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I used to take either a day or half day off work to do marking and stayed to load transporter , getting home sometimes in the dark . As I said it used to be an honour why not now ? Must be an answer.

thankless jobs m8 folk work in these positions Voluntary but folk that do nowt just moan and greet at them , there in lays the answer.

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Just my opinion but you can get a bit too elitist; everyone in the hall is an SNFC member and every member needs to be actively encouraged to get more involved in the running of the club, being 'brought on' to develop the skills needed to do all the jobs at marking, and shown (trained) how to do each one in the way wanted. If someone isn't a good handler, don't talk behind their back, simply tell them where they are going wrong, and point them in the right direction. I personally don't like handling other people's doos because I don't really need to catch and grip mine - even in the loft they come to hand, and they don't run in circles round the basket - but I'm sure they'll do just that when any stranger tries to get them out the basket at marking, the general noise levels at marking doesn't help to calm the birds either.

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I have been asked to help handle at nat marking and refuse on the basis I am not a great handler of pigeons because my hands sweet a lot ,can emagine pulling a flight from a restless bird going for the gold cup so I decline ,

I will and have helped in any other way I can but not handle.

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I have been asked to help handle at nat marking and refuse on the basis I am not a great handler of pigeons because my hands sweet a lot ,can emagine pulling a flight from a restless bird going for the gold cup so I decline ,

I will and have helped in any other way I can but not handle.

At least your honest mate good on ye .

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Why is that robert ? It was an honour to be on the SNFC committee .and the SNRPC .



Think it was the convenor that used to asked fanciers to help out long before the date George .


Think there a few capable people put off going on comitees or helping at marking stations in case they get a good result. It's a shame really.

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Think there a few capable people put off going on comitees or helping at marking stations in case they get a good result. It's a shame really.

Aye mate know what you mean I ran a marking station for the snrpc ,I spoke to the late frank baillie about the wagging tounges if I got a good un out of the races , I was so glad I had nothing to do with the marking when I won the Reims gold medal race in 2008 . You could hear them couldn't you ??? So you right about that Lewis , but to be honest if you win nowadays then your at it . Even in your club expletive remove.

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Don't know if I'm right as am no rule book fanatic but I think you have to be a member of the shu to fly way the snfc ?? If this is right i think a proposal of everyone with a scottish address should be able to fly way the snfc I stand corrected if I'm wrong but if I'm right I think this would be a good proposal and maybe make for more birdage but as I say I'm not up way the politics of the doos am sure someone on here will keep me right

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Don't know if I'm right as am no rule book fanatic but I think you have to be a member of the shu to fly way the snfc ?? If this is right i think a proposal of everyone with a scottish address should be able to fly way the snfc I stand corrected if I'm wrong but if I'm right I think this would be a good proposal and maybe make for more birdage but as I say I'm not up way the politics of the doos am sure someone on here will keep me right

Yes Ricky you have to be a member of the SHU

Don't know the politics like yourself who or what actually caused the split

Shame for racing into scotland that we can't all be one because of individuals differences

Perhaps one day if wee still have a sport

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Yes Ricky you have to be a member of the SHU

Don't know the politics like yourself who or what actually caused the split

Shame for racing into scotland that we can't all be one because of individuals differences

Perhaps one day if wee still have a sport

I think most know what happened ,think it's done the rounds , yes Ricky that would get everyone back together ,but it won't happen. As mike said maybe one day.

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Thanks something in the back of my mind thought i was right ha but on a serious note surly if it was put to the hall could it not get passed or is this a no no ?

Go to the AGM and propose it mate you will see how it's received .

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Is it a touchy subject stu ? I just think it would be a step in the right direction for the doo game in general more birdaged =more money and competion etc etc


Definitely a step in the right direction for the doo game, but doubt if it will ever happen, too many on either sides still hold a grudge.

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Definitely a step in the right direction for the doo game, but doubt if it will ever happen, too many on either sides still hold a grudge.


Does that mean we have to wait till all the old codgers on either side die off, then if there is still a pigeon racing fraternity left, it might happen?


I am not a member of either "National", although at some future time I hope to become one, but as a "newbie" I think it is ridiculous that Scotland has two Nationals. I know pigeon men cannot agree on the colour of sh 1t, but I want to race against the best I possible can at Club, Federation and National level.


I am nowhere near the stage of competing at any of these levels and am only able to gauge my progress against my previous year, but that doesn't deter me from hoping that one day I will be able to compete. When and if that day arrives, I want to compete against the best there is on my racecourse. Until then, I shall have to be satisfied with attempting to improve my personal best. :)

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Definitely a step in the right direction for the doo game, but doubt if it will ever happen, too many on either sides still hold a grudge.

Definetly I just think if theres no barrier to stop people then they can fly with us if they want and there's no excuses then it would be open to all and who knows what would come of it but if theres no change well never know

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Is it a touchy subject stu ? I just think it would be a step in the right direction for the doo game in general more birdaged =more money and competion etc etc

Touchy enough to put me on tenderhooks when I started up Ricky. Where have you been or have I just been checking out the wrong things instead of concentrating on the enjoyment of pigeon racing. :) :)

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I have been asked to help handle at nat marking and refuse on the basis I am not a great handler of pigeons because my hands sweet a lot ,can emagine pulling a flight from a restless bird going for the gold cup so I decline ,

I will and have helped in any other way I can but not handle.

i myself prefer to handle the top birds going through dont like paper work stuff lol

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