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Everything posted by walterboswell59

  1. mid march for me andy to be sure wing is ok on 1st or 2nd flight
  2. i have an old stock cock with feet like this his is caused bye climbing up the wire front of the loft everytime he sees me go past looking for a tip bit
  3. yes but only if club have offcial union reg manual clocksetter then you have a case m8
  4. you are correct fifer one reason is if club does not have power or base station but some clubs now do not have offcial reg clocksetter so cant set manual clocks others just refuse to set manual because of time it takes i know of one clocksetter that only took the job if every one in club used ets because of time what can you do but to be fair everyone in said club had ets through a grant
  5. if anyone takes there case to rpra they will win hands down
  6. walterboswell59


    nothing you can buy works so save your money but i put off a percy that was on the tail of one of my birds by banging a bit of 2 bye 2 off my black plastic house bin it was so loud percy pulled out the chase
  7. guys guys for f k sake get a life yer like wee kids my dads better than your dad lol
  8. think the man means last years late breds to use this year
  9. i know its hard on the guys that do the work every week but thats the way it is its allways been that way same guys every week in every club in the country different if there in the pub we all have a wee moan about it and they have a resonable excuse fair enough if not club officials should pull them up to one side and have a wee word about taking a turn to let one away thats there every week or help in some other way not make a big thing of it
  10. so will early bred yb mik m8 nows the time
  11. good luck you only get out what you put in m8
  12. for me to try and better last year
  13. i have even thought of catching streeters for it maybe they would hang about lib sight longer worth a try
  14. yes but we all have to do it bill every member of every club has to donate a few so we can fill the sky with them and get it sorted
  15. some guys did for me years ago when i had to work m8 would only be sitting in the house anyway
  16. we all need a we bit help sometimes we are trying keep guys in the game not drive them out
  17. we must get ybs bred and up the road lads before training starts no use just talking
  18. your right mik i use to have to work some fridays on shiffs guys work has to come first or no doos ive no problem with that
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