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Snfc Region Changes

Guest stb-

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you are right Walter, the SNFC is for middle distance racing and the SNRPC, is for long distance racing

are you serious danny

walter and the guys at the far end of the north section

are flying over 700 miles in some of the snfc races

tours i think was 725 miles


i dont think that the snrpc have members flying as far as that

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are you serious danny

walter and the guys at the far end of the north section

are flying over 700 miles in some of the snfc races

tours i think was 725 miles


i dont think that the snrpc have members flying as far as that



SOME have tried further 1000 milers

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SOME have tried further 1000 milers


not in their own race program danny

they have been individual members going with an english orginisation


there was a bird recorded fling over 1000 miles into wick if i remember correctly

not sure of which orginisation it was sent through

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Fantastic lewis how can fanciers reading these achievements not want ta have a real go at achieving such performances ? And ta top it look at his loft you could get starlings through the mesh wire , and this was in the 30ties what has this Scottish national racing come ta i ask ye cant say its NATIONALS THESE INLAND RACES ????

walter the snrpc have races which would be aboot 800 + miles to you


and you could try a few oot at them :emoticon-0140-rofl: SAINTES prob nearer 900miles

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are you serious danny

walter and the guys at the far end of the north section

are flying over 700 miles in some of the snfc races

tours i think was 725 miles


i dont think that the snrpc have members flying as far as that



Davy Walter would like a crack at a race from Oslo, but the one eyed jack owners would have a nose bleed, at the thought of such a race me i would love to see a race from east side then the west side of Ireland AS IT would be won in Coatbridge

most weeks and maybe even i might get one ready for it.

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Davy Walter would like a crack at a race from Oslo, but the one eyed jack owners would have a nose bleed, at the thought of such a race me i would love to see a race from east sidethen the west side of Ireland AS IT would be won in Coatbridge

most weeks and maybe even i might get one ready for it.


a race from southern ireland would certainly tempt me to send a few

tours to me is 686

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a race from southern ireland would certainly tempt me to send a few

tours to me is 686



with west winds the velocites would be in the 1700 and birds would thrive


just to let you know abit about nothern ireland it sits about level with manchester aint that odd

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Will try to be realistic and constructive here. The proposal for the regions will only affect "region" pools and averages as far as I can see. The "sections" would stay as they are so would not change the number of positions available on the result. Any way the proposal will obviously fail going by the negative comments on here.

The suggestion of breaking points would never work in a national race as there are too many ifs and buts to consider. If a breaking point of Eyemouth was used it would have a large part of section c and most of section g measured over water. How can that be fair when we all know the majority of birds would cut inland to the forth.

Pigeon racing is a dying sport and the majority of the fanciers who are left are in favour of inland nationals so my guess is they will stay. The sooner both nationals get together the better as otherwise they will both weaken each other as the membership continues to drop.

On a more serious note, no-one has mentioned the deficit of £16000. Based on last years figures the increase in subs and birdage will bring in approx £11000. The committee has to have a serious look at how to cut costs.

Finally dont see a problem with the meeting being in Stenhousemuir. According to google maps it is 18 miles from Airdrie. Why is it always in the west anyway. Thats surely not "fair". Dundee would suit me better. (maybe next year)

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As much as there isn’t a lot of support for it on here I do believe it will go through. Mainly as a result of this season’s YB national it has a greater appeal to very many of the fanciers who would fall into the mid-East region.


If it does go through I would hate to see anything too drastic happen. I’d like to re-emphasise to those in the current West Region that had the motion been carried last year the Mid-West average winner would have Jock and Isabel Alston.


To me the greatest appeal is flying for open positions and here are some of the national open positions achieved between two of the current West Regions Modern greats, 1st,1st, 2nd,2nd,4th,4th,5th,5th,5th,6th,8th,9th,


Make of these figures what you want

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As much as there isn’t a lot of support for it on here I do believe it will go through. Mainly as a result of this season’s YB national it has a greater appeal to very many of the fanciers who would fall into the mid-East region.


If it does go through I would hate to see anything too drastic happen. I’d like to re-emphasise to those in the current West Region that had the motion been carried last year the Mid-West average winner would have Jock and Isabel Alston.


To me the greatest appeal is flying for open positions and here are some of the national open positions achieved between two of the current West Regions Modern greats, 1st,1st, 2nd,2nd,4th,4th,5th,5th,5th,6th,8th,9th,


Make of these figures what you want


Obviously you can manipulate figures to say whatever you want,But i can't think of any fancier in Section D flying at present with top 10 open positions to match the fanciers listed above.So going on these figures do the fanciers in Section E have anything to fear pooling in the same region as the ones in Section D?


Another interesting thing is if you look at the old birds results of the last two seasons and pick out where the Mid West region winner would be from.


You get Airdire,Plean x 2,Newbigging,Broxburn x 2, Chryston, Clackmannan, Stirling,Whitburn,Cambuslang and Ravenstruther.Again does that look very scary? :emoticon-0136-giggle:

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Obviously you can maniplutar figures to say whatever you want,But i can't think of any fancier in Section D flying at present with top 10 open positions to match the fanciers listed above.So going on these figures do the fanciers in Section E have anything to fear pooling in the same region as the ones in Section D?


Another interesting thing is if you look at the old birds results of the last two seasons and pick out where the Mid West region winner would be from.


You get Airdire,Plean x 2,Newbigging,Broxburn x 2, Chryston, Clackmannan, Stirling,Whitburn,Cambuslang and Ravenstruther.Again does that look very scary? :emoticon-0136-giggle:


lol, come on Lewis, spin doctor :emoticon-0136-giggle: :emoticon-0136-giggle:

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Only 11 votes in it last year Allan, get herself and all yer mates to the AGM this year.


Naw only usually 2 of us fae my club go and the other guy has rapped the doos in this year but i'll be there myself as i try not to miss any meetings if i can help it Jock :emoticon-0157-sun:

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I think we all know the section thing needs looking at ,there will always be fanciers unhappy . Doesn't really affect me but will be there voting against it as it doesn't seem fair ,big Gareth's way seems the best start .

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