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Wattie, the body of the hall only voted for racing west because it was the only programme on the table that allowed for the Fed to convoy to three races with the SNFC, if this had been included in the management committee proposal then we would have been east


The mans original proposal was incompetent with SNFC race dates wrong and a number of races where the fed could not get in, it should not have been accepted as a competent proposal by the management committee but it was and was voted in for the above reason, i.e. Convoying with the SNFC


Having then worked out what flying the adopted race programme actually meant the committee then negotiated a revised west route race programme with the proposer to include correct dates to convoy with the SNFC, they then called a second race programme meeting to vote on the original programme which had already been adopted against the negotiated and revised race programme where a straight vote was the only thing allowed and you were not allowed to speak or have any debate on this and where for me this was absolutely wrong and should never have happened


Think we need to return to accepting proposed race points from the body of the the hall on a race by race format at the race programme AGM meeting


Not withstanding the above my view is that the members who proposed racing the west route are all former members of the the Midland Fed who year on year were decimimated racing this route and should have known better, and that's putting it politely, where as such my view is that any flak that is directed at them is fully warranted because they were not thinking what was best for the birds they motivated by what they could gain




Anyways thats my last post on the topic..whats done is done.. it cant be changed.. all the best for the rest of the season.

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The body of the hall should hold their hands up then... instead of making excuses or abandoning ship.. its basically History repeating itself...for those not with selective memory.

Any North in the wind they will still come through the same route as prior weeks.


Be interesting to hear every ones returns wks 1,2 and 3 ( honest ones)

Longtown1. 21/35 (2 collected from lib)

Longtown2. 14/20 ( 2 collected at lib )

Appleby 25/31 ( last bird at 11:58)


I was always taught ..." the easiest person to fool is yourself"


Many should learn that





longtown (1)17;42

longown (2)06;12

Appleby 17;34


48 birds down 3 races all darkness birds all well trained gutted out .*expletive removed* joke

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For anyone interested Hannah & Cook at Kelso this morning sent 50 had 30 on the drop up at 7 waiting on 2 at 9

Alf it doesn't matter where you race east or west they're every where even around our own lofts and it's luck if your returns are good the games *expletive removed*

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Can I say something without getting my head bit off ....if you knew me I haven't raced young birds for at least 7year for the simple fact all the reasons you hear from each fancier bop etc now let's take a bigger picture of the bop surely it's madness training/racing when they are teaching there young to kill ..like most I do not have the answer but for argument sake just say we had a spell with no young bird racing. What would the b.o.p feed and teach there young when there's no big batches going past there hunting ground my guess is that the perigrinnes would probably go back to hunting seagulls as for the others well god help the wild birds and maybe just maybe the rspb would listen to us .that there's a big problem....ps because if we only moan to each other the problem is even bigger the following year and so on like I say I'm not the most knowledgeable guy but it's not going to get better.and surely it's worth a try . Yours in sport DOOMAN

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Race 1 68/96

Race 2 36/41

Race 3 58/66

Go to the meetings then your vote would count bring all your numbers games with you them people would see your point east or west doesn't bother me just trying to kill 2 birds with the one stone & all the very best for the rest of the season & I mean that to everyone cheers

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Sadly the only way for our sport to survive is to alter the schedule of our race programmes and breeding cycles.

We need to be completely finished with racing by mid June or early July. This can be achieved easily by racing twice weekly.

There are also unseen savings by doing this like by way of transporter insurance and others.

During the months of July and August the training of laterbred pigeons can be undertaken to help alleviate our problem.

I am sure that by managing the food chain we can reverse the trend which we see at the moment.

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Sadly the only way for our sport to survive is to alter the schedule of our race programmes and breeding cycles.

We need to be completely finished with racing by mid June or early July. This can be achieved easily by racing twice weekly.

There are also unseen savings by doing this like by way of transporter insurance and others.

During the months of July and August the training of laterbred pigeons can be undertaken to help alleviate our problem.

I am sure that by managing the food chain we can reverse the trend which we see at the moment.

Short distance yb races could be done on a Sunday on weekends where the old birds are racing Saturday. Lost weekends during nat racing early June could see a yb race in the morning....but it won't happen

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Can I say something without getting my head bit off ....if you knew me I haven't raced young birds for at least 7year for the simple fact all the reasons you hear from each fancier bop etc now let's take a bigger picture of the bop surely it's madness training/racing when they are teaching there young to kill ..like most I do not have the answer but for argument sake just say we had a spell with no young bird racing. What would the b.o.p feed and teach there young when there's no big batches going past there hunting ground my guess is that the perigrinnes would probably go back to hunting seagulls as for the others well god help the wild birds and maybe just maybe the rspb would listen to us .that there's a big problem....ps because if we only moan to each other the problem is even bigger the following year and so on like I say I'm not the most knowledgeable guy but it's not going to get better.and surely it's worth a try . Yours in sport DOOMAN

A bit of sense there an not far off the mark but it wouldnt matter what we do or what is done the rspb will not do anything to bop.an you are right the will eat everything that's about if we stopped racing pigeons for a couple of years it would not make any difference to perrigrines .a spoke to a falconeer who looks after bop an she told me rspb have decimated the British isles with perrigrines an theyr killing everything including other bop she didn't know I was a doorman an said when the pigeon racing is finished theyr killing every other bird same as you mate a don't know the answer .

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Race 1 68/96

Race 2 36/41

Race 3 58/66

Go to the meetings then your vote would count bring all your numbers games with you them people would see your point east or west doesn't bother me just trying to kill 2 birds with the one stone & all the very best for the rest of the season & I mean that to everyone cheers



Very true.. we dont go to many if any meetings...mistake on our part. We were among the many that didnt think the members would ever go back to where they had 2 egm's prior to change..

I can hold my hands up.. i dont vote 90% of the time.


As for numbers game.

We have both lost around 30% of our doos entries from 100 miles

That may be exceptable for some ..not for me.... there are many that would love only 30% lost.

Thats the guys i feel for.


Atb thomas.. u owe me a pint! 😉

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Short distance yb races could be done on a Sunday on weekends where the old birds are racing Saturday. Lost weekends during nat racing early June could see a yb race in the morning....but it won't happen

You have just stated the bare bones of a solution. Look how many transporters lie idle during the National season.

Unfortunately we need co ordination at National level.

We could resolve the issue within Scotland but I also believe that the SHU President is also President or Chairman of the confederation. That , as far as I am concerned, is an excellent opportunity to take the matter forward.

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Very true.. we dont go to many if any meetings...mistake on our part. We were among the many that didnt think the members would ever go back to where they had 2 egm's prior to change..

I can hold my hands up.. i dont vote 90% of the time.


As for numbers game.

We have both lost around 30% of our doos entries from 100 miles

That may be exceptable for some ..not for me.... there are many that would love only 30% lost.

Thats the guys i feel for.


Atb thomas.. u owe me a pint! 😉

Your always made welcome in Newmains as any members who have come up for a pint will tell you if it wasn't for the crack in the doo club I wouldn't keep doos Cheers

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This emphasises about the amount of clashing going on as well.The NW fed got a cracking race this morning also.

The 3 youngsters that sat on the neighbours roof last night I got them in this morning Derek expecting them to be Lanarkshire

but they were 1x Lanarkshire

1x Ayrshire

1x almond valley

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The 3 youngsters that sat on the neighbours roof last night I got them in this morning Derek expecting them to be Lanarkshire

but they were 1x Lanarkshire

1x Ayrshire

1x almond valley

2x lan birds here this morning will be on route now

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Wattie, the body of the hall only voted for racing west because it was the only programme on the table that allowed for the Fed to convoy to three races with the SNFC, if this had been included in the management committee proposal then we would have been east


The mans original proposal was incompetent with SNFC race dates wrong and a number of races where the fed could not get in, it should not have been accepted as a competent proposal by the management committee but it was and was voted in for the above reason, i.e. Convoying with the SNFC


Having then worked out what flying the adopted race programme actually meant the committee then negotiated a revised west route race programme with the proposer to include correct dates to convoy with the SNFC, they then called a second race programme meeting to vote on the original programme which had already been adopted against the negotiated and revised race programme where a straight vote was the only thing allowed and you were not allowed to speak or have any debate on this and where for me this was absolutely wrong and should never have happened


Think we need to return to accepting proposed race points from the body of the the hall on a race by race format at the race programme AGM meeting


Not withstanding the above my view is that the members who proposed racing the west route are all former members of the the Midland Fed who year on year were decimimated racing this route and should have known better, and that's putting it politely, where as such my view is that any flak that is directed at them is fully warranted because they were not thinking what was best for the birds they motivated by what they could gain

Well said Dave

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Can I say something without getting my head bit off ....if you knew me I haven't raced young birds for at least 7year for the simple fact all the reasons you hear from each fancier bop etc now let's take a bigger picture of the bop surely it's madness training/racing when they are teaching there young to kill ..like most I do not have the answer but for argument sake just say we had a spell with no young bird racing. What would the b.o.p feed and teach there young when there's no big batches going past there hunting ground my guess is that the perigrinnes would probably go back to hunting seagulls as for the others well god help the wild birds and maybe just maybe the rspb would listen to us .that there's a big problem....ps because if we only moan to each other the problem is even bigger the following year and so on like I say I'm not the most knowledgeable guy but it's not going to get better.and surely it's worth a try . Yours in sport DOOMAN


Like you I do not race YB's for the same reasons. I think you have a valid point, but there are other points that require to be sorted as well. :)

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For anyone interested Hannah & Cook at Kelso this morning sent 50 had 30 on the drop up at 7 waiting on 2 at 9

alan someone always gets a good race m8 have a look on here at the velocity some clubs are doing from kelso 800 700 600 for a 50 0r 60 mile race kelso is no much better pal plus the guys racing from these race points are not saying what they are losing all im trying to put across is the problem is not going to go away just because we go east if we vote to go east next year we have to sort the problem now before we decide where we are racing from and i dont care if its east or west im just not kidded that going east solves the problem because when we move so does percy or they starve once you get over the 100 or so miles the losses on both east and west are about the same for me its looking like there are much more bop about this season than before paul big davie and yourself all have valid points but untill we all tackle the real problem we are kidding our self that somewhere else will be better yes it might have been in the past but not anymore i want to race my birds where it is safest and just now no where is safe and some places are much worse than others i agree with davie that we should vote our races in one by one from the body of the hall no matter the route picking races where the returns have been best no matter how long it takes there is no easy fix here as some would have us think not until we sort the real problem this is just my opinion and i will comment no more on the east or west p h till we work together and solve the real problem instead of guys arguing and looking after there own interests

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Wattie, the body of the hall only voted for racing west because it was the only programme on the table that allowed for the Fed to convoy to three races with the SNFC, if this had been included in the management committee proposal then we would have been east


The mans original proposal was incompetent with SNFC race dates wrong and a number of races where the fed could not get in, it should not have been accepted as a competent proposal by the management committee but it was and was voted in for the above reason, i.e. Convoying with the SNFC


Having then worked out what flying the adopted race programme actually meant the committee then negotiated a revised west route race programme with the proposer to include correct dates to convoy with the SNFC, they then called a second race programme meeting to vote on the original programme which had already been adopted against the negotiated and revised race programme where a straight vote was the only thing allowed and you were not allowed to speak or have any debate on this and where for me this was absolutely wrong and should never have happened


Think we need to return to accepting proposed race points from the body of the the hall on a race by race format at the race programme AGM meeting


Not withstanding the above my view is that the members who proposed racing the west route are all former members of the the Midland Fed who year on year were decimimated racing this route and should have known better, and that's putting it politely, where as such my view is that any flak that is directed at them is fully warranted because they were not thinking what was best for the birds they motivated by what they could gain

why they voted that way makes no difference davie the point is they did m8 what i cant my head around is why we went back the following week to a place that nearly cleaned out the fed no matter what route it was on a meeting should have been called last week if no one was prepared to stand up and say we are not going back there imo f k the stupid politics the pigeons come first no matter what

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I have to say i have been involved in pigeon racing for a long time now but i can never remember the losses being as bad as they are this year in the Lanarkshire fed

I hope the people that wanted to race down the west are happy that they have wyped out a lot of lofts this year and probably a few people more will chuck it because of the losses too..

But why the fk we went back to Longtown last week after the disaster we had in the 1st race i will never know....

Agree the route is to blame all day long mate.ðŸºðŸº

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