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Names Of Members

Walter swanston

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First of all I would wish, hopefully without seeming to be patronising, to offer my sincere complements to the administrators of this pigeon site which I consider to be the best pigeon forum on the internet.However there is an interesting comment in the Racing Pigeon today with which I fully agree.Why should we take notice of the comments of persons who appear to be reluctant to use their own name and prefer to use the cover of witty or colourful titles or nicknames.Should the administrators not insist that members names should be available somewhere on the site.

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First of all I would wish, hopefully without seeming to be patronising, to offer my sincere complements to the administrators of this pigeon site which I consider to be the best pigeon forum on the internet.However there is an interesting comment in the Racing Pigeon today with which I fully agree.Why should we take notice of the comments of persons who appear to be reluctant to use their own name and prefer to use the cover of witty or colourful titles or nicknames.Should the administrators not insist that members names should be available somewhere on the site.

simple answer to this

if you don't want advice from a forum

don't ask the question :egyptian: :egyptian:

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Many of us have our pen names or screen names some wish to be anonymous which is there right , I have no objection to using my real name which has never been a secret , but who's to say names that look real are actually there real name , all my club members know who I am on these sites and with a surname like mine pretty impossible to hide ;) Go back and read the pigeon magazines loads of writers or scribes use a pen name even some authors use pen names. So in reality if we all changed to real names then who's to say the name you see is for real , Oldyellow was a pigeon I bred and raced so that's why I choose it as a pen / screen name , besides in 1972 Mark was the most popular name , so I think Oldyellow is better as I know it's me rather than another 10 people with same first name ;) regards Mark Kettlestring :)

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First of all I would wish, hopefully without seeming to be patronising, to offer my sincere complements to the administrators of this pigeon site which I consider to be the best pigeon forum on the internet.However there is an interesting comment in the Racing Pigeon today with which I fully agree.Why should we take notice of the comments of persons who appear to be reluctant to use their own name and prefer to use the cover of witty or colourful titles or nicknames.Should the administrators not insist that members names should be available somewhere on the site.


Simple, why do you? :emoticon-0138-thinking:

Surely if you don't feel inclined to... then you don't.

But very many, indeed a large %cent wouldn't post at all if having to use their real name. Indeed very many wouldn't join - but view only - if not able to use an non de plume.

WHY? SIMPLE THAT! FOR MANY VARIOUS REASONS. If A NAME... Ridicule, slagging... or if not SAME. Beside Abuse. Very many have seen it, or felt it, MOST don't want any, or invite any! So I full heartedly am all for Non de Plumes.

Further in a short time MOST are known just who they are etc.

And if one wants to say 'BUT they can insult / abuse without using their oewn name - which they wouldn't do BUT I doubt that too - they are quickly controlled and sorted via the Mods. So yes Non de plumes are a must, indeed a boon.

Because this, and every other site wouldn't be half as good, or used... indeed probly just a forum of braggants speaking and uttering senile and senseless banter. Been on very many site and NONE have every been sucessfull in trying to get people to use own name... indeed instead of 'Pen Names' at best just aliases.

Never have I seen, or will it happen, it's a no goer, and before anyone asks the question 'What to Hide' 'If genuine' etc. they have no fundemental logic. Because nigh most wish not to be abused, drawn into slanging matchess, and that is the very reason it works best with pen names and MODS sorting untoward calling etc. IT is, and would be far far worst if everyone used their real names on open forum, because friends / history etc. would quickly be brought in, and membership dwindle rapidly.

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Thank you for your reply I still think everyone`s name should be on their profile

I use my NOM DE PLUME so I can come on and slag the Fed President off :emoticon-0136-giggle: :emoticon-0136-giggle: :emoticon-0136-giggle: :emoticon-0136-giggle:


Who, bye the way, is a true gent.


Cheers Steven Dalgliesh

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Thank you for your reply I still think everyone`s name should be on their profile


I think you always will Walt.


Yet I'd wager, 10 to 0ne that any and every site that tries, or has tried it has seen a massive dwindling of numbers, and further very few new members joined.

It is really of no account. It is the content and what the post that is all important. I, like most, wouldn't care if it was a urangtang from the moon posting if I, oe others benefitted or enjoyed the post.

Like melol, I must be one of the least read posts there is.

My name of course is Roland. I bet if I posted as 'Stirrer' my posts would be read a lot more straight of.

Hassle and a bit of gossip, heated debates are like thecorn to chickens in a farn yard... It draws them to it.

Now who wants theirselves to be the corn lol. :egyptian: :egyptian: :egyptian:

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I think you always will Walt.


Yet I'd wager, 10 to 0ne that any and every site that tries, or has tried it has seen a massive dwindling of numbers, and further very few new members joined.

It is really of no account. It is the content and what the post that is all important. I, like most, wouldn't care if it was a urangtang from the moon posting if I, oe others benefitted or enjoyed the post.

Like melol, I must be one of the least read posts there is.

My name of course is Roland. I bet if I posted as 'Stirrer' my posts would be read a lot more straight of.

Hassle and a bit of gossip, heated debates are like thecorn to chickens in a farn yard... It draws them to it.

Now who wants theirselves to be the corn lol. :egyptian: :egyptian: :egyptian:

:emoticon-0136-giggle: :emoticon-0136-giggle: :emoticon-0136-giggle:

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Its safer to use a nom de plume because using your real name gives scammers a foothold, I do not wish to know anyones name it is none of my busines.s I like others come on to seek and offer advice, the mods know who everyone is anyway I am sure we dont need any profile policemen.

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Its safer to use a nom de plume because using your real name gives scammers a foothold, I do not wish to know anyones name it is none of my busines.s I like others come on to seek and offer advice, the mods know who everyone is anyway I am sure we dont need any profile policemen.

So your not actually called mushroom?

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Well Everybody knows who it is when i post on a thread, its that way because i will never use insults or innuendo towards another fancier who happens to have a different point of view from my own.


As far as this thread is concerned i'm inclined to agree with Walter on this one, because it is more often than not, insults and innuendo are thrown by those who's name is unknown to the man/woman they are attacking.

No got much time for that sort of carry on.

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Well Everybody knows who it is when i post on a thread, its that way because i will never use insults or innuendo towards another fancier who happens to have a different point of view from my own.


As far as this thread is concerned i'm inclined to agree with Walter on this one, because it is more often than not, insults and innuendo are thrown by those who's name is unknown to the man/woman they are attacking.

No got much time for that sort of carry on.

:emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:

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