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ETS   Time penalties

Pompey Mick

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It would seem that certain RPRA organisations are taking it upon themselves to impose time penalties on ETS users. Although the RPRA has a prescribed method of calculating velocities these Organisations are choosing to ignore ths and, in my mind illegally, impose time penalty onto ETS clockings.

Now that ETS is generally in use in Scotland, what do you think the biggest advantages of ETS are? Has any one dominated in mixed-use Clubs by virtue of using ETS.

What do the Scottish members think are the best attributes of ETS? Is it just the time gained by not having to remove a rubber?

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Guest slugmonkey

It would seem that the Rpra would have looked at other countries rules and modeled theirs after those. ETS has been around long enough that all the bugs have been worked out and all these guys have to do is ask !!!

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as far as advantage goes, yes there is regarding ets, u dont have to catch the bird, u dont have to take a rubber from its leg (all to the advantage of the bird) and fancier, but there is and always will be an advantage to fanciers using stall traps, u dont have to go into the loft, u dont have to catch the bird, and with ets when u are basketing u dont have to write out sheets etc, just get ure birds from the loft and put them in the basket and they are on their way, at the marking station its a lot easier, u call out the birds ring number and put its foot to the marker and if ok it comes up on the base station and the person on the base station tells u cock or hen, all very easy, after ur birds are all through u press a button to print and u and the secy gets a copy with all birds marked and pooled no writing or looking for ring numbers etc, taking off u just put ure clock in the base station and press print and the same again one for u and one for the secy with the times of arrival, and no variations etc its all done for u, also i believe there is an update now where ure velocities are worked out on the printout, all advantage, once u get ets u wonder why u never wanted one,

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Guest Gareth Rankin

Very well put, especially the last phrase.

"once u get ets u wonder why u never wanted one".


as far as advantage goes, yes there is regarding ets, u dont have to catch the bird, u dont have to take a rubber from its leg (all to the advantage of the bird) and fancier, but there is and always will be an advantage to fanciers using stall traps, u dont have to go into the loft, u dont have to catch the bird, and with ets when u are basketing u dont have to write out sheets etc, just get ure birds from the loft and put them in the basket and they are on their way, at the marking station its a lot easier, u call out the birds ring number and put its foot to the marker and if ok it comes up on the base station and the person on the base station tells u cock or hen, all very easy, after ur birds are all through u press a button to print and u and the secy gets a copy with all birds marked and pooled no writing or looking for ring numbers etc, taking off u just put ure clock in the base station and press print and the same again one for u and one for the secy with the times of arrival, and no variations etc its all done for u, also i believe there is an update now where ure velocities are worked out on the printout, all advantage, once u get ets u wonder why u never wanted one,



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Well I always was for ETS and still am in favour. I can't believe people want to bring in time penalties. this is against RPRA rules I think. No I don't have ETS and won't be buying yet another clock in a hurry. I have three computer clocks and stall traps. That'll do for now. I can't beat the sprint man up the road and he can't beat me over 300 mile so ETS won't change a thing for me.

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I think that the biggest advantage that the ETS will bring is going to be on a Friday and Saturday night,no more writing out race sheets before you go to the club,and then when you are at the club,no more writing down the rubber numbers,no more striking of clocks,and then on Saturday nights no more checking rubbers, no need for everyone to be there at a certain time to strike off clocks,as a club secretary it,s going to make my job so much easier.

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It would seem that certain RPRA organisations are taking it upon themselves to impose time penalties on ETS users. Although the RPRA has a prescribed method of calculating velocities these Organisations are choosing to ignore ths and, in my mind illegally, impose time penalty onto ETS clockings.

Now that ETS is generally in use in Scotland, what do you think the biggest advantages of ETS are? Has any one dominated in mixed-use Clubs by virtue of using ETS.

What do the Scottish members think are the best attributes of ETS? Is it just the time gained by not having to remove a rubber?


Doubt the RPRA would have a say there as they bought it in illegally....

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Any way the mere fact that 'Some where, sometimes there is and always will be an advantage doesn't mean a jot to the reality that if it can be evened up that it shouldn't be.

I personally will in all probablity pack up racing if they have it in my clubs. I give away enough now with Location, etc. without having birds never tray shy just dropping in to be timed when I have to coax sometimes and then catch and handle etc.

Yes I would keep a few flying around and make do with that. But to give someone 10 - 15 - 20 miles in the East more advantages at club level is ludicriss, let alone Section etc. in National. So they are out forthwith.

I, like most, spend a lot of time effort let alone money in accepting the unlevel playing field now! Enoughs enough I guess.

And don't tell him that hasn't, can't have, or can't afford to get his pigeons fitter and better than the Et flyers .. Golly it seems to me that any one under priveledge has the time, money and ability to be able to better prepare their birds than any top flyer! Eh that is also absolute crap!

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Guest Greig the doo Drysdale


WHY?  :-/


because ppl who are useing it are saving time by not catching the bird taking off the rubber and putting it in the thimble then clock and they can time in more then 1 bird at the same time and we cant put more than 1 rubber in the same thimble thats why SAMMY

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Guest Greig the doo Drysdale


because ppl who are useing it are saving time by not catching the bird taking off the rubber and putting it in the thimble then clock and they can time in more then 1 bird at the same time and we cant put more than 1 rubber in the same thimble thats why SAMMY


sorry SAMMY It was SAPPER i ment to write ;D

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because ppl who are useing it are saving time by not catching the bird taking off the rubber and putting it in the thimble then clock and they can time in more then 1 bird at the same time and we cant put more than 1 rubber in the same thimble thats why SAMMY


i take it you dont have a car, or a microwave, tv, dvd, fridge, washing machine, computer (oh you must have one to be on here) etc etc etc.  do you still run to the post office with your rubber rings? its called modern technology

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Guest Greig the doo Drysdale
before i had ets i had a t3. i could clock faster than someone with a stb nobody complaned about my t 3


you could still only time 1 bird in at a time not several

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One of our club members had to leave the loft for 30 mins, not really expecting the birds, came back, checked the loft, 1 bird sitting on her nest, topped the fed with a vel of over 1700ypm. How many of us have been caught out like this before

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Guest Greig the doo Drysdale


Perhaps we should be allowed to time more than 1 bird in a thimble again


and get some time allowence for catching the bird and timeing it in

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if your racing your pigeons you should be there to time them in not away for 30 mins


so if someone gets called away to work due to an emergency its just his hard luck if his doos come when he is away. with an attitude like that you will certainly not encourage any new fanciers into the sport

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