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In the young bird race you can only try to win your section. The open will always be dominated by the section favoured by the conditions (mainly the east obviously). It has not been pointed out that Billy Bilsland beat the rest of his section including the olr and others in his own area by 20 minutes so he is obviously head and shoulders above the rest of the fanciers in his area

You are deluded if you think this ex west member is so far in front of fellow members in his area , it was a yb race when he has won 7or8 500mls races then call him a super hero like Peter virtue / Norman Renton walker and Wilson to name just a few . He can win twenty yb nat but that will never make him in the top league . This is no dig at the fancier as I don't know him but the *expletive removed* licking brigade are going over the top just because he came from the west and yes I now live and race in the west . Lets just get on with it we either send or we don't end of .

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You are deluded if you think this ex west member is so far in front of fellow members in his area , it was a yb race when he has won 7or8 500mls races then call him a super hero like Peter virtue / Norman Renton walker and Wilson to name just a few . He can win twenty yb nat but that will never make him in the top league . This is no dig at the fancier as I don't know him but the *expletive removed* licking brigade are going over the top just because he came from the west and yes I now live and race in the west . Lets just get on with it we either send or we don't end of .

He had 2 in the top five from ypres(yes I know not 500 plus) only to be dq on a technicality plus he has just moved give him a couple of seasons and see what's what and I think you may be reading the post's wrong because nobody is calling him a super hero...ppl are merely talking about the yb nat result that yes he was 20 mins in front

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He had 2 in the top five from ypres(yes I know not 500 plus) only to be dq on a technicality plus he has just moved give him a couple of seasons and see what's what

And good on him too and hope he does but as some have posted when you have lived in the east coast and see the advantage they have down there it almost borders on the unfair , also flying with the unc his ybs have possibly flew 3 races over 200 mms before the yb nat where my fed the midland s last race was 165 mls !!

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And good on him too and hope he does but as some have posted when you have lived in the east coast and see the advantage they have down there it almost borders on the unfair , also flying with the unc his ybs have possibly flew 3 races over 200 mms before the yb nat where my fed the midland s last race was 165 mls !!

Aye exactly his club has ten national winners fs tells it's own story? Is there any other club in Scotland with ten National winners in it?

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they know were the advantage lies george :animatedpigeons:

there was a post last year saying that billys birds didn't come out the 1st batch to go over his loft ( this poster said he was told this by billy himself )

I think about 5 minutes behind the 1st birds was quoted

but still good enough to win the national

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With the travelling and effort billy puts into his birds from the day they hatch he deserves all that comes his way ,one of the sports mr nice Guys ,to have all home in 60 minutes is top drawer in my eyes regardless of location

A massive well done Billy B :emoticon-0137-clapping:

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You are deluded if you think this ex west member is so far in front of fellow members in his area , it was a yb race when he has won 7or8 500mls races then call him a super hero like Peter virtue / Norman Renton walker and Wilson to name just a few . He can win twenty yb nat but that will never make him in the top league . This is no dig at the fancier as I don't know him but the *expletive removed* licking brigade are going over the top just because he came from the west and yes I now live and race in the west . Lets just get on with it we either send or we don't end of .


I am far from deluded. Yes it was a young bird race but the fact is he beat every other competitor by at least 20 minutes. Many on this site think you just have to move to the east and you will automatically win a national. The point I am making is you also have to be a good fancier. As I said months ago if everyone in Lanarkshire moved to Ayton someone would still be last

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Billy phoned me today to congratulate me and of course, I did same to him.He knows the difference between here and there and he is enjoying the chance he has given himself to win many more nationals.I hope both Billys win enough to be remembered as racing pigeon legends.They put out the money to go down there and therefore deserve all the glory :emoticon-0167-beer: :emoticon-0167-beer:

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I have spoken about the question of joint liberations for young bird races for some years now and it may be that it's time has come, I intend to moot the subject of an amalgamation of the Solway,Lanarkshire,Ayrshire and Midland at our AGM and I will also raise it in the SHU council, I would he for. Sport for my prosals.


Should be hope for sport


Should be he for support

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