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Everything posted by philg50

  1. Nice lofts hope you have a lot of luck with them.
  2. Whos loft got robbed and have they lost a lot o birds.
  3. First baby the day, some other pairs sitting but yearlings are slow to get going all they want to do is zip across the sky they are in great strip,this letting them pick their own mates can be a bit hit and miss but its been easier on me.
  4. I also agree with Owen when rearing young i give them layers pellets in their feed.
  5. Great posts ,well done to you thanks.
  6. Great reading very informative just shows you dont need to make things complicated ,and look at feeding methods great man indeed.I will be putting in hopper when starting to feed youngsters ,and maybe leaving it when training and racing ,so we will see.
  7. I think its possible that i am on the wrong Kuyper as the one you are enquiring about sorry!that spelling and guy is new to me.
  8. From memory if not mistaken Kuyper brothers( with a K )was before his Barcelona wins influenced by Van Wanroy so therefore he must have had this blood in his birds ,you still get Van Wanroy as far as i know. Just been looking at Louela site ,Kuypers,or Van Wanroy ,6 youngsters for £145 might help.
  9. Windy and grey ,but sun trying to break through,cold.
  10. philg50


    I am happy where i live, and happy to fly and keep pigeons at where i am at ,and yes i will get on with it under any exsisting rule,but this being a forum (A meeting of a group of people to debate &discuss a shared topic)i asked the members opinion,and gave my own ,about this subject implying nothing ,just shareing my thoughts.
  11. Bright and sunny touch of frost but lifting.
  12. philg50


    So with that last comments Doohead i take it you dont agree ,and i have put a doo in a basket that being in 1980s through to 1995 - 1996 and as for an excuse for being beat ,no .As i said thats my thoughts on the subject of influence of the wind on results .I will be taking part in races to be there or there about and hopefully get a turn as we all do .All the best for the season.
  13. philg50


    For all i know could be we are a Jock Thamsons bairns,but read 12 posts back and you will see what am on about or do you give anyone else's opinions a chance to be debated.
  14. Great article just read it cheers for that!.
  15. Windy ,squally showers ,dull.Not a nice day.
  16. philg50


    Just noticed this graph looked everwhere for it to show my point thank you .
  17. philg50


    I imo! say doos dont fly in a straight line ,they are subject to prevailing winds so there fore when winds blow from the west towards the east in North Fed the birds fly in a ark from race point ,first drop Peterhead area .Now if that being the case Peterhead to Banff,and Peterhead to Turriff are virtualy same distance so therefore overfly given for nothing ,you do have to remember this is my opinion .
  18. philg50


    No i am nae makin excuses as i have not got going racing yet ,I am thinking back 15 year ago when i was first in doos and the amount of times that Turriff doos were beat with the time given in overfly to Banff ,so my assumption is wind from west no chance from east is good just my opinion .And yes Gogs is spot on.
  19. philg50


    Thats when the wind is coming in from the east ,then yes it does happen and also Gogs has some good doos.
  20. philg50


    I dont get any and give to much,but i see your point lol!
  21. philg50


    I was just reading the topic about ets and its pluses & minus thoughts and i was just thinking that position and the so called calculation for over fly needs looked at more than anything, as drag round the coast is a great factor to winning ,well up here in the north fed imo!what do fowk on here think of overfly.
  22. It does not matter what colour bird is or colour it produces as long as they are reliable doos for you ,but on saying that the grizzle i had was paired with dark cheq hen .
  23. Grey rainy cold ,not a nice day to say the least.
  24. Kind offer just had Gogs in he is going to be ordeing some so problem solved cheers.
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