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Everything posted by walterboswell59

  1. is that not what del said or was saintes not the longest race if that is the case someone could have said so
  2. asumed he would know to let the guy know when he was trying them kirky your right
  3. let the cocks out when they are driving when they come in let the hens out with them the next day
  4. didnt know mr thompson had a contract alf did you
  5. george i thought mr thompson did not want a full club sending there clocks at the same time sure it was said on here m8 just the ones that need it if only one clock was going how much would it be
  6. do you think he had a bad race del lol
  7. i they sell everything in there lol
  8. homer do you know of any reason you cant remove bottom of your own base station for a look see
  9. good andy there clever wee things well some are lol
  10. i am the same myself del bassa who threw that l0l
  11. beth must have done that del dont let him kid ye he has got to text her to ask where she keeps the tea and sugar hes lifted and layed poor wuman lol
  12. i got one for helen its called the mecca wit a man will day for piece and quite eh ye can wave to each other out the window lol
  13. his and hers sheds gie it a year theyll be doos in both lol
  14. think that would be his best plan mick and let them pick there own nest box dont lock them in if you cant tell if there cock or hen yet m8
  15. i if your lucky enough to get an east wind alan only one hit at money for the rest should only be one national flying pigeon politions f ck everything thats good in doo racing men with there own agenda are killing the sport
  16. thats fine to m8 young birds will tour in a 5 to 10 mile circle round your loft if healthy get them used to the basket so it holds no fear for them basket them the night before the toss and hang the drinkers on to get them used to it
  17. so is it yb or old birds your talking about
  18. plenty time yet m8 10 to 14 days as mik says longer if your birds are fat or late breds no need to panick
  19. i must add with yb 1st 10 tosses must be on the line of flight where i am if you train yb from the east they break from the east all there life and if your in the west your beat learn them a breaking point on line of flight and they will fight to hold that line
  20. sorry shasha did not see it was yb your were asking once my yb are touring and flying 2 hours round the loft i go 20 miles first toss
  21. depends how long they were locked up my 18 late breds have been touring the sky all winter they had 6 tosses at 12 miles in october so they will go 20 mile first toss the rest will start at 12 miles as they have only been out the last two weeks
  22. yes well done to laura
  23. gave my birds for the channel a wee run with new mates last night 8 cocks left them with the hens all night as i am not pairing them for another few weeks i let the cocks out rather than carry them back to there own section as i watched them fly out a percy dived at them and one 3 year old flew into a lampost stone dead it hit it with such force the ets ring came off and i could not find it one down allready and not even had a toss yet it was a cracker to sick allready and not even started hard enough to get them to 3 year olds
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