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Everything posted by Darnaway

  1. Well done the Mitchells
  2. Well done Mr Stokes as considering the year you have had due to ill health
  3. Darnaway

    Snrpc Reims

    Very best of luck to all
  4. Many thanks for all the responses
  5. Have an old bird reported in Belfast so thought I would ask if anyone is likely to be over there and coming into Scotland Many thanks Andy
  6. What are the times and returns like for today’s race from Dunbar ?
  7. Thanks for posting that you have this bird and can you advise if you liberated as it's mine Regards Andy
  8. The format has historically been the top 20 on the result with no previous objections so well done the individuals who collate and post this result
  9. Good to see the result on the site
  10. Quality pigeons and a gentleman
  11. 31/32 with one arriving this morning
  12. Darnaway


    Not a feather in south Lanarkshire so far but looking forward to spotting one
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