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ETS   Time penalties

Pompey Mick

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if you dont wanna be there , dont put birds in the basket , ets isnt pigeon racing ,,,, its lets see who can buy the most expensive clock ,,  :(


I,m sorry Rick but I just had to reply to your posting,I have bought a ETS system and had to work my B---- off to get it,it was not because i wanted the most expensive clock,infact they can be cheaper than a new T3, or the fact that I didn,t want to be there to see my birds come home no! in my job there maybe times when I cant be there,so what do you sujjest I do pack up racing,as lots of people  have said if you dont want to use it dont,but dont start critisising those that do.

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I,m sorry Rick but I just had to reply to your posting,I have bought a ETS system and had to work my B---- off to get it,it was not because i wanted the most expensive clock,infact they can be cheaper than a new T3, or the fact that I didn,t want to be there to see my birds come home no! in my job there maybe times when I cant be there,so what do you sujjest I do pack up racing,as lots of people  have said if you dont want to use it dont,but dont start critisising those that do.


what did you do before ets came about when you couldnt be there

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When I started racing in 1963 it was programmed to suit the working man, many trades had Saturday morning as part of their working week.

When we used rail transport the birds were liberated to arrive home in the early afternoon. With the advent of road transport it was very hard to keep convoyers sat at the lib sites and so the libs became earlier and earlier and we lost an awful lot of fanciers due to 'work commitments'. It's a damning reflection of the selfish 'I'm all right Jack' attitude of pigeon fanciers to allow this situation to develop and it cost the Fancy a lot of members.

Up until 3 years ago I had to work Saturdays to keep my financial income up, if I didn't I wouldn't have been able to afford to keep pigeons. My Wife, happily, was able to clock for me, though she didn't like the responsibility she nevertheless helped me keep racing.

I don't think any committed fancier would be away from his loft on race days if it could be helped, and the BEST feature of ETS is the backup it gives to fanciers in these circumstances.

With the increase of shift working in this country ETS could well help us keep fanciers who would otherwise leave the Sport.

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Well put Pompeymick, and Sammy the wife kindly clocks in for me or i try and be clever and estimate what time the birds will be home and plan my job around it,(i have missed them on a few occasions)but to me this is not what ETS is about,it is the work that it will save people on marking and checking nights that will be the biggest factor.(I am Secretary and treasurer and clock setter of our club and have been for nearly 30 years.)

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Well put Pompeymick, and Sammy the wife kindly clocks in for me or i try and be clever and estimate what time the birds will be home and plan my job around it,(i have missed them on a few occasions)but to me this is not what ETS is about,it is the work that it will save people on marking and checking nights that will be the biggest factor.(I am Secretary and treasurer and clock setter of our club and have been for nearly 30 years.)



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Trying to keep members at the Clubhouse to unload the returned crates is always a problem and ETS unfortunately will highlight this problem. As there is no clock strike , anyone is free to leave once his birds are basketted.

It has to be impressed to every member that their prescence is required at least until all the birds are through and ready for the transporter and if necessary a Club Rota set up to unload the returned crates.There are too many members in a lot of clubs who slide off as soon as they can, leaving the remainder to make sure the birds are successfully loaded, this can be understandable in some cases as some lads have to get their birds away before they can have any dinner due to time constraints, I know, I'm one of them.

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Loading the transporter has nothing to do with ETS !


The cost nowadays has nothing to do with ETS !


And seeing as the moans are becoming  even more pathetic at times .


Can I have a petrol subsidy ? because fred next door can afford to train his birds more than me !!!


  Its not fair !!!!! BOO HOO !!


Time penalties !!!    BALLCOCKS !!



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ets will keep alot of fanciers in the sport, as me and my husband know have to work saturdays, if it was not for ets we would have left the sport this winter,as  we are secretary and treasurer of our local club, i would imagine the club would have folded as know one else would do the jobs which we do for nothing, we get no payment from the club, we do it because we want to

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Bring in a time penalty with the ETS and England would be the laughing stock of the Pigeon World, and thats a fact. i told some belgiums what was said on this forum, they replied, Tyipical English, frightened to compete unless they get there own way,


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Guest Greig the doo Drysdale
ets will keep alot of fanciers in the sport, as me and my husband know have to work saturdays, if it was not for ets we would have left the sport this winter,as  we are secretary and treasurer of our local club, i would imagine the club would have folded as know one else would do the jobs which we do for nothing, we get no payment from the club, we do it because we want to



It's your choice to be sec and treasurer so it's your fault you dont get paid


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Bring in a time penalty with the ETS and England would be the laughing stock of the Pigeon World, and thats a fact. i told some belgiums what was said on this forum, they replied, Tyipical English, frightened to compete unless they get there own way,



Codswallop and that is a fact! The whole fancy over countless years has show a far different face than that. Seems the Belges are smirking from their brown ring, yes and brown around their mouth, and seems to be just spouting to impress some ‘want to be ins’ AND HANGERS ONS’!

Any one with an ounce of knowledge of this sport in this country knows different, and you should have had the decency and metal to stand up and say so!!

Yes the plebes that have been short changed and manipulated in ever way and which, that is another fact. And yet they come back season in and season out to compete, even when the 'Playing Field' has been just an up hill slog. Why? because it is, and has been, the very essence of their love of their' pigeons, and this sport, with a whim and a prayer, and distant - unattainable dreams - that has kept this sport going!

Not the Feather merchants with an Angle, not the unfair boundaries, or the blatant pee taking sections - that has ruin any decent Nationals, let alone internationals, and still the so called elitists want and have more sway.

Why do you think the grass roots of the hobby have endured till now?

Not by the win at all cost brigade, nor the ' I have - you haven't brigade', and definitely not the braggers and exploiters of this fine sport. No, they are tolerated full stop!

Yes they have their creepers, and cliques that pout up to them, and they all practice the ole silly crap scenario's of 'Try Harder, instead of moaning get up and do it'!

As if those at the top are, or their workers aren't, so that is a crap scenario!

The 'Jealousy' crap. Just what has the working plebe that works his 40 odd hours and spends what time he can juggle funds with family / Mortgage / kids etc. got to do with the 'Have' and more affluent!

Certainly not jealousy! They can't be jealous of what they have never had, or even likely to get! - Though the 'Haves' do put a star in the sky to aim for.... for just one in a while, a blue moo, or between 'Haley's Comet' they do well. -Indeed considering locations often do better than the 'Haves'.

No it is the banter and friendly rivalry at the club, the leg pulling and being happy in their' own small world. It is the Haves that keep tempting them out to try - to do this - etc. And why? Well you can put your last little quiddy on it NOT being for their benefit.

They are happy as they are! And I for one have no intention what so ever of gain any ADVANTAGE real or imaginary! That is why I won't have an ET - unless it is acceptable to the WHOLE club!

Just look at the National! A joke when feds and Combines are sending more birds each week!

And why? Again to keep the ‘Cliques Boys’ happy with the corridor politics and because of the exploitations of Blatant unfair sections that have cater for the few, and the grass roots being expected to bolster their Coffers!

The reality is that 70% to 80% don’t even bother with the National!

And why? What to keep the ‘Cliques Boys’ happy with the corridor politics, and hangers on and because of the exploitations of Blatant unfair sections that have cater for the few, and the grass roots being expected to bolster their Coffers! That is where and why the apathy starts and is in the rank and files, because of the silly talk like above quoted and said as if to impress!

Belges birds, I’ve given away pairs bred from the VERY best in belge, and that’s another fact.

The ET isn’t, and never was brought in to serve the Plebes, let alone the odd handicapped person. More for the Money angle and from the ‘Gain a head start at any cost’ brigade, and well you all know it!

They have been able to use them for training purposes etc. for yonks, and every reason used to get it passed till that illegal codswallop of Discrimination! If any fair minded and decent person was genuine about the ET they would be for a 15 Sec handicap and 5 sec there after.

And just to finish on, the Belgies are so clever and smart etc. THAT they can’t even get it passed to be legal in their National races…. Now there IS a question that needs an answer, so much for their voice, seems to me they’d be better putting their own house in order before trying disdainfully to smirk at us. And No Expat1, we wouldn’t be a laughing stock, but once again like in the 1999 survey pointed out over the ETs we are the ones again putting forward sensible and just concerns! Never mind Bully for us and Tough crap to you’!


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Bugger the ETS lets have a clock at club HQ and all run to the club to clock in.

Or may be not.



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It,s a pity you didn,t love mine(reply 70) because you failed to answer it :-/


Well to be fair to the lad Sapper it was a pretty dumb question. If you don't understand the difference between an automatic electronic timing system whose owner could be 300 miles away when his birds are timing themselves in and a manual clock you would need to be a right brammer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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