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I think National racing has moved on from what was once seen as only distance racing, to a modern National club which offers National racing from 300 to 600 miles. The only racing it doesn't cater for just now is 200 miles for the Sprint enthusiasts, and I reckon if one was provided there would be a big entry for that too. Club's current constitution also suggests that the club is there to provide National racing for everybody in Scotland. Sooner it does that by offering something that appeals to most fanciers, sooner we have one really big National club.


I think National racing has moved on from what was once seen as only distance racing, to a modern National club which offers National racing from 300 to 600 miles. The only racing it doesn't cater for just now is 200 miles for the Sprint enthusiasts, and I reckon if one was provided there would be a big entry for that too. Club's current constitution also suggests that the club is there to provide National racing for everybody in Scotland. Sooner it does that by offering something that appeals to most fanciers, sooner we have one really big National club.


good post IB,too many guys thinking of the glory days of the 60s and 70s,changed days,we must cater for all,i wonder how many guys on here and SNFC members sent to all the channel races????? :partick-thistle-Crest: the SNFC programme at the start of this thread has the first national on 22/06/13 which imo would have very little impact on club and fed racing. ;) ;) ;)


Well Im afraid in the modern pigeon game if you only have channel races in the programme the national will be dead and buried in ten years time....Why?? because the majority of todays fanciers are not interested in long distance racing. By the way I love long distance racing but I also see the bigger picture. If the national only had TWO race next year from Alencon and Tours how many entries do you think they would get and how many members would resign?


If thats the case then what you are getting at is that channel racing in Scotland will be dead and buried in tens years time regardless??


All we will have left of "national racing" in ten years will be inland national races which to be honest on the whole are only really glorified fed races for the fanciers racing into certain areas??


These inland national races are not providing suitable racing for all the Scottish fancy in my mind at all.In fact they are taking away a lot from most of the inland minded fliers in the country.


To answer your question.I cannot predict numbers but would be almost certain it would be the biggest Reims and Tours birdage for many years.Inland orientated members would resign and would have far better racing as result.If adjacent feds and organisations were to cooperate(very big IF :lol: ) they would be racing competetively right down to the coast,not making up numbers and losing many of their best pigeons in the process.


Anyway as most people say the inland national races are here,you don't have to send if you don't want to.

I won't say I will never send to them but if so it will only be through necessity as many of the feds are being forced into suiting their programmes around Newbury and Eastbourne/Maidstone.


There are too many factors outwith the control of one organisation or group to better inland and channel racing in Scotland so we will just have to make do the best we can,if this means having Inland nationals then so be it :lol:

Guest Gareth Rankin

good post IB,too many guys thinking of the glory days of the 60s and 70s,changed days,we must cater for all,i wonder how many guys on here and SNFC members sent to all the channel races????? :partick-thistle-Crest: the SNFC programme at the start of this thread has the first national on 22/06/13 which imo would have very little impact on club and fed racing. ;) ;) ;)

Well done, with this attitude, you and fanciers like you, are playing your part at killing distance racing into Scotland. :emoticon-0137-clapping::mad:


Well done, with this attitude, you and fanciers like you, are playing your part at killing distance racing into Scotland. :emoticon-0137-clapping::mad:


Gareth what you mean is in your opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!unfortunately it could just be guys like yourself who are stuck in the 70s and will not move with the times that are killing distance racing,take the blinkers off big guy. ;) ;)WE MUST CATER FOR ALL. ;) ;)

Guest Gareth Rankin

Gareth what you mean is in your opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!unfortunately it could just be guys like yourself who are stuck in the 70s and will not move with the times that are killing distance racing,take the blinkers off big guy. ;) ;)WE MUST CATER FOR ALL. ;) ;)

Let the different areas of Scotland transport together or Amalgamate. Theres fanciers in Scotland getting nearly every doo they send on a SNFC inland result, all because of the fanciers location and also down to the generosity of the fanciers that send to the race, that come from the most unfavorable areas of Scotland.


the race points are obviously important but also how many club members around you dont fly in the nationals and what are the reasons the national needs to take a long hard look at the running of the club in recent years it has left a lot to be desired in my opinion from transportation to race controling and biggest of all security i dont think we have ever got over events from a few years back that have to date never been explained there is not a bigger national minded flyer than me and this is only my opinion


the race points are obviously important but also how many club members around you dont fly in the nationals and what are the reasons the national needs to take a long hard look at the running of the club in recent years it has left a lot to be desired in my opinion from transportation to race controling and biggest of all security i dont think we have ever got over events from a few years back that have to date never been explained there is not a bigger national minded flyer than me and this is only my opinion


Excellent post and very accurate..


Excellent post and very accurate..

Transportation is a must to be looked at, the yb nat is a complete and utter farce and should be west east north kinda thing, the race points over the water aint bad but no sense in moving to reims JMO, Newbury or its like are surely within the reaches of fed racing and I aint 100% on maidstone(race point not the race itself).


I wish I was a meeting kind of guywith the time to prepare an arguement :emoticon-0127-lipssealed: :emoticon-0127-lipssealed: :emoticon-0127-lipssealed: :emoticon-0127-lipssealed:


Let the different areas of Scotland transport together or Amalgamate. Theres fanciers in Scotland getting nearly every doo they send on a SNFC inland result, all because of the fanciers location and also down to the generosity of the fanciers that send to the race, that come from the most unfavorable areas of Scotland.


Well you are the one to get the ball rolling. Get yourself a west of scotland amalgamation organised to race on the inland national dates then we will see where the loyalties are. Either that or move to Ayton. Another point all the specialist long distance clubs in England run races from 150 miles upwards. I would assume to make money and retain the interest of their memnbers in the early part of the season.


I think National racing has moved on from what was once seen as only distance racing, to a modern National club which offers National racing from 300 to 600 miles. The only racing it doesn't cater for just now is 200 miles for the Sprint enthusiasts, and I reckon if one was provided there would be a big entry for that too. Club's current constitution also suggests that the club is there to provide National racing for everybody in Scotland. Sooner it does that by offering something that appeals to most fanciers, sooner we have one really big National club.

Ian do you really know what your saying what is national mean the whole country and by my calculations where ta hell da ye get a national race that take in the whole of the country from 200 miles, do you not understand the first drop in the y/b national doesent fly 200miles ? And as lewis said combine feds for inland races but dont call it a national / surly yer brain must tell you the birds winning a inland race is being compaired to french races , you should know that if you send them over the channel it is superior birds to the rolling in laughter janseens calling them a champion ? OMG ?

Ian do you really know what your saying what is national mean the whole country and by my calculations where ta hell da ye get a national race that take in the whole of the country from 200 miles, do you not understand the first drop in the y/b national doesent fly 200miles ? And as lewis said combine feds for inland races but dont call it a national / surly yer brain must tell you the birds winning a inland race is being compaired to french races , you should know that if you send them over the channel it is superior birds to the rolling in laughter janseens calling them a champion ? OMG ?



I would say a national is where the whole country can take part whether it is 300 400 500 600 or 700 miles. A 400 mile inland national gives exciting racing. That is what the modern fanciers want where it is over in 9 - 12 hours depending on the wind. You may not agree with it but that is the way it is


Ian do you really know what your saying what is national mean the whole country and by my calculations where ta hell da ye get a national race that take in the whole of the country from 200 miles, do you not understand the first drop in the y/b national doesent fly 200miles ? And as lewis said combine feds for inland races but dont call it a national / surly yer brain must tell you the birds winning a inland race is being compaired to french races , you should know that if you send them over the channel it is superior birds to the rolling in laughter janseens calling them a champion ? OMG ?


Walter, I know because the club races only the South Road, there is many miles difference between what the Solway pigeons fly, and the North of Scotland pigeons (and every federation in between) fly. So just now it is not possible for everyone to be flying the same distance. The way things are just now the ruling distance seems to be 'determined' by choosing a distance into Central Scotland, so 200 into Central Scotland would be what we'd be flying.


You yourself have advocated a change of direction that could narrow that difference down to 30/40 miles. Or as I have advocated just one North Road race from Lerwick or Faroes would turn the club on its head so that for once the North Section birds would be flying least miles and getting first drop for a change, and the Solway could experience being shut out. Such a race although short would have the birds crossing water.


I don't think anyone can compare an inland national winner with a channel national winner. But both of them are far different types of racing to federation or even combine racing, inland or channel. Federation and Combine are racing into the same general area - birds don't need to get themselves sorted, just follow the crowd cos they'll be headed somewhere close to home. National birds when liberated are heading into most federation areas in Scotland. Daren't play 'follow the leader' there. Inland Nationals can't be compared with Federation races. They are not in the same League, the birdage that the Inland Nationals get shows that Federation flyers will go to them instead of their own Fed race - when given the chance.. so there is no business case for SNFC dropping them, nor has any other group a snowballs chance in hell trying to organise anything in direct competition with them, their pulling power is far too great.


Well you are the one to get the ball rolling. Get yourself a west of scotland amalgamation organised to race on the inland national dates then we will see where the loyalties are. Either that or move to Ayton. Another point all the specialist long distance clubs in England run races from 150 miles upwards. I would assume to make money and retain the interest of their memnbers in the early part of the season.

Their aint no hills in the English Channel.


Walter, I know because the club races only the South Road, there is many miles difference between what the Solway pigeons fly, and the North of Scotland pigeons (and every federation in between) fly. So just now it is not possible for everyone to be flying the same distance. The way things are just now the ruling distance seems to be 'determined' by choosing a distance into Central Scotland, so 200 into Central Scotland would be what we'd be flying.


You yourself have advocated a change of direction that could narrow that difference down to 30/40 miles. Or as I have advocated just one North Road race from Lerwick or Faroes would turn the club on its head so that for once the North Section birds would be flying least miles and getting first drop for a change, and the Solway could experience being shut out. Such a race although short would have the birds crossing water.


I don't think anyone can compare an inland national winner with a channel national winner. But both of them are far different types of racing to federation or even combine racing, inland or channel. Federation and Combine are racing into the same general area - birds don't need to get themselves sorted, just follow the crowd cos they'll be headed somewhere close to home. National birds when liberated are heading into most federation areas in Scotland. Daren't play 'follow the leader' there. Inland Nationals can't be compared with Federation races. They are not in the same League, the birdage that the Inland Nationals get shows that Federation flyers will go to them instead of their own Fed race - when given the chance.. so there is no business case for SNFC dropping them, nor has any other group a snowballs chance in hell trying to organise anything in direct competition with them, their pulling power is far too great.

HeHe!!! Thats us DIDDYS in the SOOTH fooked now!!!!!HEHEHEHE


I would say a national is where the whole country can take part whether it is 300 400 500 600 or 700 miles. A 400 mile inland national gives exciting racing. That is what the modern fanciers want where it is over in 9 - 12 hours depending on the wind. You may not agree with it but that is the way it is

jADE i am not bothered about what fanciers want regarding racing to any race points and enjoy there racing thats what its all about ? But why do you think inland races of 3 & 400 miles is to be in par with french races ? That is like having 2 grand nationals one from 4 3/4 miles and one at 2miles and the 2milers are equal ? gold cup liberation at midday at nantes ?

jADE i am not bothered about what fanciers want regarding racing to any race points and enjoy there racing thats what its all about ? But why do you think inland races of 3 & 400 miles is to be in par with french races ? That is like having 2 grand nationals one from 4 3/4 miles and one at 2miles and the 2milers are equal ? gold cup liberation at midday at nantes ?


Nah get them up at 5am, tooooo sweaty at midday


Nah get them up at 5am, tooooo sweaty at midday

steven now now now in 43 years they have never been up at 5am lib ? So the right distance for a midday race for the gold cup would be nantes every bird up together every bird out all night if you can come up with a fairer way for the gold cup lets here it :partick-thistle-Crest:

Walter,I admire yer pigeon racing and yer determination for distance racing BUT, you can see yerself by the posts on here that Nantes would send many a fancier running for the bog not the entry form????? In the south 100 members becomes 20 at Nantes!!!! Every year!!!


The midday lib is a hard one for anybody in the south, or indeed anywhere but the north,to advocate as it would be very hard to beat anybody north of us with daylight hours compared to clock hours but it wouldnt stop me trying??? The comment on being too sweaty was a real observation of holding birds to midday in France as would be concerns about holding in a good morning for a channel cross for weather to come in later???


Its not only the impact on the SNFC channel races that I believe the Inland nationals are affecting.


Its a case of stealing from the poor to feed the rich.They greatly affect fed racing.


Think it would be much fairer if the inland racing was left to feds to joint convoy and if the SNFC stuck to channel racing.


The inland racers would enjoy it much more as they are racing in bigger competitions they actually stand a chance of scoring well in and the channel racing would be enjoyed as it has been for decades,only with bigger birdages.


For me both SNFC old bird inland races should be done away with as well as the YB national and we should have 4 national channel races.


This is only my opinion.The members will decide,the ones it doesn't suit will just have to soldier on and enjoy their doos :emoticon-0157-sun:

Buy this guy a pint best comment on this subject and i would vote for this well done.


Walter, I know because the club races only the South Road, there is many miles difference between what the Solway pigeons fly, and the North of Scotland pigeons (and every federation in between) fly. So just now it is not possible for everyone to be flying the same distance. The way things are just now the ruling distance seems to be 'determined' by choosing a distance into Central Scotland, so 200 into Central Scotland would be what we'd be flying.


You yourself have advocated a change of direction that could narrow that difference down to 30/40 miles. Or as I have advocated just one North Road race from Lerwick or Faroes would turn the club on its head so that for once the North Section birds would be flying least miles and getting first drop for a change, and the Solway could experience being shut out. Such a race although short would have the birds crossing water.


I don't think anyone can compare an inland national winner with a channel national winner. But both of them are far different types of racing to federation or even combine racing, inland or channel. Federation and Combine are racing into the same general area - birds don't need to get themselves sorted, just follow the crowd cos they'll be headed somewhere close to home. National birds when liberated are heading into most federation areas in Scotland. Daren't play 'follow the leader' there. Inland Nationals can't be compared with Federation races. They are not in the same League, the birdage that the Inland Nationals get shows that Federation flyers will go to them instead of their own Fed race - when given the chance.. so there is no business case for SNFC dropping them, nor has any other group a snowballs chance in hell trying to organise anything in direct competition with them, their pulling power is far too great.

:emoticon-0123-party: Theres no way i would like to fly from lerwick i would be flying less than 100miles ? As for the business for snfc with inland races theres very littleor none goes over the water out of the sprinters thats sent , common ian, would you rather loose the feds than loose the inland races in snfc as thats whats going ta happen i dont send to them my self as the fed needs every bird to the inland longer races ?

Its not only the impact on the SNFC channel races that I believe the Inland nationals are affecting.


Its a case of stealing from the poor to feed the rich.They greatly affect fed racing.


Think it would be much fairer if the inland racing was left to feds to joint convoy and if the SNFC stuck to channel racing.


The inland racers would enjoy it much more as they are racing in bigger competitions they actually stand a chance of scoring well in and the channel racing would be enjoyed as it has been for decades,only with bigger birdages.


For me both SNFC old bird inland races should be done away with as well as the YB national and we should have 4 national channel races.


This is only my opinion.The members will decide,the ones it doesn't suit will just have to soldier on and enjoy their doos :emoticon-0157-sun:

couldnt agree more than this ,i put in an inland on my race proposal but only to keep some happy ,but this is spot on and i would vote for this every time .

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