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I have been promising myself an Ipad or other tablet to use for my work as humphing the laptop around is a pain in the back side. Do any members own and use these and what iyo is the best one on the market. Don't need one with loads of space as its only for e-mails, online shopping, and keeping up with PB forum, any feedback would be appreciated. Cheers John.

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I've had an I.pad for a year or so now john and I'm using it now , the only pain in the ers e is the predictive texting , sometimes u post and look at some of the words and you go WTF. And edit it . But they are brill .

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I have been promising myself an Ipad or other tablet to use for my work as humphing the laptop around is a pain in the back side. Do any members own and use these and what iyo is the best one on the market. Don't need one with loads of space as its only for e-mails, online shopping, and keeping up with PB forum, any feedback would be appreciated. Cheers John.

My old mother bought an iPad each for me my brother and sisters , I brought it home and just left it in its box for a month and carried on using my lap top ! Since I started using it I have never put my lap top on again , I think it is the bolloks and ten times faster , it even speak s to you lol. Not sure of model .jmo h

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I have been promising myself an Ipad or other tablet to use for my work as humphing the laptop around is a pain in the back side. Do any members own and use these and what iyo is the best one on the market. Don't need one with loads of space as its only for e-mails, online shopping, and keeping up with PB forum, any feedback would be appreciated. Cheers John.

. :emoticon-0140-rofl:

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