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Racing Pigeons


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Started with pigeons in 1989, all I knew then was food went in the pointed end & came out the blunt end.


I've won Fed, Amal & Combines but the greatest pleasure for me is Identifying the potential of a youngster in the nest and watching it flourish into a good old bird.

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I've been racing from 2010, Young birds only. 2011 i had my 1st win which will always be one of my best, Won the club by a few minutes, been the only member using a STB clock, and it been a late bred at that!

My best bird at the min i think it's a dark cock, Had a good few prizes and not a bad pool bird ;) Hope he goes on to win again this year :)

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8 years , enjoyed every win , its always the most recent one thats the best , and looking forward to the next . :animatedpigeons:

would like to add it took a few years before the first win , and moved house (loft) 4 times too ,so didnt always fly a full season , and like Tony C ,i kept them as a boy ,took them up again after finishing work , but knew so little ,only "which end the food went in ,,,,,,,,,, and what came out the other end" :emoticon-0136-giggle:

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When I first started in 1999 before I lost interest (young, beer and chicks) won my first ever race ybs on natural 1st club 1st fed couldn't believe it. Got to hand it to my mentor and now partner. What was almost as good was it was a young bird off my first ever stock pair I selected and bought down Blackpool at the age of 10. One year after I packed in my partner won queens cup out of 16,500 birds, 1st nehu wish I'd been there that day. However that first and only win I classed as my own, my birds my hard work still get a buzz now. Just hope I cans start where I left off :)

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dabbled as a kid with me dad in the 80s/early 90s. Teenage years kicked in and beers/women came to the fore. It wasnt until 2003 when married with own home that i set about building a loft 2003, age 29. Me dad packed up same year, i disposed of most brought done what i thought would race and kept 1 or 2 stock.


I have spent a fortune on stock that have done *expletive removed* all into this area over the years. Now im concetrating on building a consistent team of distance consisting of ardens crossed with local blood timed from france.

i have also invested in a few Scottish birds to try.


I have won a few races but dont class meself as a good racing man yet. Im still learning and building.


so to the answer to your question is 10 years and best bird is hen to fly France twice for me.




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Been involved since i was old enough to follow my Da down to the lofts and i'm 49yrs old now.


The most satisfaction i have ever had was in 2005 when i timed a 2003 Cheq Ck called "Told You So" from Lille to win against all the advice i had been given to choose another Ck that had been in the form as my pooler i stuck with my own conviction and he lifted an entire season's accy.

That was only one of many great performances over 5 seasons for me from this Ck, including winning £388 from Maidstone (361mls) as a latebred in 2004 carrying 4 nest flights, he was also G/sire to my 1st section Ypres hen, which despite being my Best win, doesn't measure up to her G/sire.


As a boy my most memorable result was winning Worcester 1977 with a Grizzle Ck, Su 75 L 14907, because my Da predicted it would win the November before when it was Entered into the Show/Race as it was known in the club. What made that special was the Grizzle had been "given" to me to call my own by my Da the season before.

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Been involved since i was old enough to follow my Da down to the lofts and i'm 49yrs old now.


The most satisfaction i have ever had was in 2005 when i timed a 2003 Cheq Ck called "Told You So" from Lille to win against all the advice i had been given to choose another Ck that had been in the form as my pooler i stuck with my own conviction and he lifted an entire season's accy.

That was only one of many great performances over 5 seasons for me from this Ck, including winning £388 from Maidstone (361mls) as a latebred in 2004 carrying 4 nest flights, he was also G/sire to my 1st section Ypres hen, which despite being my Best win, doesn't measure up to her G/sire.


As a boy my most memorable result was winning Worcester 1977 with a Grizzle Ck, Su 75 L 14907, because my Da predicted it would win the November before when it was Entered into the Show/Race as it was known in the club. What made that special was the Grizzle had been "given" to me to call my own by my Da the season before.


Hi John

Grizzals from Rab and Bonnie Alice by any chance


Homer 49

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pottered with the birds when i was a kid but gave them up at leaving school age , got them back in 1994 and started racing in 1995, always remember my first win which was in 1996 young bird last race from northallerton 237 miles and i took the top 5 positions,(su 96 su 1387 blue pied cock) but every race i get a buzz just seeing them folding their wings back and hitting the trap from whatever race point regardless the time or position. and i still stand out waiting on them in all weathers









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pottered with the birds when i was a kid but gave them up at leaving school age , got them back in 1994 and started racing in 1995, always remember my first win which was in 1996 young bird last race from northallerton 237 miles and i took the top 5 positions, but every race i get a buzz just seeing them folding their wings back and hitting the trap from whatever race point regardless the time or position. and i still stand out waiting on them in all weathers









:emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:

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i have kept pigeons allmost 40 years and had many great wins and memories one that sticks in my mind did not even win but gave me a great deal pride was the first time i got a pigeon on the shift from france so this is the story of the red hen a pal in the club was packing in and asked me to take some of his birds he was not a very good flyer and i was not much better to be honest but i had some well bred birds any way i got five birds of the guy as i was short of hens one was a red hen small to med after breaking them i find out the red hen is stone mad i only need to go near the loft and the red hen is battering off the wire to get away from me clawed ma face a few times and had her in my hands a few times to kill her she was so wild i sent her every race at that time my drinking buddies were vince hendry john mc fall and the late great john feenie of strathclyde lass fame snfc gold award winner it was basketing night for fed channel race i was in the loft trying to dig out something to send i had not put any work into them did not have hope of timer i started to put some peanuts in the tray and noticed the red hen was not there and she loved nuts it was 3 oclock aft noon all the cocks were sitting except hers my nest boxes were very dark i looked inside and she was sitting like a blacky low down in the bowl eyes very wide open she was sitting 14 days i picked her up she was lean an mean and light as a cork i put her on the floor to get some nuts and stood back but this wild nut job of a hen flew on to me clinging to my shirt i pulled her off putting her back on floor again she flew on to me what was wrong with her she hates me then the penny drops im standing in front of her box she climbs round me and gets in ive got one this time i said to my self this is what ive read about but neaver had a 2yr old she had all most every race so i knew she was fit she was tight and corky the way i was told they should be money was tight in those days and it was tues night no money to pull her in fed but made all pools and ladys prize in club sent two dumplins with her gets to club feenies putting the birds through i hand him the red hen as if she was a piece of glass you had to be very carefull with and waited on his expert jugement but he said nothing we all went to the pub after the birds went away my m8 vince asked me what i sent ihad 3 away he had a few away i told him about the red hen how i had neaver seen a bird so keen sounds good he said whats she done he said hows she bred nothing and dont know said i but shes right i know it ill get one on the day this time or ive learned nothing well you will know on friday hop you get her feenie comes back from the bar i cant contain my self i have to know what this great flyer and friend thought of her so i ask him what did you think of my red hen john not enough body on her he says my heart sank i expected him to say great order had i got it wrong again i went home wae ma tail between ma legs race day comes vince phones doos are up six oclock at falaise northwest wind hard race no be many the night a dont think we wish each other good luck and i sit and wait its starting to rain light drizzel the sky grey and its starting to get dark now the dout starts maybe shes a sprinter a dont even know if she was raced before i got her but she was super i thought and so keen i was so sure but feenie said she didnae have enough body and hes the man phone rings five to ten its vince am in wattie he said 5 to 10 well done i said ive got nothing i said but i was pleased for him he ma pal hope ye get one says he what about feenie is he in dont know vince said he nae phone down there think im only doo in club and its gie dark are ye gone for a pint when race shuts idnt think so i said see you lateter i go back out to wait back tae the drawing board for me vince phones again wullie kaines in five past ten dont think any more will get threw its to dark mind regulate yer clock incase ye get one in the morning i go back out its 10 15 im sick as a parrot i would have put ma shirt on that wee doo and i didnae even get an efort a know f k all about doos ive no got the doos and ive learned nothing i go into the loft and start killing birds thats done nothing i nut five then here a bang i peer through the darkness and the red hens on the board i clock her at ten twentynine yed have thought id won the national i wis runnin about the garden like a nutter shoutin a got one a f in got one i was right im gone tae the pub noo i said to the wife a walked in vince and some of the lads were there did you mind and controll yer clock he said i after a timed ma red hen are ye in well done you said yed get that doo and you did john feenie arives did you get one vince asks naw seven away and not a feather i herd you and wullie kane are the only two in the club i and watties in tae with an allpooler that red hen that didnae hiv enough body aw was like a dog with two tales in on the shift on a hard day and beat the great man never forget it hope you enjoy the story lads

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Guest H@wkBait

Racing since 2008 won first club race 03/08/08 st Boswells longest race in old birds won was Leicester in 2010 Longest yb race won was WakeField open (won club level) 2011 My best bird is the blue hen in my signature picture out and out sprinter all her races won by atleast 15 minutes i will be starting National flying this year as when i started i was told to get mysel established in the club before i start flying accross the water

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Remember going to my grand fathers loft and he passed away in 49.had them myself when I was at junior school racing short distance and running round to the pub with the rubber in a match box,still got them,had a few kicks in the wrong place and enjoy any wins that comes along. :animatedpigeons: :animatedpigeons:

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i have kept pigeons allmost 40 years and had many great wins and memories one that sticks in my mind did not even win but gave me a great deal pride was the first time i got a pigeon on the shift from france so this is the story of the red hen a pal in the club was packing in and asked me to take some of his birds he was not a very good flyer and i was not much better to be honest but i had some well bred birds any way i got five birds of the guy as i was short of hens one was a red hen small to med after breaking them i find out the red hen is stone mad i only need to go near the loft and the red hen is battering off the wire to get away from me clawed ma face a few times and had her in my hands a few times to kill her she was so wild i sent her every race at that time my drinking buddies were vince hendry john mc fall and the late great john feenie of strathclyde lass fame snfc gold award winner it was basketing night for fed channel race i was in the loft trying to dig out something to send i had not put any work into them did not have hope of timer i started to put some peanuts in the tray and noticed the red hen was not there and she loved nuts it was 3 oclock aft noon all the cocks were sitting except hers my nest boxes were very dark i looked inside and she was sitting like a blacky low down in the bowl eyes very wide open she was sitting 14 days i picked her up she was lean an mean and light as a cork i put her on the floor to get some nuts and stood back but this wild nut job of a hen flew on to me clinging to my shirt i pulled her off putting her back on floor again she flew on to me what was wrong with her she hates me then the penny drops im standing in front of her box she climbs round me and gets in ive got one this time i said to my self this is what ive read about but neaver had a 2yr old she had all most every race so i knew she was fit she was tight and corky the way i was told they should be money was tight in those days and it was tues night no money to pull her in fed but made all pools and ladys prize in club sent two dumplins with her gets to club feenies putting the birds through i hand him the red hen as if she was a piece of glass you had to be very carefull with and waited on his expert jugement but he said nothing we all went to the pub after the birds went away my m8 vince asked me what i sent ihad 3 away he had a few away i told him about the red hen how i had neaver seen a bird so keen sounds good he said whats she done he said hows she bred nothing and dont know said i but shes right i know it ill get one on the day this time or ive learned nothing well you will know on friday hop you get her feenie comes back from the bar i cant contain my self i have to know what this great flyer and friend thought of her so i ask him what did you think of my red hen john not enough body on her he says my heart sank i expected him to say great order had i got it wrong again i went home wae ma tail between ma legs race day comes vince phones doos are up six oclock at falaise northwest wind hard race no be many the night a dont think we wish each other good luck and i sit and wait its starting to rain light drizzel the sky grey and its starting to get dark now the dout starts maybe shes a sprinter a dont even know if she was raced before i got her but she was super i thought and so keen i was so sure but feenie said she didnae have enough body and hes the man phone rings five to ten its vince am in wattie he said 5 to 10 well done i said ive got nothing i said but i was pleased for him he ma pal hope ye get one says he what about feenie is he in dont know vince said he nae phone down there think im only doo in club and its gie dark are ye gone for a pint when race shuts idnt think so i said see you lateter i go back out to wait back tae the drawing board for me vince phones again wullie kaines in five past ten dont think any more will get threw its to dark mind regulate yer clock incase ye get one in the morning i go back out its 10 15 im sick as a parrot i would have put ma shirt on that wee doo and i didnae even get an efort a know f k all about doos ive no got the doos and ive learned nothing i go into the loft and start killing birds thats done nothing i nut five then here a bang i peer through the darkness and the red hens on the board i clock her at ten twentynine yed have thought id won the national i wis runnin about the garden like a nutter shoutin a got one a f in got one i was right im gone tae the pub noo i said to the wife a walked in vince and some of the lads were there did you mind and controll yer clock he said i after a timed ma red hen are ye in well done you said yed get that doo and you did john feenie arives did you get one vince asks naw seven away and not a feather i herd you and wullie kane are the only two in the club i and watties in tae with an allpooler that red hen that didnae hiv enough body aw was like a dog with two tales in on the shift on a hard day and beat the great man never forget it hope you enjoy the story lads

thats a fantastic story Wattie , was like being there alongside you :emoticon-0137-clapping:

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I have flew the birds in partnership with my hubby for a few years now but a few years ago i raced 12 youngbirds on my own hubby gave me 8 and i got 4 from clockman on here one of these birds wee annie as she got called by clockman her No was 999 a blue ch hen in 6 races in the club she won 3x1st 2x2nd and a third she was also timed in the fed midweek race winning a few pounds in pool money she also won a lot of pool money in the new lothian club That year i won 6 out of seven races in the club and in the last race i would have won that but hubby timed his bird first even thou 999 the blue cheq hen was first into the loft with his bird a close second 2 of the other birds i got from clockman also won tickets 1 had a 1st and 3rd and another had 2x3rd Weeannie was out flying around the loft one day 36 birds in all flying and a hawk went into the birds and got hold of one only bird not home was weeannie i was heart broken that day .We have not raced the birds for 4 years because hubby was ill but are racing again this year with the youngbirds looking forward to this again and hubby has said i will be helping with the youngbirds again this year think he means i will be doing the training lol

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I have flew the birds in partnership with my hubby for a few years now but a few years ago i raced 12 youngbirds on my own hubby gave me 8 and i got 4 from clockman on here one of these birds wee annie as she got called by clockman her No was 999 a blue ch hen in 6 races in the club she won 3x1st 2x2nd and a third she was also timed in the fed midweek race winning a few pounds in pool money she also won a lot of pool money in the new lothian club That year i won 6 out of seven races in the club and in the last race i would have won that but hubby timed his bird first even thou 999 the blue cheq hen was first into the loft with his bird a close second 2 of the other birds i got from clockman also won tickets 1 had a 1st and 3rd and another had 2x3rd Weeannie was out flying around the loft one day 36 birds in all flying and a hawk went into the birds and got hold of one only bird not home was weeannie i was heart broken that day .We have not raced the birds for 4 years because hubby was ill but are racing again this year with the youngbirds looking forward to this again and hubby has said i will be helping with the youngbirds again this year think he means i will be doing the training lol


There are 8 in the nest off the stock doos for you.One is called wee annie 2 and another called ugly Johnnie,

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he can gab :emoticon-0140-rofl: well done walter a good wee read

i im idle just now to much time on ma hands timeing belt snaped on ma transit ma guy cant do it till next tuesday but hes good and cheap so going nowhere and ive got a few i could tell ye m8 lol but its not putting bread on the table if you know what i mean

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i im idle just now to much time on ma hands timeing belt snaped on ma transit ma guy cant do it till next tuesday but hes good and cheap so going nowhere and ive got a few i could tell ye m8 lol but its not putting bread on the table if you know what i mean

will buy you a fresh loaf next time i see you for another story :emoticon-0136-giggle:

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