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Chris Little

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Everything posted by Chris Little

  1. Absolute disgrace..... Scotland's Real Shame !!!!
  2. Chris Little


    100% agree mate The MacAloneys from Coatbridge are in a league of their own.... no one is even close to them
  3. The team that didn't have poppies on their shirts this weekend deserved to lose ;) ;D
  4. Inbreeding huh...... just ask the C*ltic Boys Team all about that ;D ;D
  5. See a better scrap in ma local every weekend Worst boxing match I've seen in years
  6. Chris Little


    220-260 miles, an odd one to 300 miles
  7. Very true Derek, its upto the members to get to the AGM and fine tune the programme
  8. Scotland's Shame still bottom of their diddy league..... shame ;D ;D
  9. A poor programme, our longest race 510 miles.... yer havin a laugh :-/
  10. Plenty north west England organisations go to Niort on 2nd weekend of July
  11. 1995, 6th Open SNFC Niort 613 miles, not bad for a then 23 year old lad, went on to win Scotland's Own Young Fancier of the Year. More up to date, 1st Open SNRPC Cholet 556 miles, 1st Open SNFC Falaise 450 miles plus an inland national win
  12. Have by all accounts heard it was great sale, pure quality from top class fanciers. Had I still had sprint aspirations I would have certainly been at the sale
  13. Only experienced this once, a red hen with slight black splashes on tail and she was quite a dominating bird
  14. Still a young un then Frank ;D I am the youngest in my local club (37 ) by about 10 / 12 years, most members are in their 60's
  15. I have found the darker the better, pitch black if you can get it
  16. No disrespect mate but that is nonsense, darkness youngsters are so full of vigour, energy and have less stress as they have little demands placed on them for the growing of flights in he race season hence they are more robust to illness As for affecting them in later life is nonsense too, our 3 national winners were darkness babies
  17. Super distance birds, De Witbuik is a legend
  18. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D That donkey was hilarious lastnight, chipped the keeper then ran of to celebrate..... not ;D classic ;D ;D
  19. Ooops, you been a bad boy Steven ;D maybe just as well I wasnae invited ;D
  20. Too right, had £50 on the supreme team of Scotland to win and fixed odds line up too ;D
  21. Without a doubt in my eyes Fortune Lady, this hen is a legend and pure Scottish better than the continentals Others that come to mind are Starview Pegasus a SNFC winner and sire of a SNFC winner, Kingdom Boy a double Scottish national winner
  22. Dennis Anderson from Annan, no one has a better record than Dennis at the moment Winner of the SNFC Averages and Scottish Fancier of the Year for the second year in a row
  23. Frank, already plotting an assault on Tarbes
  24. Chris Little


    I do it the once Frank, it really gets the down feathers out of them, infact when I open the door its like a blizzard inside Shortly will be missing out a day a week, done this for years, a tip I got from my master
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