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Disappointed that the proposed race program that contained Liege was not adopted and don't realy see the need to raise the subscription fee when you look how much cash is in the bank.Good luck to all in 2015. :emoticon-0167-beer: :emoticon-0167-beer: :emoticon-0167-beer:

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I have to admit I never voted for the new president but good luck to him and all the rest of the officials voted in today..

Good luck to everyone racing in 2015..


Losing the president and senior vice President today could have been a real problem but with two young men stepping forward from the floor for the presidency shows there are fanciers willing to take on one of the most difficult jobs in scottish pigeondom.good luck. :partick-thistle-Crest:

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Obviously I'd have hoped me and cullens proposal was voted in bt it wasn't to be



Now I wish every SNFC member the very best for the coming season....may the pigeons gods give us a good season



Wot was yer proposal George?

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It is on your paper work that was sent to you along with the balance sheet etc

Sorry mate never read it.


It was to have a 6 race program, ditching the 1st Inland Nat. Was much the same a s my own but we fancied different race points so that's why there were 2 prop's on the table.

Thanks John. Sorry I obviously don't pay enough attention to the correspondence

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Good bit of news that came about was the feeling in the hall about maybe joint convoying to the longest race with the snrpc ???? Hope it works out and is a step in the right direction .


And I wish all the top table and committee and members a very fruitfull 2015

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Good bit of news that came about was the feeling in the hall about maybe joint convoying to the longest race with the snrpc ???? Hope it works out and is a step in the right direction .


And I wish all the top table and committee and members a very fruitfull 2015

Let's hope this time the SNRPC actually receive the letter they were supposed to get last year

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