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Mice ?


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An old mate of mine was on the phone just now with me. I didn't know the answer, so I said I would post on here to ask members if anyone could help.

He has noticed mice coming into the loft (never a problem before).

Over the past 3 days he has noticed a couple of birds being 'out of sorts', with them humped up on the perch. Both of us thought it could be faeces or urine on the corn. Any ideas, different theories or what to treat with ?

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This time of year mice are a major problem, so first and foremost, set traps and secure the loft as best as possible to prevent their ingress. Don't leave any food out overnight and ensure food stores are sealed to prevent them getting into it. Get rid of any contaminated feed. As to the cure for the pigeons, hopefully someone else will have an answer for you. :)

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An old mate of mine was on the phone just now with me. I didn't know the answer, so I said I would post on here to ask members if anyone could help.

He has noticed mice coming into the loft (never a problem before).

Over the past 3 days he has noticed a couple of birds being 'out of sorts', with them humped up on the perch. Both of us thought it could be faeces or urine on the corn. Any ideas, different theories or what to treat with ?

empty drinkers out before leaving the lofts :drinking-coffee-200:

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Use Para Stop, if disease is thro mice, its probably Salmonella. Must say tho many vets dispute the fact that the salmonella mice carry can be passed to pigeons. Another fact is, even tho no mice in your loft, the corn we all buy in sealed bags etc is stored in granaries before it goes in the bag, and those granaries are infested with rodents, just a thought..... hope your birds are ok.

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Use Para Stop, if disease is thro mice, its probably Salmonella. Must say tho many vets dispute the fact that the salmonella mice carry can be passed to pigeons. Another fact is, even tho no mice in your loft, the corn we all buy in sealed bags etc is stored in granaries before it goes in the bag, and those granaries are infested with rodents, just a thought..... hope your birds are ok.


personally think para stop is a rip aff at the price they charge plenty other products out there at a fraction of the price and do the same job if not better :drinking-coffee-200:

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Use Para Stop, if disease is thro mice, its probably Salmonella. Must say tho many vets dispute the fact that the salmonella mice carry can be passed to pigeons. Another fact is, even tho no mice in your loft, the corn we all buy in sealed bags etc is stored in granaries before it goes in the bag, and those granaries are infested with rodents, just a thought..... hope your birds are ok.

Make no mistake about it mice and there urine are a source of salmonella for pigeons that’s for sure a mouse disnae stop for a slash it just pishes while it moves about a real nightmare to the pigeon fancier.

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If they do cultures i believe pretty good with the correct medication to treat it most effectively

I read that the difference between subclinical infetion(hope this is correct) or something to that affect made it pretty hard to detect in the sh** and allowed the carry to be undetected for years in the loft......i might be wrong, either way it's a sh** of a thing to have

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Think u shud sort Mice problem 1st , Then birds mite sort themselves

be surprised if a few mice appearing in loft would bring birds down so quick ,

I had mice for years , Done my head in , but didn't affect birds health , was the cats

That ware attracted to lofts was problem, often at nite , birds don't rest ? so don't look right ,

Sorted now mice free zone , Atb

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Think u shud sort Mice problem 1st , Then birds mite sort themselves

be surprised if a few mice appearing in loft would bring birds down so quick ,

I had mice for years , Done my head in , but didn't affect birds health , was the cats

That ware attracted to lofts was problem, often at nite , birds don't rest ? so don't look right ,

Sorted now mice free zone , Atb


Just as I said on post 2. :)

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I used to shoot on a farm about 20yr ago,the farmer kept pigeons and budgies and other birds too many to mention,he had pigeons in barns and huts that never got cleaned out,I seen mice by the hundred running over birds nests he never treated for anything as I asked him often what he did about the mice and rats. All he said was he lost some yb's to the rats but the rest were fine,guys used to queue up to buy his birds. Not racers i may add. Is it possible the racing fancy has wasted the natural immunity that the birds had by constantly giving the birds so many different medicines.

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I used to shoot on a farm about 20yr ago,the farmer kept pigeons and budgies and other birds too many to mention,he had pigeons in barns and huts that never got cleaned out,I seen mice by the hundred running over birds nests he never treated for anything as I asked him often what he did about the mice and rats. All he said was he lost some yb's to the rats but the rest were fine,guys used to queue up to buy his birds. Not racers i may add. Is it possible the racing fancy has wasted the natural immunity that the birds had by constantly giving the birds so many different medicines.

Racing birds are a lot different from show or fancy......i look ok from the outside but I couldn't run the length of myself

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We have caught at least a dozen mice in the loft in the past couple of months but doos are a picture to look at mind you we urnae catching them in where the doos are but in the section as we open the door in the old bird loft

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