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peter pandy

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About peter pandy

  • Birthday 09/03/1946

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Veteran of the Loft!

Veteran of the Loft! (6/8)

  1. Almond Valley. Cancelled till Sunday..
  2. Almond Valley 07.30 Stobbs Camp S/W wind
  3. Flown down, but now recuperated SU22SB1126
  4. Gin trap located where it is getting in will catch it to-night as it will return for certain.
  5. With the flock in fine fettle and exercising well, I thought, as I was starting to feel my age that my demise cannot be to far in the future I would re-commence Y/B racing. So with that thought in mind I paired all the yearling Hens to all the Cocks leaving me with 10 spare older Hens to rear a team of youngsters to keep me going into September, Oh aye I paired up on Valentines Day. Really happy with the feed change as they are much lighter without the Beans, although substituting them with Protein Powder appears to have done the trick. By the way the older Hens will be for the Longer Races and will be introduced around the 250 mile mark and rearing their first young going into their allocated Distance race. One can only endeavour to succeed by changing.
  6. Flax Oil from Holland & Barret and only during the big moult Sep / December 10mls per Kilo of feed. Lovely smooth shiny feathers.
  7. Wha wrote anything about Breeding ?.
  8. Aye Andy, I turned my brain into memory mode and went back 50/60 years. I done quite a bit of Fell Running and could do a 100yds sprint in less than 10 seconds with mates wanting me to enter the Powderhall New Year sprint, However I broke my ankle and that brought my running career to an abrupt halt. It was when thinking back to those days when I was full of vigour and running everywhere that I recalled the Daily meals that sustained my energy levels. My mate in those days was the Scottish Cross Country Champion 2 Years on the trot and all he ate was a plate of Potatoes, That was when the memory box reminded me that Tatties was the staple diet in our family and Meat was just once a week on Sunday. Now Beans, Peas, Tares supply our Pigeons protein needs SO I cut them all out, Replacing their feed with Barley, American Corn, and Chicken Layer Pellets and once a week laced with Flax Seed Oil and a sprinkling of Whey Protein Powder. Job Done.
  9. Oh well"" Xmas passed and New Year at the end of the week !, I can only wish all a Belated Merry Xmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR when it comes. Downstairs in the loft all is well with the split 56 inmates and when out exercising putting in a good 2Hr + shift high up. I have managed to decrease body muscle weight without loss of muscle so they are all handling big and light with the change in feeding although it has taken quite a few months of experimentation, If tearing around the sky when exercising much faster than before, the only reaction I can foretell, then I could be a "Happy Camper" in the future.
  10. Perhaps the "Bird Flu" would be eradicated if Turkey and Chicken breeders were to stop feeding their livestock on Pellets infused with Anti Bacterial material for a number of months then feeding normal Pellets for a month or two prior to slaughter as we are all aware they have no immune system. This information was given to me by a worker in the Turkey Industry who would not eat any of the above if you paid him to.
  11. Went up last night and could not find a road in with all the road work and diversions, Gave up after 20 minutes driving aimlessly around ending up back at the stadium, So went home.
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