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North Of Scot Fed Dunfermiline 2 Y/b 23/08/19


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Great decision to delay, Saturday morning we have full cloud cover, it's cold and not looking like getting much better.

I for one don't want to sitting about hoping we get a liberation when could be doing other family things.

You guys that have commented on here should be ashamed of yourselves, support your race controller

and stop moaning about decision YOU don't agree with

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Great decision to delay, Saturday morning we have full cloud cover, it's cold and not looking like getting much better.

I for one don't want to sitting about hoping we get a liberation when could be doing other family things.

You guys that have commented on here should be ashamed of yourselves, support your race controller

and stop moaning about decision YOU don't agree with

Have spoken to lads in Dunfermline and they are just baffled like most of our fed as to why we are not there today for a race in they’re own words “ best Saturday morning they’ve seen in weeks ! Clouds on route ?? What a load o horse sh@t ! F@cking embarrassing !! Cold ?? Its 20 degrees

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Great decision to delay, Saturday morning we have full cloud cover, it's cold and not looking like getting much better.

I for one don't want to sitting about hoping we get a liberation when could be doing other family things.

You guys that have commented on here should be ashamed of yourselves, support your race controller

and stop moaning about decision YOU don't agree with

I for one is definately not ashamed the photos I see that fifer has put up , it's you that hasent a clue , if birds are going ta be of any use , surly at a hundred miles with an excellent start , I don't care where you stay , every bloody race birds young or old has got ta go past a bit of cloud or what y mention overcast a few miles from where your at I bet it's clear as a bell , and today there's more life in the air that I've seen in weeks , what chance have our birds of coming from the ybn 400 miles with fanciers like you saying great decision because there's a wee bit of cloud , on route fan tails will home today great decision OMG

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You know this Walter it must be great to know everything about racing pigeons but this fed is 80 miles long

it's not all about Peterhead and Fraserburgh we haven't seen the sun all day and threatening to rain

I don't care fit like the weather is at Dunfermline it's definitely not racing weather hear,

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You know this Walter it must be great to know everything about racing pigeons but this fed is 80 miles long

it's not all about Peterhead and Fraserburgh we haven't seen the sun all day and threatening to rain

I don't care fit like the weather is at Dunfermline it's definitely not racing weather hear,

Don't know where you stay but if it's training yer birds from a mile from yer loft don't send ta the races , I certainly don't know everything about racing pigeons but what I definately know if they don't go away in perfect conditions there certainly won't be a race , what has the weather got ta d we yer back yard

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Found it very strange that 2 of our crates which were on the 3rd row on the transporter when it left our club last week came back in the lorry today and they were on the top tow them being replaced by Devorn Vallay crates. Only they know the reason for this is it that they want there doos off about 10 seconds before our doos I canna get my head round it. At the AGM it was proposed that we load the lorry from bottom to top side to side this has never happened the West section guys supposedly saying they have no facilities for loading the lorry up high but our club that loads the lorry on a brea in a busy road is expected to. Our club bought 2 tressils at a cost of £60 so we can load the lorry high if need be even though we are on a pretty steep brea. Even at the Fed AGM the west section of the fed could not give a explanation as to why they don't load the lorry the way it should be they are possessed about making sure they fill all the bottom rows. Me personally couldn't give a monkey's hoot what part of the lorry my birds are on they will still home regardless but what does annoy me is when a club that baskets in a great wide open space and on flat ground that says they have no facilities for putting their crates up high but they have the facilities when it's to stick another clubs crates up strange and baffling to me and you wander why the game is fckd dear me guys get a life and enjoy your doos it's only a 120 mile young bird race by God.

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Found it very strange that 2 of our crates which were on the 3rd row on the transporter when it left our club last week came back in the lorry today and they were on the top tow them being replaced by Devorn Vallay crates. Only they know the reason for this is it that they want there doos off about 10 seconds before our doos I canna get my head round it. At the AGM it was proposed that we load the lorry from bottom to top side to side this has never happened the West section guys supposedly saying they have no facilities for loading the lorry up high but our club that loads the lorry on a brea in a busy road is expected to. Our club bought 2 tressils at a cost of £60 so we can load the lorry high if need be even though we are on a pretty steep brea. Even at the Fed AGM the west section of the fed could not give a explanation as to why they don't load the lorry the way it should be they are possessed about making sure they fill all the bottom rows. Me personally couldn't give a monkey's hoot what part of the lorry my birds are on they will still home regardless but what does annoy me is when a club that baskets in a great wide open space and on flat ground that says they have no facilities for putting their crates up high but they have the facilities when it's to stick another clubs crates up strange and baffling to me and you wander why the game is fckd dear me guys get a life and enjoy your doos it's only a 120 mile young bird race by God.

Hi Robbie


Tak your point but oor club is full o pensioners and hard enough to lift the crates never mind being full wi birds uaually the guys left to load are myself 80 yrs old wi a gammy knee john mair and wullie Smith both have heart Problems jim abel mind problems and well into their seventies but today we had Ryan Hay and Alix Fulton and WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY they managed to put a couple of your empty crates up on the top with two ladders as we know you have got the facilities to cope with that. It is nothing to do wi getting an edge on you by 10 seconds we can do that sometimes withoot trying

We don't have many fit members and we always done our bit to help other members of the fed but our time has come and your will find that oot soon enough and some day some body else in the fed will bed trying to boot your ar e for not filling the lorry as was supposed to do


nothing goes to plan when you reach oor age min at good advice


I still think your a good fancier niver min fit cris Donaldon says aboot you ha ha



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Hi Robbie


Tak your point but oor club is full o pensioners and hard enough to lift the crates never mind being full wi birds uaually the guys left to load are myself 80 yrs old wi a gammy knee john mair and wullie Smith both have heart Problems jim abel mind problems and well into their seventies but today we had Ryan Hay and Alix Fulton and WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY they managed to put a couple of your empty crates up on the top with two ladders as we know you have got the facilities to cope with that. It is nothing to do wi getting an edge on you by 10 seconds we can do that sometimes withoot trying

We don't have many fit members and we always done our bit to help other members of the fed but our time has come and your will find that oot soon enough and some day some body else in the fed will bed trying to boot your ar e for not filling the lorry as was supposed to do


nothing goes to plan when you reach oor age min at good advice


I still think your a good fancier niver min fit cris Donaldon says aboot you ha ha




Giggs every club is the same nae just your club point being if we cann get tressils so can every club instead of excuses your club is properly a fitter and healthier club than ours point being if they can only reach the top when they are wanting to this is mainly directed go your club but to me the other clubs that load before you . Like I said if they loaded top to bottom left to right there would no need to use the top shelfs most weeks. By the the average age of my own club would probably be around the 70 year old mark.

Tell you fit I wid like to see fit Donaldson wid say if youse were to move their crates dear me I can hear anoo


Good luck the Morin heres hoping for good returns.


Hi Robbie


Tak your point but oor club is full o pensioners and hard enough to lift the crates never mind being full wi birds uaually the guys left to load are myself 80 yrs old wi a gammy knee john mair and wullie Smith both have heart Problems jim abel mind problems and well into their seventies but today we had Ryan Hay and Alix Fulton and WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY they managed to put a couple of your empty crates up on the top with two ladders as we know you have got the facilities to cope with that. It is nothing to do wi getting an edge on you by 10 seconds we can do that sometimes withoot trying

We don't have many fit members and we always done our bit to help other members of the fed but our time has come and your will find that oot soon enough and some day some body else in the fed will bed trying to boot your ar e for not filling the lorry as was supposed to do


nothing goes to plan when you reach oor age min at good advice


I still think your a good fancier niver min fit cris Donaldon says aboot you ha ha




Giggs every club is the same nae just your club point being if we cann get tressils so can every club instead of excuses your club is properly a fitter and healthier club than ours point being if they can only reach the top when they are wanting to this is mainly directed go your club but to me the other clubs that load before you . Like I said if they loaded top to bottom left to right there would no need to use the top shelfs most weeks. By the the average age of my own club would probably be around the 70 year old mark.

Tell you fit I wid like to see fit Donaldson wid say if youse were to move their crates dear me I can hear anoo


Good luck the Morin heres hoping for good returns.

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Giggs every club is the same nae just your club point being if we cann get tressils so can every club instead of excuses your club is properly a fitter and healthier club than ours point being if they can only reach the top when they are wanting to this is mainly directed go your club but to me the other clubs that load before you . Like I said if they loaded top to bottom left to right there would no need to use the top shelfs most weeks. By the the average age of my own club would probably be around the 70 year old mark.

Tell you fit I wid like to see fit Donaldson wid say if youse were to move their crates dear me I can hear anoo


Good luck the Morin heres hoping for good returns.




Giggs every club is the same nae just your club point being if we cann get tressils so can every club instead of excuses your club is properly a fitter and healthier club than ours point being if they can only reach the top when they are wanting to this is mainly directed go your club but to me the other clubs that load before you . Like I said if they loaded top to bottom left to right there would no need to use the top shelfs most weeks. By the the average age of my own club would probably be around the 70 year old mark.

Tell you fit I wid like to see fit Donaldson wid say if youse were to move their crates dear me I can hear anoo


Good luck the Morin heres hoping for good returns.


Your are right again wi your comments its something that crops up now and again and getting less as the years go on but I know its not right for the west to hog the first four rows but it will be all forgotten aboot next week as the birdage will be doon and there will be plenty room withoot using the top rows


I wina say ony thing bad aboot my Pal cris he sends me good doos he is top man and it would not bother him one bit as he is a very calm mannered guy ha ha

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