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the guys only asking a question bridge bhoy try helping him you wonder why nae cant likes you ive gt a mate who was away 6days and his birds where fine try asking the guy how many birds he has this to me is the most important thing then we could work out what he would need for a week away


Tommy, ive telt ye before, everybody likes me, its you they hate lol. Im giving the guy advice, look after yer doos first and foremost expletive remove. As for you having a mate, my azz lol


Av heard story's of old of fanciers up here leaving there birds on open bowl with no water or feeding for over a week am sure there where the leashmans of Douglas water and they where top flyers from the channel


That’s in the winter when they are through the moult, the Doos are heavy in moult at this time and we are talking about not feeding them????


I canny believe what this thread is about, a bloody disgrace to the pigeon sport.


It’s not a disgrace to the sport we all need holidays I can’t just say no to my family and upset my son for not going to Disneyland, my birds will be fine and I got someone to check on them while I’m away


Right I’m going to close off by saying I’m young at 38 and no way am I being tied down by so called experts saying I cannot have a holiday for the sake of my Pigeons, they will be looked after. People who say don’t need a holiday I bet they had in their life and half of the folk here are retired so that’s a holiday to them.


work out how much feed they need for a week and give them it as long as you;ve got enough water for them. it will do them no harm, a week off peace and quite will be good for them,


Hi peeps got a question is we are away on holiday for 1 week will my Pigeons be ok without food for week there will be plenty of water or will I need another pigeon guy to help check on them?

If Scotland do qualify for this tourney hope your no thinking about going you'll have nae dos left when you come back or you could just give them a open hole as there is plenty up there wher u bide :emoticon-0136-giggle:


Right I’m going to close off by saying I’m young at 38 and no way am I being tied down by so called experts saying I cannot have a holiday for the sake of my Pigeons, they will be looked after. People who say don’t need a holiday I bet they had in their life and half of the folk here are retired so that’s a holiday to them.


Nobody said you cant have a holiday, we said look after yer birds and feed the bloody things. expletive remove put a knife through a bag of feeding and fill as many drinkers as you can get your hands on, rather than say you might leave them for a week!!!They should be heavy in the moult at this time and need as much care and attention as possible.


Nobody said you cant have a holiday, we said look after yer birds and feed the bloody things. expletive remove put a knife through a bag of feeding and fill as many drinkers as you can get your hands on, rather than say you might leave them for a week!!!They should be heavy in the moult at this time and need as much care and attention as possible.


My birds are being looked after I got club member helping to look after them while I’m away


Could you not have sorted that out in the first place instead of making a can't of yourself


I was only asking a question but surprised there’s unhelpful advice eg slagging a new beginner which is me, they all got to watch what they say as that’s why I notice people leaving the hobby due to twats spitting out their dummies and bawling and swearing. There’s more to life than just Pigeons. Keep the beginners not lose them.


look lads dont be to judgmental on a new starter,i have met matt when collecting the doos and he is severely disabled and i would like to think his club mates will help him out, i know the broch club and i know they will sort him, they are good lads and matt if you are reading this then mebbe better not to post on the site before you ask clubmates to help, have a good holiday min.


look lads dont be to judgmental on a new starter,i have met matt when collecting the doos and he is severely disabled and i would like to think his club mates will help him out, i know the broch club and i know they will sort him, they are good lads and matt if you are reading this then mebbe better not to post on the site before you ask clubmates to help, have a good holiday min.


Thanks Dave

Got a member to help and I know this forum can be touché about certain things


Nobody said you cant have a holiday, we said look after yer birds and feed the bloody things. expletive remove put a knife through a bag of feeding and fill as many drinkers as you can get your hands on, rather than say you might leave them for a week!!!They should be heavy in the moult at this time and need as much care and attention as possible.

how u feel knoo bridge bhoy like a rite wankxr guys only started in the sport as i sad before nae cant likes you :emoticon-0179-headbang: :emoticon-0179-headbang:


I worked on an estate and nobody within 5 miles and that was my nearest neighbour so I obtained 5 gallon pheasant drinkers and 100 kilo hoppers and left them for 16 days, when I RETURNED EVERY THING WAS OK so dont listen to the so called fanciers who would not as much as cross the road to help you out with advice.


Hi peeps got a question is we are away on holiday for 1 week will my Pigeons be ok without food for week there will be plenty of water or will I need another pigeon guy to help check on them?



how u feel knoo bridge bhoy like a rite wankxr guys only started in the sport as i sad before nae cant likes you :emoticon-0179-headbang: :emoticon-0179-headbang:


That's the line, you've crossed it.


look lads dont be to judgmental on a new starter,i have met matt when collecting the doos and he is severely disabled and i would like to think his club mates will help him out, i know the broch club and i know they will sort him, they are good lads and matt if you are reading this then mebbe better not to post on the site before you ask clubmates to help, have a good holiday min.

Well said Dave !!

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