter
  8. One at 43 4 at 47 and 1 just dropped anyone want to buy any ets rings haha
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