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Everything posted by philg50

  1. A bit frosty as yet ,update when day light comes in.8-45 Bright and sunny but frosty.
  2. Ok thanks for information ,trying to put together distance stock team I have 2 pairs DK cheq from Bob MacDonald Fraserburgh 2 Kenyon Cocks and to cross on with them 2 hens Gust Taveirne &Frans Rigole for 1, and De Rauw Sablon for the other ,so will leave it at that for the moment i think,That will give me 4 pair.
  3. What impresses me with this is the yearlings being flown out over 600 miles,had he a lot of birds to chance yearlings at this distance ?
  4. Can anyone on here give some information regarding the Snydale Express lines ,who has them, what have they done ,distance flown etc,any insight would be helpfull thank you!.
  5. Snow and drizzle showers,grey and bleak.
  6. philg50

    Took Off

    What was post ,could have been taken off by mistake.
  7. What i think is worse,this i agree is bad,Is the rearing of so called wild lions etc keeping them in small compounds for rich guys so called hunters to come along and shoot them at the end of their so called safari .
  8. How about makeing groves with router and use hardwood .A coach builder would make a grand job of this i am sure.
  9. Its rainy and dull not a great start to the day.update 12o-clock brighter but windy
  10. Feather deplumeing mite i think we are talking about treat with Atroban from vet if you still get it imo.
  11. philg50

    Hopper Feeding

    Do you leave your hopper open all the time ?
  12. philg50

    Hopper Feeding

    I have just put a hopper in loft to let birds help themselves when nesting and rearing young ,if left in when training ,racing etc will i loose control orf birds ie,when traping what do you lads think?? as i dont want birds sitting on roofs.
  13. Are you going to try widowhood with cocks only .
  14. Nae luck,maybe you should ask the lads on here questions about subject I think they might provide all information your looking for on subject of widowhood.
  15. I have just let mine please themselves and 2 couples that have gone together are father to daughter ,this is in a shed of 40 doos .
  16. Bin bags ,sometimes put in bucket, other times take to council recycling skips.
  17. Sunny morning here still cold but god!! we are lucky up to now with weather.
  18. philg50

    Pigeon Club

    Inverness would be the one but 61Km =38 miles away from Kincraig Arek.
  19. Kevin, didnt mean any disrespect to you ,just noted where i had seen Kenzie name before and your kind offer to him.
  20. Kingziemckay, is this nae the lad Kevin Elliot tried to help with young ones on an earlier topic,if so he maybe looking to join Buckie Club hence the initials??I know one thing its made me lock the shed .
  21. Dull cold grey squally showers, miserable day.
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