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Ryan Hay

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About Ryan Hay

  • Birthday 07/07/1979

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    Deveron valley
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Veteran of the Loft!

Veteran of the Loft! (6/8)

  1. Well done Jim good to see you back on top. What was the birdage lads? Seemed to be a lot of crates full last night
  2. Martin Ross has asked me to put up a post on his behalf. He has 10 show racers to give away from his prize wining birds. Collection is Banff Aberdeenshire contact Martin on 07827339510
  3. As the sale gets closer I thought I would update everyone on the sale list so far. Please if I have missed anyone out drop me a message or comment on the post. Would like to thank everyone so far for their generous offers and a special mention to the Aberdeen lads your kindness is greatly appreciated. The venue is Deveronside social club Tannery street Banff AB451ER sale commences at 12:30 with viewing from about 11:30. Teas coffees sandwiches will be provided at the interval. Anthony Woodhouse x2 D&C Mcdougall x1 Gordon Findlay x1 Gordon Willox x1 Maskame & Cordiner x2 J & J Coutts x1 E & N Yule x1 Rod Bain x2 Andy Higgins x2 Gavin Mcleod x2 John Garland x2 Andy Wilson x1 Sandy Hay x2 Ryan Hay x2 Gogs Wilson x2 Neil Raymond x2 Alex Fulton x2 Gordon Geddes x2 Paul Thomson x2 George Duncan x2 G & C Rae x2 Willie Davidson x2 Steve Taylor x2 James Cowie x2 Alan Williamson x1 Thanks again please double check the list and amount of birds donating. Also a big thanks to pigeon basics for allowing me to advertise our fed sale. appreciated Brian
  4. Thanks. Was a doddle last year vet was only here about 10 minutes max including paperwork etc . Unfortunately it's put a few lads off nationall racing up here
  5. Thankyou. We have ours on Friday was just double checking. Was planning phoning the vet but good to be prepared. Many thanks
  6. Looking for advice . If there is anyone that has had a vet visit this year what paper work do we need again? Cph number and vaccination sheet? Is that right thanks
  7. Where about in North East? Has he joined a club yet?
  8. You've already had 2 bred this way. Mind the time a was raising money to buy strips for ma bairns sports club? £10 each you would of had a couple but never did find breeding info
  9. If wasn't for hotspot 3 would of been right up in ace pigeon
  10. Aye it was unlucky. Must of lost its way in the 3td hotspot and took 7 hours every other it was right up there. And won me a fee pounds on poola
  11. Congratulations John you must know a good doo when you see it. Best of luck with it
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