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ETS   Time penalties

Pompey Mick

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Peter Pau

You say all run to the Club and time in, Well when i was a Lad Dad raced Pigeons as he had done before the War, He could not afford a clock so we had to time in on an old fellows clock One Mile away. Now a fellow by the name of Ted Fowler lived only four doors away from us He had a Runner for him, Name of Tony

I was the runner for Dad, We raced on the  North road then

Well This lad Tony was three years older than me i was about 11 years old He had a bike and i had to run, Dad used to get a pigeon come and off i would go , The Race Rubber in my teeth and i always had a small stick in my hand It seemed to help me with the run, Time and time again i would here the swish of Bike tyres and this tony go by me giving me an inPolite two finger salute as he raced down a long hill to the old fellows house Len Booker to clock in,

Now after a time i got fed up with being beat which i thought was unfair as dads pigeon arrived most times first. One day i tooka longer stick. The Pigeon of Dads came home and i started running, Half way down the hill with only a quater of a mile to go i here the Swish of Bike tyres, My temper got the better of me, As he came level i stuck the Stick in his front wheel, and i never looked back just kept running, He did not beat us that day, He had a lot of Gravel Rash, But being young i did not think it could do him real harm but although he was sore for a week or so he was okay. Competitive i was then and still am today, but not to those lenghs



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. Well silly petty cracks like that are just what has and does lets this hobby down so badly. Don't get your own way you resort to childish and pathetic crap. Of course things need to improve, or progress no one has ever raised a point against that … but at what cost?! I know, it don't matter a long as you get your own way. Progress! Just look at the atrocities laid at that door, Living in the world of dot next.... where rape and perverts were sorted, and thadmidalide babies, at what cost, and just what makes one think that because it suits them it MUST be better for all!

Could list a 100 easy, of so call progress that has cost million dear, but then that would go by your heads too. No one is against ET's it is about time that many were mindful of the costs that may well follow. And of course 'If they were packing up they would anyway, so they blame the ET's' crap.

Thousands are packing up and thousands have, and why, for two main reason, they voices are ridiculed when not ignored, and far too many keep give too much to too few! But then again it is progress this 'Bugger you Jack I'm alright' eh!

If you want ET fine, just get on and have it.... But stop bleating about it, or is that over a guilty conscious.... Yep I guess so.... except those that genuinely couldn't give a rat’s *expletive removed*


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neither for or against ets, ,,,but cant help smiling at the clock that was on show at the pigeon history exhibition, i cant remember the make, but the size,,, ;D youd need a wheelbarrow to take it to the club ;D,, then as a young lad[after running to local fancier with rubber [4mins per mile you were allowed  ;D ;D  [roger bannister hadnt even done that then ;D] i got the SMALL ;D  type,,,,, ;D  ;D a toulet  ;D,,,,, which i had to walk about 4 miles from gilmerton to newton village , it was light going there [when you thought you had the winner] but comming back after you found out you were last ,, it was very very heavy indeed  [so was my heart ;D] thank goodness weve at least progressed from there ;D ;D ;D

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Bugger the ETS lets have a clock at club HQ and all run to the club to clock in.

Or may be not.


Naw stuff that, too much like work  :) Lets all just have the one loft, and let all the birds fly to that.

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I thought England was supposed to be a free country, where if it was avaliable you could choose to have something or not, But you do not think that way at all.

If you were Prime Minister of England, I reckon it would be a Country in an iron Grip, Do as Roland says or thats it, more than likely the neck would get the Chop ;D

Everyone should have the right to choose for them selves Not only on ETS but on most Material things but you seem to think the opposite

In my Club i would think 85% use the ETS, Now i could choose to go your way and say no' i will not use it under any circumstances, But there are about 70 Members in my Club alone, so i would be doing my pigeons a dis service by thinking that way. Personally those you do not want to see it bought into England must be frighened Fanciers, Scared of Being Beaten, First you have to get the pigeon Home and in the position to clock it its not going to be that a fancier gets a load of pigeons drop together every week, In our club the prizes go around, and it is unlikely you will see a fancier take 1st =2nd =3rd


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Guest Greig the doo Drysdale


So are you saying a T3 with quick start thimble connection and the use of a stall trap are of no advantage, to someone with a conventional clock that has to go into the loft and catch the bird? As said before, if you don,t like ETS DON,T USE IT, BUT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DENY IT,S USE TO OTHERS.


No am not saying that , your method someone still has to be there and that all takes time aswell and it's manual

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No am not saying that , your method someone still has to be there and that all takes time aswell and it's manual


Yes I know this m8, however we need to move with the times, and it looks like it,s becoming more and more popular. But then again as I said b4, if you don,t want it, don,t use it, but don,t insist no one uses it.

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Well to be fair to the lad Sapper it was a pretty dumb question. If you don't understand the difference between an automatic electronic timing system whose owner could be 300 miles away when his birds are timing themselves in and a manual clock you would need to be a right brammer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Well me, I know fanciers who get others to time thier birds in while they sit in pubs, what,s the difference? ;)  No doubt you,ll give a "dumb answer"

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Well me, I know fanciers who get others to time thier birds in while they sit in pubs, what,s the difference? ;)  No doubt you,ll give a "dumb answer"


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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How can it be a free choice when a large % can't have it, whether through the loft location or because they can't afford it!

Freedom of choice has never ben a item or a pratice in this country and any quick dabble in history will prove that. Why history shows only too well that we are a nation of acceptors and have a ingrained belief their are and is and always will be a law for one and a law for another. tThe haves and Have not' and the Have can because it is their right! Look at our colonies and history, and at our own back door, so just where and better still  when is this this freedom suppose to conmence, or did we all miss it waiting to our birds in!

Freedom of Speech, go and ge on a soap box and be took notice of.... media soon wipe that notion off any ones face.

We are go.... never mind I take it that it is just another silly saying that people report  because they have heard it so often before and just don't understand there is no justifacation in it whatsoever... why I doubt sincerely Expat1 that you in reality haven't the foggiest notion of what you have spelt out and actually stated!

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Roland , You are the one who does not know what you are talkng about.

Iam sixty seven years old and in all my life i have never heard anyone Moan and Whing like you, You have a one track mind , But be careful it does not join up, because if it does you will have some trouble with yourself

No point in amswering any more letters from you.

the only point of view Roland has, I'S Rolands' and that is just a long Whine


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Well me, I know fanciers who get others to time thier birds in while they sit in pubs, what,s the difference? ;)  No doubt you,ll give a "dumb answer"


Never sat in a pub in my life when ma doos are coming back not likely to start now!


This works 2 ways lads everyone is saying ets is here to stay and believe it or not I agree with them.But if an organisation democratically votes in time penalties for using them then that is the end of it stop your bleating no one is forcing you to use it.


If the RPRA handle this the wrong way they will get themselves in all sorts of bother.



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From March 2007


Whether you have ETS or not,The people who were winning the averages ect over the last few years will still be winning the averages .Not because of ETS , but  because they know how to fly pigeons !! The pigeon hasnt got a clue that it has an ETS ring on its leg ,all it wants to do is get back inside the loft . Getting the bird right on the day is more important than ANY clocking system .The continentals and Americans use them all the time without any of this bull****,and in a couple of years time there wont be much moaning over here either .

                COST ! still at school ,difficult . so you cut your teeth on a manual clock and if you still want race pigeons ,you buy an ETS system when you start working .( show me young lad that doesnt drink more than 4 or 5 times that in a year ! )


                We all know people who buy birds EVERY year !, save your money and buy a new clock .


                You play the game to the level you can afford ! That applies to every sport where you have to buy equipment ,pigeon racing is no different .


                 The other thing about every sport is that you will always get the ones who will find something to gripe about .

                 ETS wont finnish this sport ! Politics probably will !

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the whole answer regarding being there to see ur birds come home, is its up to u u can be there with any clock, so wheres the problem, and if u want to catch ur birds u can with ets, so being there or not is no argument regarding ets, u can catch them u can be there or away the choice is urs, there is no rule saying u have to be or not be there. u have the choice, but wqith conventional clocks u dont, u must be there, no choice

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The RPRA should have stopped this argument in its tracks if they had acted as soon as it became known that Organisations were imposing illegal time penalties.

It is enshrined in their rule book on how you must work out velocities and no RPRA affiliated organisation can vote in any rules which contradict RPRA ruling however democratic that may seem.

The RPRA were quick enough to remind Organisations that ETS has been passed as an approved clocking method but painfully slow to point out Appendix E of the RPRA rules.

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Everybody is entitled to his/her opinion, and I respect that, so therefor I do not intend to post anymore regarding this subject. Good luck to all fanciers for the young bird season no matter what clock they use. ;)


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But what has come out of this is he very simple face that those who will have it say that it is their  legal right and imply, hope that that is the end all and be all. What the fail to grasp is that both sides of the coin have an ligit argument. And Mick what the RPRA did was Fals and illegal. Not what clubs / Feds are proposing.

As for me, being a fair mind and honest chappie, I will be only too pleased to give any and every manual clocker 15 seconds or so, and wouldn't regard that as an Handicap at all!

Agree Sapper ... just to finish on who ever said that '.... that Organisations were imposing illegal time penalties.' as Mick implies.

Surely that is another democratic choice that members are allowed to put into place!

Personally I can't stir this pot any more, so will be out seeking a not pot I guess ...

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Guest Greig the doo Drysdale
Everybody is entitled to his/her opinion, and I respect that, so therefor I do not intend to post anymore regarding this subject. Good luck to all fanciers for the young bird season no matter what clock they use. ;)


Like wise sapper all the best

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OK. boy's and girl's, we all know the RPRA made a compleat B*****K'S on the way this was introduced , by way of clarafacation ,this all should have been nailed down tight. leaving no room for any orginisation to make a local rule of any kind. that said , i seek futher enlightment as to why ,if iam wright the cloggies and the belgie's, require a conventional clock to be used alongside ETS, if ets is so secure, why has this practice been introduced for their national's,,,,,,,iam a fence sitter on ETS at the moment,,

your's in sport

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If you get one try and find a used Radar unit like the ones the Police use here for speeders,the hand held ones. You can hook it up to your clock and just have to hit your bird with a beam and get it clocked. save having to have the loft open. You can go down the road and wait for them to fly over and get a few clocked early.  ::)

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