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Straight line thru England then.. thats not true north to South

Lol from race point to harthill that’s the straight line

And I would think harthill is about the Centre of Scotland from east to west


Lol from race point to harthill that’s the straight line

And I would think harthill is about the Centre of Scotland from east to west

Perfect then ....left or right at the coast....choice is theirs


Perfect for the solway

Still think they will stay on the east coast line


Cmon Davie....next ye will be telling me it's nae advantage racing frae the east up the east coast ....no matter to me I will just have tae suck it up and get on with it


Cmon Davie....next ye will be telling me it's nae advantage racing frae the east up the east coast ....no matter to me I will just have tae suck it up and get on with it


Of course it’s a advantage flying on the line where the national races are, every fed in Scotland are flying the east coast line

And I can understand why you want them coming up the west side sitting in the solway,

I always want my pigeons coming up the Eden valley and up the Hawick valley into central Scotland keeping them of the east coast

But ain’t going to happen as most members are wanting that line

So we need distance so they can split them up


Dave agree gold cup should be 600 mile longest nstional 670 short ones 550 and scrap yb national and all the silly inland nationals penalty kick for the eye valley


Dave agree gold cup should be 600 mile longest nstional 670 short ones 550 and scrap yb national and all the silly inland nationals penalty kick for the eye valley


Too much income generated from them races mate, no way they will be scrapped from the programme. IMO.


Dave agree gold cup should be 600 mile longest nstional 670 short ones 550 and scrap yb national and all the silly inland nationals penalty kick for the eye valley


The members would never allow that program, so I’ve but a program in, Which is similar to 2019 except Reims for gold cup and Troyes for the longest race, Huntingdon instead of Buckingham

Postal vote i would think


5th June Huntingdon

19th June Maidstone

25th June Reims gold cup

3rd July Ypres

10th July Troyes

17th July roye

11th or 18th September Huntingdon young bird


Dave agree gold cup should be 600 mile longest nstional 670 short ones 550 and scrap yb national and all the silly inland nationals penalty kick for the eye valley

The guys in the eye Valley can't help where they live

1603908430[/url]' post='1244717']

The members would never allow that program, so I’ve but a program in, Which is similar to 2019 except Reims for gold cup and Troyes for the longest race, Huntingdon instead of Buckingham

Postal vote i would think


5th June Huntingdon

19th June Maidstone

25th June Reims gold cup

3rd July Ypres

10th July Troyes

17th July roye

11th or 18th September Huntingdon young bird


Looks ok to me Davie


Seen a thing recently about the route an Osprey took from Northern Africa to Denmark. The significant thing about the route it chose was every time it had to cross a channel/sea of water it chose the shortest possible route, even though this added to the overall distance of its flight.

Imo we should learn from this and set race points for our channel races that offer the birds the shortest possible channel crossing point/s. I cannot remember a single good race when the birds had to navigate the Cherbourg peninsula which leads to one of the longest stretches of water the birds have to get from mainland Europe into the UK.

So, whilst an Easterly situated racing route does not suit some fanciers I think the welfare of the birds would be better served coming from the East of France or Belgium. As for distance I am a bit of a traditionalist and think the Gold Cup should be around 550mls into the central belt with the birds being libbed EAP. Jmo.


Was thinking something like this

Huntington. 5th June

Maidstone 19th june

Reims gold cup 25th June

Troyes longest race 3rd July

Ypres 10th July

Roye 17th July

Huntingdon y/b/nat 11th or 18th September


Take away Huntingdon and move Maidstone or even Buckingham to the 5th and it’s as good as it gets for a good GC entry, also leaving Federations a 3 week window to have their own individual longest inland race. Or perhaps combines could be formed throughout the country to have a coast race against our nearest neighbours.


Seen a thing recently about the route an Osprey took from Northern Africa to Denmark. The significant thing about the route it chose was every time it had to cross a channel/sea of water it chose the shortest possible route, even though this added to the overall distance of its flight.

Imo we should learn from this and set race points for our channel races that offer the birds the shortest possible channel crossing point/s. I cannot remember a single good race when the birds had to navigate the Cherbourg peninsula which leads to one of the longest stretches of water the birds have to get from mainland Europe into the UK.

So, whilst an Easterly situated racing route does not suit some fanciers I think the welfare of the birds would be better served coming from the East of France or Belgium. As for distance I am a bit of a traditionalist and think the Gold Cup should be around 550mls into the central belt with the birds being libbed EAP. Jmo.

Doesn’t bother the English lads


Seen a thing recently about the route an Osprey took from Northern Africa to Denmark. The significant thing about the route it chose was every time it had to cross a channel/sea of water it chose the shortest possible route, even though this added to the overall distance of its flight.

Imo we should learn from this and set race points for our channel races that offer the birds the shortest possible channel crossing point/s. I cannot remember a single good race when the birds had to navigate the Cherbourg peninsula which leads to one of the longest stretches of water the birds have to get from mainland Europe into the UK.

So, whilst an Easterly situated racing route does not suit some fanciers I think the welfare of the birds would be better served coming from the East of France or Belgium. As for distance I am a bit of a traditionalist and think the Gold Cup should be around 550mls into the central belt with the birds being libbed EAP. Jmo.

The only time La ferte Bernard was raced I times two in two seconds, a third on the night and one the next morning for 4 out of 4! Unlike Reims.....


Liege and Burdinne... two good races in a row, even spread of prizes per section, good returns etc etc


Only in this country do you change what’s working. Beggars belief

Your correct in beggars belief

Newbury was one of the fairest inland nationals giong

1st open ricky young ayrshire

I was 2nd open Moffat

Karen newcombe 5th open Edinburgh

Birds got to break both sides of pennines


A agnew Kelso 1st open

2nd to 6th Edinburgh/dundee

I was 7th

There again both sides of the pennines

Couldn't get any fairer than that

The Snfc is been turned into snrpc 2

East and south east winds and we've never had a good one out of Reims

Wait till we get a strong south west

Then watch the long faces with no doos home


Your correct in beggars belief

Newbury was one of the fairest inland nationals giong

1st open ricky young ayrshire

I was 2nd open Moffat

Karen newcombe 5th open Edinburgh

Birds got to break both sides of pennines


A agnew Kelso 1st open

2nd to 6th Edinburgh/dundee

I was 7th

There again both sides of the pennines

Couldn't get any fairer than that

The Snfc is been turned into snrpc 2

East and south east winds and we've never had a good one out of Reims

Wait till we get a strong south west

Then watch the long faces with no doos home



We are just a small operation that likes to have a go at the big races. Wherever the gold cup is raced from we will have a crack at it...


Good luck at the gold cup to everyone next year wherever we race from :emoticon-0157-sun:

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