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A bloody disgrace once again.The SNFC are having a go at Gareth Rankin again when he in fact has served them well over the years and believe me, this is a *expletive removed* stitch up. Hes one of the most honest people that ever served on the committee and only ever wanted the integrity and tradition of the SNFC restored after the Gibson saga. I can guarantee the unrest and suspicion will continue until the whole organisation is cleansed .Anyone associated with Scott Gibson or has any dubiety about them should not be near the SNFC committee!!!!!Massive question marks are hanging over the SNFC at the moment.

del i think you should look at the big picture the facts are there in red print to me it looks like something underhand was going on at the marking night there has been a lot of lies been told and these only came from one member

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del i think you should look at the big picture the facts are there in red print to me it looks like something underhand was going on at the marking night there has been a lot of lies been told and these only came from one member


George, explain what ye mean m8

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Behave yersel Dougie, the f kin national has too many question marks over it without all this sh yte. You must be getting transported by McCord to be backing this, am I right?



The club that I'm in had transport facilities provided by Fife Federation last season, not that it would make any difference to anything I feel regarding the SNFC, as far as I'm concerned it's still the best club in the country.


What gets me is folks that don't get their own way continualy trying to bring the club down. If it's not the transporters it's the transporter drivers. The website's crap, let's get a new website, aw naw it's even crappier. If it's not liberation sites, it's poor controlling or west birds are better than east birds or vice versa, I just wonder what's next!! am I right??

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Yeah,let's just let this club go down the drain because the so called experts don't want open and transparency within the club,is there something they don't want out in the open? I don't know but IMO it's beginning to look that way too just about everyone in this sport,if you want a club to be proud of again get an EGM get things cleared up,it looks like only one side want things out in the open,So what is there to hide.



If procedure had been followed then you may have got the EGM you desired!!!

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The club that I'm in had transport facilities provided by Fife Federation last season, not that it would make any difference to anything I feel regarding the SNFC, as far as I'm concerned it's still the best club in the country.


What gets me is folks that don't get their own way continualy trying to bring the club down. If it's not the transporters it's the transporter drivers. The website's crap, let's get a new website, aw naw it's even crappier. If it's not liberation sites, it's poor controlling or west birds are better than east birds or vice versa, I just wonder what's next!! am I right??


I understand protecting the best club in the land, that's exactly what an egm would do. Anything else looks corrupt and like a cover up so TRANSPARENCY and HONESTY are what the SNFC was founded on and this is what everyone wants back.You and others, for some reason ,don't seem to want this, am I right?

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I understand protecting the best club in the land, that's exactly what an egm would do. Anything else looks corrupt and like a cover up so TRANSPARENCY and HONESTY are what the SNFC was founded on and this is what everyone wants back.You and others, for some reason ,don't seem to want this, am I right?



Del, every point that was made by Gareth Rankin has been answered on the website and I would imagine will be posted out to every member of the SNFC, just how much transparency do you need???


If members cannot follow the rules and procedures you just can't make them up to suit your own needs, am I right??

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I'm fed up with this whole thing, reading the SNFC statement, they have denied the EGM on a technicality, and posted a committee's investigation on the issue, but an EGM would have given a platform for both sided to be aired and the truth sought. but the level the committee have gone to to avoid the EGM leave many feeling that their is more to this.

If Gareth is so wrong (not that I think he is) then this needs investigated further, they can't just leave it like this.IMO

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Del, every point that was made by Gareth Rankin has been answered on the website and I would imagine will be posted out to every member of the SNFC, just how much transparency do you need???


If members cannot follow the rules and procedures you just can't make them up to suit your own needs, am I right??


Questions were answered , your right but were they the correct answers??? A meeting was denied because the truth would have to come out and for some reason you lot don't want that. So don't ever say to me ye want the best for the SNFC when ye can agree to do a carpet job on this matter.

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No matter who is right or wrong it puts a bad edge to our sport ( yet again ) makes you wonder is all the hard work worth the bother.

Having just read the bhw about Greengairs past champs of the pigeon world what the fook has happened to us all .

I loved this hobby , not so sure any more .

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Questions were answered , your right but were they the correct answers??? A meeting was denied because the truth would have to come out and for some reason you lot don't want that. So don't ever say to me ye want the best for the SNFC when ye can agree to do a carpet job on this matter.




No carpet job Del, read the opening statements on the website. Procedures to handle disputes were ignored!! You seem to think that I don't want to know exactly what happened which is strange as I don't really know you all that well and totally wrong, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


Bottom line is Gareth never followed procedure and that was the cause of the EGM not going ahead. So yes I will always want the best for the SNFC but I wouldn't be prepared to break the rules to do so.


No matter who is right or wrong it puts a bad edge to our sport ( yet again ) makes you wonder is all the hard work worth the bother.

Having just read the bhw about Greengairs past champs of the pigeon world what the fook has happened to us all .

I loved this hobby , not so sure any more .



I agree, best sport in the world untill the racing starts :animatedpigeons:

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The club that I'm in had transport facilities provided by Fife Federation last season, not that it would make any difference to anything I feel regarding the SNFC, as far as I'm concerned it's still the best club in the country.


What gets me is folks that don't get their own way continualy trying to bring the club down. If it's not the transporters it's the transporter drivers. The website's crap, let's get a new website, aw naw it's even crappier. If it's not liberation sites, it's poor controlling or west birds are better than east birds or vice versa, I just wonder what's next!! am I right??

have to agree with this and if rankin had got the presidents job would we have heard all of this and read about it in magazines id say soor grapes about time this was put to bed along with alot of other nonsense

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have to agree with this and if rankin had got the presidents job would we have heard all of this and read about it in magazines id say soor grapes about time this was put to bed along with alot of other nonsense

A EGM would have put it all to bed and all the other nonsense,but without the EGM this will rumble on and the repetition of this club's dead so to all the people shouting about the rules,think of the future.
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Why was this statement/letter put out before the committee meeting that's scheduled for tomorrow? I think its disrespectful to the committee, AGAIN!!!!Surely they should've had an input into this letter???

What do you expect del to much to hide.

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