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Everything posted by walterboswell59

  1. i am out to win every race i compete in club fed and national ill be trying and if i can keep them healthy so will my birds but i dont go on a downer if i dont win there are plenty good doo men out there trying to do the same i dont go this i am a 500 mile man crap with a loft full of birds and send 3 or 4 to the national whats the rest of the team doing yearlings will race from 60 to 500 mile no problem ill use mine to 400 miles then my old birds will come into play and my yearlings will have had great experience for next year thats been the plan the last five years or so but i am not winning over the water as offten as id like apart from ypres but have taken stepps to sort that but will take 2 or 3 years but thats ok im not going any where lol
  2. june july is warm enough without heaters keep it simple nature will bring your birds into condition naturally more important to keep them healthy and happy
  3. you wont get peace till you sort it m8 good luck
  4. people seem to forget its birds we are keeping very tough and hardy nature has given them all the tools they need to survive breed and home let them get on with it they know best
  5. you would be as well thowing s t at the moon if you dont help your self no one else will
  6. i tested positive 35 years ago but it only flares up sometimes but id still keep them anyway no matter what
  7. if you look down there you will see the brew in ten years time you will be going there every week
  8. me to works with naturals as well
  9. allthou i kid my birds i put that one down to luck with observation if i dont see something happening i kid them to make something happen making them jelous is my tool of choice m8
  10. thats the man tiger he tried it set up a stud full of snfc blood and gave it up as i said earlyerthat was when there was still plenty money about the moneys not there anymore m8
  11. give one or two birds a diclofenac tablet over the throat and rub some volterol on the neck and brest and lock them out preditors dont like the taste and wont come back
  12. lewis this has allready been tried by his name i cant remember one of his pigeons was called money maker a real nice guy i was at his loft to he had all the best from snfc winners but could not make it work and that was when there was money about even louella are selling pigeons now at 2oo pounds and less that were 5 and 6 hundred 3 years ago the guys are right the money is not there any more but it was a good idea but to late me thinks m8
  13. ops sorry should have been reply to andy burgess
  14. ok andy heres one for you after spending a fortune on a few stock pairs from louella i filled my loft with the yb off them i had the biggest yb team ive ever had they had 30 tosses to 40 miles before the first yb race i had 83 out of 86 bred it was friday and i had taken my baskets to the front of my loft to basket for otterburn our first yb race as i looked into the loft at my team i thought to my self 83 super bred super trained and super condition how the hell do i pick a pooler out of them as the club i was in at that time was flying for over 250 pounds a week of which i was taking 12 and 13 hundred pounds a season with a very small team of pigeons and was getting a name as a guy who could set up and pick a pigeon in which i took great pride in but 83 was new ball game i handeld them all but they were all in great order i came out the loft and did not have a clue i llbasket them and see if one of them tells me i laughed as i went back into the loft all the birds were on perches and a cheq cock 49 dropped down on the floor so i picked him up first opened the slideing door and put him in the basket the cock ran into the corner of the basket and started cooing sitting way down low as if in a nestbowl and he was peeking threw the door which wasonly open about five inches as i watched him a cheq pied hen dropped on the floor with her tail down the cock was cooing like mad thats my pooler i said but i will pool the hen to filled out my pool sheet cheq cock 49 all pools nom and accumulater cheq pied hen all pools with money on another few and off they went to the race there were six hundred birds in club 3500 in west sect 8600 open sat and there up a cracking day light south west and sunshine i was looking east to wards hamilton race when i saw a pied coming on its own it was the wee hen that droped on floor first one of 83 a pooler i cant be far away i thought as the hen shut her wings and droped the cheq cock came out the south over the house hit the board and in the hen timed five seconds after him i could not believe my luck i was 1st and 2nd club 1st and2nd west sect 6th and 8 th open taking all the pools and accu in club and was allso 3rd and 4 th man what a race that was i was on cloud nine and only droped one
  15. poultry eggs hatch 21 days to pigeons 19 not much gallowway and mccleod in stonehouse sell a small one for six eggs think it was 99 pounds
  16. i didnt ethere george the cornflakes was just a wee tip if your feeders were a day or two out trial and error m8 you get good info from books on poultry bantam breeding
  17. isometimes use one imade myself a small wooden box about a foot square i use perspect lid drill a hole in middle of lid to fit a household light socket fit a 15 watt bulb then drill a small hole about 1 inch from top of box on two sides for air vents a bit smaller than a pencil put some sawdust 1 inch deep in bottom and a small lid off a bottle lemonade in corner with a little water cant remember what temp should be but as long as you turn the eggs every day should hatch about 19 days if it takes longer plug one hole if less than 17 days drill another hole between 17 and 21 days is ok check eggs are full at 3 days 4 at most hold each egg up to a light bulb if you cant see veins of blood bin them there empty your problem is trying to have your feeders with in 2 or 3 days to foster them ifound if your feeders do not have soft food you can feed the chicks bye crushing up cornflakes into powder a spot of milk and luke warm water and mix into a thin paste you can sringe them for a few days i found it to much hassle so just use it to keep eggs and yb warm if i send pair to race hope this info helps you good luck m8
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