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Everything that's reached a age and had the preparation that can go yes they all must race theses distances and yes I do alright although always hoping for improvement.what about you Allan are your tested and treated birds scoring at 500 mile for you

have not raced through to 500 mls never had enough birds to send as hastings was only 460 to me any other races u have to be in snfc just asking Vincent as I find it strange u don't treat for nothing in this day and age

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have not raced through to 500 mls never had enough birds to send as hastings was only 460 to me any other races u have to be in snfc just asking Vincent as I find it strange u don't treat for nothing in this day and age

Have never treated since I started racing pigeons 11 year ago,further more my step father who I started alongside has never treated for 40 years,we are totally against it.our pigeons must get over any ailment they get by themselves simple as that.for us it's the only way they will get their para vaccination and one spot on the neck to control lice that's it nothing else what so ever

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Have never treated since I started racing pigeons 11 year ago,further more my step father who I started alongside has never treated for 40 years,we are totally against it.our pigeons must get over any ailment they get by themselves simple as that.for us it's the only way they will get their para vaccination and one spot on the neck to control lice that's it nothing else what so ever

that's very good if it suits u but I prefer to get mine tested then treat if required

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Have never treated since I started racing pigeons 11 year ago,further more my step father who I started alongside has never treated for 40 years,we are totally against it.our pigeons must get over any ailment they get by themselves simple as that.for us it's the only way they will get their para vaccination and one spot on the neck to control lice that's it nothing else what so ever

One spot ivermectin is the main ingredient. Do you think it just helps with lice :emoticon-0138-thinking:

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One spot ivermectin is the main ingredient. Do you think it just helps with lice :emoticon-0138-thinking:

I know it's meant to control worms but sadly the manufacturers won't make a batch specialty for us just to combat lice😀😀😀 also the ivermectin is exstreamly low in dose in the product we use in comparison to other ivermectin products on the market,as I said I would class the way we keep birds as not treating and I would think most would agree with that

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I know it's meant to control worms but sadly the manufacturers won't make a batch specialty for us just to combat lice😀😀😀 also the ivermectin is exstreamly low in dose in the product we use in comparison to other ivermectin products on the market,as I said I would class the way we keep birds as not treating and I would think most would agree with that

So you are forced to treat your pigeons for worms. :emoticon-0136-giggle: . muck that :peace-sign-258:

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One spot is the easiest product to use for us but prior to useing it we never treated for worms

Hi vinnie. I really don't have a problem with what any pigeon fanciers want or does not want to do with their .pigeons

But I do have a problem with admin on this site . My last post has been edited again . Think you should look at yir pals posts ( MOCK) FPMSL

Sorry it's been changed to muck get a life AB :drinking-coffee-200:

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Seen a slow motion video a few years ago--derby arona,birds in basketts and drinkers put on ,as thd bird put its head out and it started to drink they zoomed in and slowed ---the bird took à drink and as it gulped water was sqeezed out of top corners of its mouth ---------now you know crross infection through water is possible ,NO probable .


SO your birds are as good as your clubs worst member--especially if they dont treat.


REMEMBER dont treat with young birds in the nest--------i did many moons ago and thought i had a problem as young birds seemed drunk.


Try to research if you want to give any meds as their potency can be affected by simple things like grit and minerals.


If you do treat remember the tratment might be needed but the treatment can cause other problems like yeast after antibiotic treatment .

Maybe i am teaching to the converted but for the novice amongst us ,take a bit of advice and resesarch it ---your birds will tell you if you look hard and their performance and condition when they come home tells a lot ---learn to look at your birds.


Something simple like holding your bird ,get hold of its beak ,pull so it stretches its neck and put your ear close to back of its head and listen. Some

Respitory problems can be heard like this

Your the doctor coach and manager of an athlete,if you want to be in the premiership birds alone wont do it.


Well enjoy your new season ahead mine are all hatching now and hopes are high for the new season ,good luck.

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Seen a slow motion video a few years ago--derby arona,birds in basketts and drinkers put on ,as thd bird put its head out and it started to drink they zoomed in and slowed ---the bird took à drink and as it gulped water was sqeezed out of top corners of its mouth ---------now you know crross infection through water is possible ,NO probable .


SO your birds are as good as your clubs worst member--especially if they dont treat.


REMEMBER dont treat with young birds in the nest--------i did many moons ago and thought i had a problem as young birds seemed drunk.


Try to research if you want to give any meds as their potency can be affected by simple things like grit and minerals.


If you do treat remember the tratment might be needed but the treatment can cause other problems like yeast after antibiotic treatment .

Maybe i am teaching to the converted but for the novice amongst us ,take a bit of advice and resesarch it ---your birds will tell you if you look hard and their performance and condition when they come home tells a lot ---learn to look at your birds.


Something simple like holding your bird ,get hold of its beak ,pull so it stretches its neck and put your ear close to back of its head and listen. Some

Respitory problems can be heard like this

Your the doctor coach and manager of an athlete,if you want to be in the premiership birds alone wont do it.


Well enjoy your new season ahead mine are all hatching now and hopes are high for the new season ,good luck.


very well put :drinking-coffee-200:

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Well ovy1255  that is why one needn't treat. ALL pigeons carry some canker.... one that stops any other strain from taking an effect or getting a hold.

How shall I put, other than of the top of my head, I'd liken it to sperm put in a woman. Millions etc. YET one only mostly grows to be a baby because one - or two destroy the other sperm. Likewise with canker.

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Opinions vary

But in most clubs over the years there has been members who bring half their youngbird to the first race tails filthy birds feel s h i t e andmemberrs are looking at each other,thinking my birds are going in the baskets with these (thank god he didnt train them to drink ,basket train) but at clock read off he didnt even have a bird back--then next week the other half go on and the same happens.

Well make of it what you will -- but sick birds dont win races----sick birds dont fix themselves--worms dont just go away.

We all have a creature with the heart of a lion ,it must when you see them get home in bits hit the wire ,hawk attacked,and braving the worst of the weather.

Well as i said before the bird carnt do it alone ,thats why a lot of fanciers say you can buy the bird not the man.


But enjoy your birds ,if you carnt enjoy them its time to call it a day.



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Agreed 100% ovy1255  that only healthy birds win races. Yet the fact remains that contrary to any birds mentioned above, one doesn't need to treat their' birds, because it certainly doesn't mean that they aren't fit and ready to race. They in fact don't look or feel anything like the ones you state. - Having said that Sam's birds often did look like that ... Some members want to refuse to them being even sent (old birds) and yet they excelled. So as chairman I had to decide on a grizzle once that looked and felt like that. Had gone every race and caused a bit of palaver. The consensus was in the end it went Bergerac ... and won. There is obviously the odd case, but in the main you are right ovy1255 about any bird looking or handling like that. Mine don't, and they aren't treated very often. Indeed I'd say that over 90% of the birds in my loft have never been treated for any thing .... But look and handle first class. indeed often they are sent first time in the basket over 150 - 200 miles with credit. I also think that many fancier constantly look for a ailment / reason to medicate etc.

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The reason i treat for some things is------i borrowed a hen a few years ago ,plenty of body on it for a 4 year old,nice shoulders (i like sprint racing) good in the feather ,an alround tidy bird from a loft that gets birds in the top ten of our inland national every year and thats 10 feds ,over 40 clubs ,so was made up to borrow her.

As always i isolated her in a crate and as with ALL my birds 0.2 ml of moxidectin (spelling) down her neck---the next day the droppings showed worms.


Some pigeon man i am,she looked perfect to me.

I do look for natural ways to treat ----and feed other products other than corn

Sorry if i have diversified off original post.

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And yet Ovy1255 his loft excels eh! Who says / proves that worms are all bad? Not talking about guts swamped with them of course. But a balanced thing.

Can't recall the in and outs of a book I read stating the benefits of worms in the guts. But as I recall not altogether a bad thing.

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And yet Ovy1255 his loft excels eh! Who says / proves that worms are all bad? Not talking about guts swamped with them of course. But a balanced thing.

Can't recall the in and outs of a book I read stating the benefits of worms in the guts. But as I recall not altogether a bad thing.

Good worms Roland?.....Aye?


And yet Ovy1255 his loft excels eh! Who says / proves that worms are all bad? Not talking about guts swamped with them of course. But a balanced thing.

Can't recall the in and outs of a book I read stating the benefits of worms in the guts. But as I recall not altogether a bad thing.

Good worms Roland?.....Aye?

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Guest johnhunter

Well ovy1255  that is why one needn't treat. ALL pigeons carry some canker.... one that stops any other strain from taking an effect or getting a hold.

How shall I put, other than of the top of my head, I'd liken it to sperm put in a woman. Millions etc. YET one only mostly grows to be a baby because one - or two destroy the other sperm. Likewise with canker.

one of your best roland lol

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