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  1. Roland


    I think France will be the winners of the 'Grand Slam' and 'Triple Crown'. Mind who knows what 'Jonesy Boy' has up his sleeve - if anything but a arm. Wales went back to physical and raw proffessionliam and Englang held on.
  2. Roland


    Well done the Scots. England won everything barr the game lol ... and the ref. Who I thought was mostly pretty good. But credit where credit is due, the spolils belond to the victor, so enjoy Scotland. i will say too... whilst on the subject, that Scotland have improved tremedously over the last two seasom. So well done.
  3. Great looker. A winner in a show and fantastic flyer to boot eh! Great to see and hear. Plus of course ' Under a Good Management'! Eh!
  4. Great. Really nice to see. Looking like one wants their birds to be! Makes me miss my birds big time.
  5. Roland


    Yep, March. Two rounds and all fl the whole programme. From the shortest to the longest ... but not neccesarily every race, Traing! Never done back in the 50-mid 60's. That started when the Trains lines closed in many racess, and some wanted 'Other's' wanted others tppay their fuel. Whether they went the same place to be released is often doubted... released on way back!
  6. Roland


    I think 'SHOULD' would be more appropiate. Never known them too yet! Just 2 individuals as I know off. One threathened court proceedings, they RPRA renegaded. the other went to court and won the cas1
  7. The page - all pages have a x or a delete option there. Just a click and it's gone. We are creatures of habbits. We hate change. Then become a creature again f habbit... even if eventually a new one.
  8. Lots of moans and whinging eh! Oh, sorry! It's only to be expected, after all it is a Pigeon site. If only they put their' whining to good use and stand up and be counted in regards improving the very fundemental basis of our so call sport and put as much energy in trying to improve that! But then that never happens year after year, so it will stay the same. Why moan at the ones trying to bring together a decent site,and a way forward for a betterment via decent and honest fanciers eh Why not whinge and moan at the the Ruling bodies, whilst from club to national level they take the pee and our money! Strewth!
  9. Same here greenlands. regards Edit. Pleased to hear the op has been done. Now time to heal and mend. Best wishes mate. Then tried the three dots again as I wanted to see if it worked when on the page.. Three dots gave me edit. So that's good... Especially for me as I have to use 'Edit' often lol.
  10. Nice that we have a warning of what may come to be. Thanks.
  11. Why Andy? lol . Would It would only be used to see if their ears aren't listening, and seek others to take control and put forward good ideas - also to be forgotton lol. Best wait till the new race season has started ... then words of promise prevail, with no come back, or anything to be answerable to eh!
  12. Yes the racing has closed. Some preparing for the 'Shows'. But very few will even bother to think od a way to improve, or help the fancier over the nexts months. Yes! for sure will hear the moans and what should/could be done - and let's face it there are very, very many things that want sorting. Ideas put forwars and test. But then maybe I'd be better off selling 'Cushions' for bums to to sit their bums on while the twiddle their thumbs! Indeed charge just a £1 for every whinge or moan, and the fancy would be very well off! Especially if the whinger didn't follow through and had to pay another £1 for doing NOWT!
  13. A decent and cost effective start for any new comer. Or one improving what they have eh?!
  14. Ole I love them. Always have loved Reds and Grizzles. Red Grizzle too of course.
  15. Roland

    Pop ups

    Of course mate. All the best, every penny a prisoner, especially when Fifer is the payer.
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