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Almond Valley Fed


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I think there is more to it than just BOPS.



Yeah there are a number of things now I believe, The airports have a lot to do with it, Until We can track birds we have no idea what's went wrong. Just the other week a video was on here of a batch hitting an aeroplane!


We blame convoyers every bad race but have no idea the actual facts behind the bad races. And the more BOP and other things out there it will just get harder. Wont matter if 50 miles or 250 miles. The only thing is the pigeons more tired going through BOP are easier target! Seen many feds crossing my head and Percy on tail!!

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Yeah there are a number of things now I believe, The airports have a lot to do with it, Until We can track birds we have no idea what's went wrong. Just the other week a video was on here of a batch hitting an aeroplane!


We blame convoyers every bad race but have no idea the actual facts behind the bad races. And the more BOP and other things out there it will just get harder. Wont matter if 50 miles or 250 miles. The only thing is the pigeons more tired going through BOP are easier target! Seen many feds crossing my head and Percy on tail!!

Went to flamingo land near Scarborough a few weeks back , I was passing catterick maybe a wee bit further an RAF base next to A1. 3fighter jets came out of nowhere about 100 or so feet off the ground and going very fast ,I thought to myself what if a big batch of pigeons where passing at that time what would happen ????m it was the Friday of the snrpc y,b national .

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