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Everything posted by philg50

  1. I have one or 2 yearlings bred Flor Engles louela certainly look the part ,I would give them a go again.
  2. That sounds great ,I am nae fit for Blackpool but this will give me and others something to read and think about,thanks.
  3. Dull ,damp,dreary,rain what more can you say.
  4. I think your PM box is full cant get through !!
  5. Enjoy yourselves you lucky people ,safe journey .
  6. philg50

    New Loft

    Thats a very kind offer thanks ,if you can give me first option i would be very happy but as i say ,have to think things out.cheers.
  7. philg50

    New Loft

    I am at home all day double door opened ,but yes you are right 2 vents going in front under windows for night time and also incorporating 2 extractor fans there as well to help clear bloom for my health probs .
  8. A friend of mine phoned SHU with regards to stamping youngsters wings ,they said stamp or phone,or adress rings ,what do you lads on here do as you cant send to young bird national with a stamp i am told.
  9. philg50


    Try and catch someone near you on here going to Blackpool i am told you will get them there .
  10. Bright and mild damp air a yellow rose blooming in the backy one bloom, strange weather.All of a sudden changed 10past10 looks like frosty fog suddenly come down.
  11. philg50

    New Loft

    Well i am taking them in the door but i have a tauris clock through the club so i will have to do a bit of thinking there ,I think the door will still be in play and maybe catch in lobbie pass over pad ,part of the fun but we will see.
  12. philg50


    I took my pension early 2006 if i had not and waited it ,like so many other peoples pensions would have been worth nix as for savings intrest rates give you nothing ,as for helping pensioners some cant heat their homes and still the squeeze goes on ,2015 wages will have the same value as they did in 2002 ,I take an interest in the political goings on as well but like anything everyone cant agree all the time ,all my regards.
  13. philg50

    New Loft

    Looks grand and fit for purpose certainly!hope you enjoy B/Pool.
  14. philg50


    And it not just 100% they are trying to limit it at that !! The Westminster goverment are happy to let these big conglomerates, banks, financial institution,electric companies rip us of they are all simple to get tax from ,and this fraking Cameron is pushing for it wont be like America ,the ordinary punter wont get the benifit o cheaper fuel they will use as with the oil to shore up their poor economic decisions.
  15. They are all the same they rely on pis--- you of before you get things sorted so you give up ,I just changed my electric supplier on line from Scottish Hydro to Eon cuttin my monthly bill from £145 ---to £114 very straight forward but as you say they are terrible usualy and they say they dont monopolise things ,aye right.
  16. philg50

    New Loft

    Built in June for me coming back to the doos £1350 appYou are right about you get what you pay for all i am saying is you do what can be afforded ,I am fine pleased best of luck what ever you do.
  17. All credit must be given to the flyers and the breeders of these birds considering their position and distance flown .Buchan Queen & Christians Girl realy are crackers .
  18. Change from yesterdays frost ,today mild rainy and dull .
  19. philg50

    New Loft

    Talking rubbish as far as you are concerend but nae abody can afford £3000 ,and can you nae tell a joiner about what you want pal!
  20. philg50

    New Loft

    Get a hold of a joiner that will do it on a homer save yourself some cash ,the birds dont worry what they stay in as long as its dry its only the fancier that wants looks .
  21. Cold hard frost here the CC are gritting the pavement .
  22. Aye there is a club the actual sec is on here a lady cant remember her name.
  23. I had a lad out past me on Sun morning to pick up birds his names Arek he is on here ,anyway he reminded me of something i hadnt seen for 20 year Waldie Barron from Banff showed me take the bird fold the head under the wing and place it on its back on the palm of your hand if a hen ,it just lays there if a cock it trys to get its self up ,try it!!
  24. Just been thinking about pairing this 2 cocks i think for the first pairing I have 2 hens i got from Bob MacDonald from Fraserburgh and see how that goes ,but i must say if your bird is anything like my 2 you wont be dissapointed .
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