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Off Season Ways With Your Birds


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Just now I have seperated all my birds as they are heavy in the moult , Im concentrating on a complete scrub down thats removing all nest boxes . This warm spell helps to dry the lofts out quickly. The next job is to cocentrate on the outside with a coat of paint.

I dont let my bird out at this time of the year due to the heavy moult makes them easy prey to bops .

I have noticed in the last few weeks a lot of small garden birds have moved into the gardens around me The wee robin has been away all summer, now he is back claiming his territory

, On checking my Y/Bs 24 bred 6 brought in all raced 2/3 races 20 left , none of the 10 missing reported all had phone rings on????

Looking forward to a couple of shows keeps me ticking over the winter.

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Last week had a crap 2 days with homing late breads,trained them all week to the food call throu the traps.Let them out today as its going to be crap weather for a good while now.They all done great and trapped brilliant.Looking forward to separating them soon.


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sorry thekeyboard is playing up, any way the late ones will be tossed just shortl. and hopfully percy has moved on. i am loooki9ng forward to a good racing season next year and hopefully have mora winners in the nortrh section wich i think nat racing shpould be about, the furthest to fly should have the open in race time obviosly, aberdeen should have won that race with the performance of the bird, te

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1st open on a national shouldt be judged on short distans from lib and fastest to clock it sghould be edurance of flight and best bird on day, its okay putting sprinters to a nat if you are a step frae the border but try judging the effort involved with these doos, its bluddy amazin tae reach the noorth in a day , cmon lads sections prises are fine for those that get them but hey thjey birds are worth more than a bluddy section job, snfs you are a joke.

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