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thot you had to be member of SNFC noT SHU tae sign for the egm you are a member till you resign but its a loop hole they could use that your not a paid up member :animatedpigeons:

If ur a current member of SNFC then you must also be an shu member automatically since you have to be a member of shu before you can be a member of SNFC. That's my understanding of it anyway m8! :(

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Think the majority of the fancy would like to know what is the current state of affairs with regards to this,although there does seem to be a percentage that sadly are quite happy to carry on regardless for their own self interest.Hopfully it is being dealt with in the appropriate manner. :emoticon-0138-thinking: :emoticon-0138-thinking:


I think a Friday was chosen simply for that reason. Sky to themselves as I say as there is a lot of pigeon traffic ie Liberations on a Saturday across Europe.

If the pigeons are fortunate enough to get up on the Friday they could get a very good start.


At least the SNRPC are giving the pigeons a chance of racing on a Friday and I would like to thank the Committee on that point for thinking of the pigeons and not about peoples egos.

That's whats wrong with the sport these days not enough people thinking about the PIGEONS! :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:


You are wrong. 131 signatures were collected. Committee said 18 were invalid leaving 113 bonafide signatures.

YOUR signature was one thrown out by them !!!

spoke two someone last night from the snfc and your telling lies about my signature WHY ? or is someone put you up two it ?


Think the majority of the fancy would like to know what is the current state of affairs with regards to this,although there does seem to be a percentage that sadly are quite happy to carry on regardless for their own self interest.Hopfully it is being dealt with in the appropriate manner. :emoticon-0138-thinking: :emoticon-0138-thinking:



Bold statement to make considering that yourself and your other SNRPC pal seem to be the only ones interested on continually bringing the subject up :emoticon-0138-thinking:


Bold statement to make considering that yourself and your other SNRPC pal seem to be the only ones interested on continually bringing the subject up :emoticon-0138-thinking:

You seem to be quite pro active on this youself,as I said like most I am curious to what's the latest on this situation


Naedoos people will keep bringing it up cause their not happy. That will probably continue until its all dealt with, as it should be. Fanciers are fed up with being kept in the dark and want to know what's going on, what's wrong with that?

There are hundreds of irate fanciers (life long members) wanting to know when its all going to be sorted out in the open. You don't want people to say anything, best keep stoom don't rock the boat and so on.Why, please tell us.

Do u Know whats going on ?????


You seem to be quite happy with the current state of the goings on at the moment. Or are u one of the many unhappy growing number of fanciers that are slowly beginning to run out of Patience because of a lack of transparency ?????

Can u honestly say you are more than happy with all this hanging over a once great club ?????????? :emoticon-0127-lipssealed: :emoticon-0127-lipssealed: :emoticon-0127-lipssealed: :emoticon-0127-lipssealed:


spoke two someone last night from the snfc and your telling lies about my signature WHY ? or is someone put you up two it ?


Why would you post there were insufficient signatures when there were more than required ?


Why would you post there were insufficient signatures when there were more than required ?

did you have wait for your reply so you could post ? like a said you needed 100 and they were short ,


did you have wait for your reply so you could post ? like a said you needed 100 and they were short ,

Let,s face it we are getting shafted, they ain't going to give us an EGM.


Right I might be the 1st person to post this and I don't care if they ban me or not but no way can I trust the current president with all the question marks hanging over him...


Get it sorted at an EGM....


Right I might be the 1st person to post this and I don't care if they ban me or not but no way can I trust the current president with all the question marks hanging over him...


Get it sorted at an EGM....



Right I might be the 1st person to post this and I don't care if they ban me or not but no way can I trust the current president with all the question marks hanging over him...


Get it sorted at an EGM....



i dont need to watch masel Andy but i want the SNFC sorted pal but too many question marks hanging mover the president and until they are answered the club is fkd mate....


Whoever or what one believe has happened or is happening in the snfc I think a EGM would answer all the ? And then we could draw a line under this and move forward as your better dealing with your problems now rather than later but jmo


Naedoos people will keep bringing it up cause their not happy. That will probably continue until its all dealt with, as it should be. Fanciers are fed up with being kept in the dark and want to know what's going on, what's wrong with that?

There are hundreds of irate fanciers (life long members) wanting to know when its all going to be sorted out in the open. You don't want people to say anything, best keep stoom don't rock the boat and so on.Why, please tell us.

Do u Know whats going on ?????


You seem to be quite happy with the current state of the goings on at the moment. Or are u one of the many unhappy growing number of fanciers that are slowly beginning to run out of Patience because of a lack of transparency ?????

Can u honestly say you are more than happy with all this hanging over a once great club ?????????? :emoticon-0127-lipssealed: :emoticon-0127-lipssealed: :emoticon-0127-lipssealed: :emoticon-0127-lipssealed:


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