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Scottish Homing Union Show

andy Burgess

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You go by a set standard, that's correct Steven but sometimes everything isn't what it seems imo.I couldn't put a dipped doo up unless id ran out of any unblemished racers to give the tickets to.

unblemished racers........surely yer dipped doos raced to the required mileage???

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A show is only as good as the judges in it. I agree with Alan 100%, get the right judges for the job, that's the only way to sicken the guys putting in the dipped birds because they wouldn't get a ticket.

lol i think il just stick to the racing game too many experts in the show game for me licking :emoticon-0127-lipssealed:

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im not knocking you steven you picked what you liked i just think racing men should pick racing pigeons i did not know you had picked dipped or show doos till andrew said its your opinion when judging no one elses jmo

I didny pick dipped doos................i picked show doos

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Think a lot of judges go on condition and health at the time as opposed to pigeon's potential. That's why I don't enter any,not fair on the rest haha.


joking aside, I was at a show recently,birds being sick everywhere. All pigeons eating it.


No for me.

Pigeons potential?? you boys keep telling me they come in all shapes and sizes lol

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Think a lot of judges go on condition and health at the time as opposed to pigeon's potential. That's why I don't enter any,not fair on the rest haha.


joking aside, I was at a show recently,birds being sick everywhere. All pigeons eating it.


No for me.

lewis some doo men wouldnt know condition if it hit them in the ,,,,,
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Too many show doos got tickets in the racing classes for my liking come on guys there are racing classes and show classes get them in the right classes I have to say it disnae look great on the racing guys that picked obviously show doos in racing classes😨😨😨

It happens too much at all shows now Alan.

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Guest TAMMY_1

I like this post! Fair points! Flown classes are the ones that are the problem area! Trusting in the fancier to be legit about flown, then faith in the secretary who signs the forms


TW I think anything goes and up to judge


Then likeliest same! If judge likes it then fair enough, same as if they don't


Showing is only one mans opinion

The flown classes are the worse and it is plain to see at Blackpool show where it is more obvious and that is just one of the reasons we are not going to Blackpool this year because last year there were birds winning that had never flown up to a perch never mind a 100 miles !!!!!!!!,regarding the flier and sec's being honest about it well that will never happen,the only way that you will honestly see that happen is if everybody who enters a show has ets then they should be made produce the sheets with the birds on it but not all have ets so again that will not happen,I know somebody on here that won a class with a young bird and they openly admitted it was a cross so what chance have you got.

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