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Is It Seriously Time To Call It A Day?


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Today, I took a half day holiday from work, because tomorrow I have a works retirement in the afternoon, and on Sunday my daughter is taking me out for a meal. So I desperately needed to get my 19 youngsters out for the first time before they became too strong. A nice afternoon, so I let them out along with 4 old birds. After about half an hour, something caught my eye, it was a peregin falcon sitting on my neighbors fence, as I moved closer to get a better view, it took off. So then my priority was to get my youngsters back into the loft. As I was doing so, there was a lot of commotion from a lot of crows anf seagulls, circling and diving at something in the park near me. I knew something was wrong so I decided to go and investigate, and to my horror the peregin was in the park on top of a bird, as I got closer once again the peregin took off, and to my disgust, there lying motionless was my 13yr old Janssen widowhood cock, who had topped the East Section of the Fed for me, twice, in his racing days. He has been retired for a number of years, enjoying himself, flying in and out of the lofts.

So, I now ask myself, is it worth carrying on? as I experienced a Hawk attack only last week, after letting the birds out after being locked up for 3 weeks, because I experienced another attack on a bird.


What ever I finally decide to do, I will honor all the good causes I have donated youngsters to, but I have to say, at this moment it looks like it,s time for me to call it a day.


Below is a picture I took of the old cock when I brought him home from the park


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Guest TAMMY_1

Today, I took a half day holiday from work, because tomorrow I have a works retirement in the afternoon, and on Sunday my daughter is taking me out for a meal. So I desperately needed to get my 19 youngsters out for the first time before they became too strong. A nice afternoon, so I let them out along with 4 old birds. After about half an hour, something caught my eye, it was a peregin falcon sitting on my neighbors fence, as I moved closer to get a better view, it took off. So then my priority was to get my youngsters back into the loft. As I was doing so, there was a lot of commotion from a lot of crows anf seagulls, circling and diving at something in the park near me. I knew something was wrong so I decided to go and investigate, and to my horror the peregin was in the park on top of a bird, as I got closer once again the peregin took off, and to my disgust, there lying motionless was my old Janssen widowhood cock, who had topped the East Section of the Fed for me, twice, in his racing days. He has been retired for a number of years, enjoying himself, flying in and out of the lofts.

So, I now ask myself, is it worth carrying on? as I experienced a Hawk attack only last week, after letting the birds out after being locked up for 3 weeks, because I experienced another attack on a bird.


What ever I finally decide to do, I will honor all the good causes I have donated youngsters to, but I have to say, at this moment it looks like it,s time for me to call it a day.


Below is a picture I took of the old cock when I brought him home from the park


It is sad when you lose a bird like that and keep your chin up Brian even though it is hard at this time,and I am sure you will carry on once you have got over the worse feelings.

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Sorry to read your news. I too have been there [and sure will be again] so know how you feel right now. No doubt you have family from the 13 year old so you owe it to him to show how good his youngsters are. Go and enjoy the retiral and meal with your daughter and return to the fray. Good Luck!! ;)

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Do you think our local MP's would take note if we all boxed these kills up and sent them to them asking them for there help in ending this situation,they would have first hand proof of the damage being done and they might get fed up getting these things sent to them I'm sure the press would hear about it also.just a thought.

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Do you think our local MP's would take note if we all boxed these kills up and sent them to them asking them for there help in ending this situation,they would have first hand proof of the damage being done and they might get fed up getting these things sent to them I'm sure the press would hear about it also.just a thought.


each federation should invite their local MP,to a meeting of members, and all members turn up, and put our case to them, most MP's have monthly surgeries, imagine 200 fed members turning up, with dead birds etc, I think it would make them sit up,

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I also lost my best yearling hen out of Delboys spider on wed gutted is not the word .

We are all members of an organisation ,Go to the meetings and demand they take legal action against Rspb for killing our property , if our doo`s sh** on our neibours washing they are our property ,if they are sick or found by a member of the public they are our property , and we have been told we cannot lib them in london when the fecking Olympic`s are on or the rpra will ban us , so how the *expletive removed* are our birds not important enough when they are getting slaughtered, PISSED OF

Colin Grieve

I am fighting back and don`t care who knows it .

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the biggest tool the human race has at its disposal since time began ,the spring uprisisings around the globe pay tribute to this great information tech keep talking and tell it will be heard, its the only way that that mother nature can even the odds

keep the faith ,dont give up ,we will have our day !!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

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Guest lambrechts31

so sorry to hear your story sapper, but as the other guys say enjoy your nights out at the weekend, i to have lost a few and im just starting up, some i lost never even saw there 1st birthday, but if you give up these flying heartbreakers have won, so hang on in there m8........

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hang in there Brian saw the hen sparrow have a go at mine today didn't know if

got any as it went out of sight jumped in the car and went round the next street

and there it was sitting on top of my blue hen my foot slipped on the exccelerater

but the bird got out so did my blue and the bop went after it again but I couldn't

follow I know it didn't get the blue but on locking up am a chequer cock and griz

hen amiss and a cheque in the loft with a limp and feathers missing ,roses will

grow again. ;) ;) ;)

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