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Really gutted for you Dav, just read your BHW report and feel inspired for the season ahead, our birds have been locked up since September and we started letting them out in mid January and they don't got out every day and we have been hit 5 times, it is sole destroying.

The good dye young.


had an attack 2 weeks ago by a male goshawk ,it went crazy after birds,caught a latebred, managed to chase it off,picked up the l/b,went back up to the loft and the vermin had caught our best channel bird last year and eaten the back of its neck,never thought he would survive but he has so lucky i suppose ,the next day i looked out of the window and saw a female goshawk on the trap trying to get in..about 1 metre long from head to tail.frightning to say the least,birds haven,t been out since,,,. :emoticon-0179-headbang:


That's what the sport has come to and you must be gutted losing a performance pigeon


Unlike many others I am sure you will have a few of equal potential in the pipeline.


Not good david and terrible to lose a top performer but a replacement will be there. :partick-thistle-Crest:

my time will come, iv only to be lucky once. and it has got to be lucky all the time


Really sickening when we're losing birds like this around the loft before we have even got to racing yet and all best laid plans up in smoke :(

wait till the y/bs are in the sky.in a word carnage, :emoticon-0179-headbang:


We are getting hit by a hen sparra every day just now 4 of us at our place but we are the only ones trying to do something about it

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