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Everything posted by walterboswell59

  1. you can allso take your bird to club base station and get a time
  2. it is a level playing field you can get one to but i do agree you should not have to nom a clock there must be a reason for this rule which could now be changed but i dont see a problem as long as all the clocks set are run off used or not for security reasons can someone tell us why the nom clock rule was made please
  3. i agree with you m8 and i dont know why it has to be nom i have no probs with a clock in every section just as long as all are taken back to club for checking why not may be someone can tell us other than your clock setter might not be to happy lol
  4. then you will have the advantage over a guy who is on his own can you see the problem some will allways have an advantage of some sort ets is fastest way of timeing i got mine buy staying out the pub my choice to keep my birdson a level playing field with the others who have it
  5. your right so get ets i had same problem when club members had cars to train there birds i could not afford one fit birds beat unfit birds fact so saved up and got one its life m8
  6. bird must have enterd the loft shu rules in scotland m8
  7. correct my friend i have no problem with guys that dont want to use it or cant afford it its the men that want to take away my choice to have it that i dont get plus eny cheating done has been with clocks or rubbers or both
  8. no m8 both clocks have to go back to check the one not used or with rubbish times has not been tamperd with not taking both leaves it open to cheats when i used a clock the guys on open doors had the advantage then it was the guys with sputnics where you could catch the bird without going into the loft then it was stall traps where you just pulled the rubber off so if i wanted to give my birds every advantage to win i had to get the same as them when i could make it or aford to buy it if i could do neither that was my problem or my choice
  9. they are all good m8 but you get the same make as your club mates are using or you give your club a problem so best to check with club first thats my advice
  10. i have ets and would not have a problem with someone using two clocks as long as both are returned after the race for checking even if only one is used but i fail to see the advantage it would be to a single fanciar when i was using my stb i took the clock to where the bird was not the other way round
  11. a good pigeon tammy and norrie and andy still banging them in good doo men with good doos you allways need a wee bit of luck to m8
  12. wellcome to the best site in the land but im bias its the only one iknow how to get on to computer novice lol
  13. all play and no work makes jack a poor boy to lol
  14. yes it was good night a beer with the pals and saw some friends had not seen for a while budgie big joe and met tam richardson a guy with some fantastic results and seems a nice guy and knows what he is talking about when he talks pigeons nice to have met you tam colected another two trophys taking my tally to sixteen for the season plus twenty fed positions least i have something to look at for my seasons work last year i won seven national tickets but it felt like i had done nothing i will strive to do both next year best layed plans of mice and men springs to mined ill do my bit then its up to the doos
  15. one of the best breeding cocks in the world was kuyper bros the spin he was bred form two genarations of full brother and sister matings his blood lines are in smaragd 1 2 3 barcelona 1 2 3 plus de st vincent and many more all big national winners 13 in total he is sire or grandsire to a fantastic stock cock and i am happy to say i have this great stock cocks blood in abundance running threw my loft and more important they are winning at club and fed cant wait to get them over the water
  16. its simply the best and better than all the rest lol
  17. with line and inbreding i breed six or more yb and train all hard 20 to thirty tosses if one is sticking out i stop that one if not they all race untill one does get a prize or untill they fly every race even if you do not race them you must train them to find any weakness as they may appear strong and heathy but have no homing abillity hope this helps m8
  18. good one alan some of my auld mates john ford john feenie john holland and ma big pal shug folley i must have won f k all again that year lol good one alan some of my auld mates john ford john feenie john holland and ma big pal shug folley i must have won f k all again that year lol
  19. neaver heard that before sapper but ill give it a go this year m8
  20. thanks m8 did not know that was there good read great birds
  21. thanks to guys of agreat club with a great history
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