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Everything posted by JohnQuinn

  1. JohnQuinn


    At the end of the day we all have the right to hold an opinion on any matter, whether in the sport, your place of work your personal life or your politics. No one should be castigated for having a differing opinion to the next man or for offering it up for a debate and vote on it. Problems arise from some corners when things they feel strongly about are defeated when votes are taken. I’ll say it again, when I put my hand up to vote and more men put their hands up to vote against me I accept it with good grace. It does not deny me the right to propose it again at a subsequent meeting because opinions can and do vary from one year to the next in both directions of any topic. I’ve found that people turn up to meetings, pool leagues, darts leagues and racing pigeon clubs Feds and National clubs and want it done and dusted ASAP to get back home again instead of arriving prepared to take as long as necessary to reach a consensus. Pool leagues i’ve experienced are by Far the worst organised and most argumentative of all. Though a friend in my pool team who plays bowls swears they are even worse!! There is only one place rules can be implemented or deleted/amended and it's at the AGM’s of the various bodies. Then we all rely on those elected to implement the rules and to do so without fear or favour. When that does not occur then frustrations arguments vendettas and feuds arise with people falling out and holding grudges for Decades long. That is the beginning of the ruination of many a good organisation because it devalues the very reason for having debates at AGM’s and votes taken to set the standards required to adhere to the majority of members wishes. Opinions on how things should be done are then irrelevant until the next meeting where topics can be debated and voted on again. Then again the majority of votes carry and you have standard set for the next twelve months. Never in my life have I fallen out with someone because they voted for the opposite of what I have. I’ve turned up at meetings and gave men a lift to and from them who voted against my opinion during the meeting. The atmosphere in the car doesn’t change one iota on the way home than it did on the way to the meeting. It is what it is and I get on with it. When the rules are not followed, and there’s nothing I can do about it then I exercise my prerogative to resign from the organisation and find another way to pursue and enjoy my hobby, whichever of the ones listed above it is.
  2. Did ye reckon they were effective ??
  3. JohnQuinn


    That’s one I disagree with Geo, though tbh personally I canny wait tae phone or text my time into the Lib Line, because it has become such a rare event the last 4/5yrs !!! 🙈 but I hope to rectify that soon. But even if I didn’t do it, and without the threat of disqualification, if it became a rule I would adhere to it faithfully. Like I do with all the other rules in the organisations I’ve flown in. Think I’ve written this before but Rules are good for any organisation so everyone knows the score and they all have them.
  4. JohnQuinn


    That’s my last word on this, come to the AGM and vote against it. I will Respect the outcome whether it’s yae or nae, and with good grace too.
  5. JohnQuinn


    Read my last response to Gordon.
  6. He is a top man and superb fancier, well done Lewis im pretty sure you're name will frequent that position often ðŸ‘ðŸ‘
  7. SNFC Section E.That's my very first year, albeit a reduced program, I have been the Convener.For the record I would like to extend my utmost gratitude to the following fanciers.Jim Cullen who stepped in and secured Uddingston Club room as our Marking Station and availed himself for access. Jim Cameron who also stepped in to give us access for basket deliveries etc.Alan Jones, Davie McDermid, Andrew Suckle Kelly Gillon Joe Angie GillonWillie Strang Jim Moffatt Craig Gillespie John Lawrie Francis McMahon Wullie Savage young Mr McPheat Marshall Findlay and last but by no means least John Leggate without whom I simply could not have managed to fulfil my duties, his experience, his energy and direction was quite simply invaluable.Thank you all from the depths of my soul ������������
  8. JohnQuinn


    My orignal post simply stated a proposal would follow. I did not criticise anyone or name call, like has been done on the page you copied and pasted it from. There lies the difference Wully
  9. JohnQuinn


    I tried to PM you with a full explanation Gordon but your inbox must be full. All proposals can have a "rider" inserted to accommodate fanciers who are in exceptional circumstances, you guys in the North have all got exceptional circumstances to overcome regarding logistics and a rider to support you all would be welcomed to alleviate as much inconvenience as possible to you and your fellow fanciers in Sec G.
  10. JohnQuinn


    Good shooting Davie and a fair chance you'll get full returns before the day is out. Good team of yearlings going forward too ðŸ‘ðŸ‘
  11. JohnQuinn


    You couldn't be further off the Mark Gordon, I have no knowledge of any other section and never do because I'm not a studier of results etc. I simply think if you race in a particular section you should send your birds through their station. No finger pointing, no taking pop shots at anyone or otherwise being snide about it. It is nothing more than how I think things should be. Quite clearly not everyone agrees with this but it is still my personal belief, just like some fanciers think you should be obliged to record your birds on lib line within a certain time, a thing I Disagree with but it is each to their own thoughts. A proposal at an AGM is just that, a fanciers wish to see things happen within their organisation. Many more proposals are rejected than implemented but it does not deny the man his right to put the proposal in. The Majority rule runs deep in my veins and if I'm in the Minority I accept the decision of my fellow members with good grace. Always have done and always will do. Hope this explanation is acceptable to you and wish you well in the coming seasons, regardless of the outcome of my proposal. Kindest Regards John.
  12. JohnQuinn


    119 birds recorded on the lib line today. There will be a few more not on the lib line so those who have birds recorded best wait tae see how others marked st other stations best keep this in mind !!! Imo all Sec birds should go through the nominated station for their own section. A proposal at the AGM to this effect will follow.
  13. Not me Geo, it’s been turned into a poisoned chalice by those in office the now. A know ye don’t agree way me on that, well I think ye don’t, but none the less the level of discontent and anger among the members the now on just about any front ye care tae look means naebody wants the jobs. Imo the best outcome would be wee Jim taking the chair and Cammy staying on. A man who won’t take any snash and will protect the Secretary from unseemly behaviour in the man’s front garden. Jmo
  14. Geo there’s more chance of the restrictions still being in place by next spring than there is of having an AGM. We might well be back tae square 1 when Christmas and New Year parties are aw celebrated. Things should be dealt with under whatever the circumstances allow when they are due to be done because not one man fae scientists tae doomen can predict when “normality†resumes. Everything is moving backwards just now and we are a baw hair aff full lockdown again. I get emails daily at work relating to it and it’s feckin frightening !!!
  15. The transport driver has a duty to bring birds up the road. Why they weren’t passed on to Davie Gullane at the stray centre only he will know. But he claimed the FIRST bird he took out was covered in lice so he just tipped the rest out of the “boxâ€. Then states the areas the birds came from and where he let them go. I’d rather no see my doo again than have it put through that trauma. So I’m no directing my comments tae anybody but HIM. Yer a disgrace tae the fancy if ye treated birds like that end of from me.
  16. SNFC YBN Clocks will be run off Tomorrow Sunday 13th Sept between 12pm and 1pm. Very best of luck to all competitors.
  17. You make a very valid point by highlighting the work out in by some fanciers training their Ybs to an extent greater than the birds raced receive. But there won’t be 100’s of birds getting slaughtered because of mass liberations week in week out. We are all Individually responsible for preparing our birds for racing, some choose to train them hard, some choose to do enough to learn the Ybs what will be expected of them when ravmcing as yearlings. Some others choose to leave them sit and get a good moult under them without training. In other words it’s each to their own but however you cut it, losses of 100’s or even 1,000’s of Doos at a time can and should be avoided where possible. Not racing Ybs in mass liberations can avoid these types of losses so why don’t we try it for a couple of years ??? For all the good it may do it won’t do any harm. Jmo
  18. Tam it appears lessons have not been learned by past events when birds were ferried in from some clubs. Two guys in a van taking all the clubs birds to the central marking station and low and behold one of they two men win the race by a parks length. Ferrying should be banned altogether. People paid their dues expecting their birds to be collected at their own club not a central marking station. If like our club just now the requisite numbers don’t send or go to the club to get the numbers needed to ensure transparency then they should be welcomed by their neighbouring club to mark their birds and be collected from their. Of course the drivers need to know what clubs don’t need collected from but in this day and age that’s a 5 mins job. I’m no away and I don’t know who ferried in but friends or foe it makes no difference ferrying birds in should not happen at all. Imo
  19. It’s very easily dealt with Geo, the paper work for proposed members to take on a position is already in every clubs hands. If they are returned with names of people who wish to be considered for election then the member’s needs will to be met by whatever means necessary. Postal voting imo should not only be utilised this year it should be a matter of course every year. I personally have known men not attend meetings because of the bullying tactics of others who won’t give them the opportunity to speak their mind. This should never ever be the case but it is and it goes on all the time. So for me it’s a simple case of returning the election paper work with nominees on it. Then letters sent out to all members to tick a box next to the man’s name they want to run the affairs of the federation. The members, all members, get a say without the bully boys shouting them down at meetings. A could put the names up of every man who will take over the floor of a meeting to spout personal grievances, Outwith the Rules but to meet their satisfaction, at every meeting held. Thankfully there are more men with experience to put them in their place and the rules carry day. But the behaviour of these types puts good men off attending meetings so give everyone the right to vote by post without undue pressure and the majority will carry, just as it should do.
  20. Won’t make an iota of difference to me Tam. Next year I’ll be dictating where my Doos go naebody else.
  21. https://www.facebook.com/100053903225290/videos/135715554901885/?extid=WJnkDIxRUOT6fqWu
  22. Your wee story about the Blue Pied hen clearly shows Young Bird Racing isn’t necessary for birds to go on and be successful old birds Watty. Are birds like her few and far between?? Maybe !!! but winners are also few and far between from young birds who have raced as ybs.
  23. JohnQuinn


    24 birds from Sec F, 46 Sec E birds went through Uddingston with a few more that will have been marked at Bo’ness. I’d guess that a total entry of around 80 birds from the West Region, a very clear indicator of the poor racing season suffered throughout the West.
  24. Good story Watty, and nice tae see ye putting up the money she won ye. Lot of guys shy away fae talking money but for me I like tae know when a man gets his fancy and has a few quid on it tae back up his judgement. Look forward tae hearing more about her when I visit ye next season tae verify another top National position. Who knows it might be her im coming tae see í ¾í´ží ¾í´ží ¾í´ž
  25. That may well have been the case if the sitting officials were up for re election with no one standing against them Walter but that's not the case in Lanarkshire. So by hook or by crook new officials need to be elected to do the Fed business in the manner the mebers wish and In accordance with the rule book.
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