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Time To Change

Walter swanston

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Another issue I find is in a club you will always have a hard core of really good fanciers who wipe the board with the rest of the members who pick up the scraps each year, me being one of them it is very difficult to keep interested and not being able to compete is frustrating, at the end of the day new members are up against it from the start and from my experience we do not get the knowledge transfer or help needed to take it seriously unless of course you have a best friend or family member to show the ropes, there are too many members telling you lots but with no substance at all. I also witness a lot of nasty competitiveness and not healthy FRIENDLY competitiveness.


An idea could be to have leagues to grade flyers, I dont know really but ideas are needed defo.




Another good idea. Leagues to acknowledge improvement.


I’ve attended some of the Fed meetings and the way the committee get spoken to is a disgrace, Volunteers getting abused for the love of it is criminal.




Another excellent point.

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We have wandered from the question "scrap young bird racing". The real question is Time for Change. To survive the sport must undergoe a dramatic change. There will be no space for any negative thinking, it must be full steam ahead to a brighter and better future. This sport is awash with badly directed funds that leave us continually firefighting. It can change but we must all pull in one direction, "That man tae man the world oer shall brithers be for a,that

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Well I will take advice on this from anyone but the sport of pigeon racing has enlivened and energised my old age and I will go anywhere and work as hard as I can to help the fancy

With the prospect of a fancier well known to yourself moving back to Moffat Walter

We could have our on north section for yb racing there being five of us Wednesday's Sunday's whatever days we wished saving as you know a fortune in travel costs .

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We have wandered from the question "scrap young bird racing". The real question is Time for Change. To survive the sport must undergoe a dramatic change. There will be no space for any negative thinking, it must be full steam ahead to a brighter and better future. This sport is awash with badly directed funds that leave us continually firefighting. It can change but we must all pull in one direction, "That man tae man the world oer shall brithers be for a,that


Great post but the last line lost me lol

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We have wandered from the question "scrap young bird racing". The real question is Time for Change. To survive the sport must undergoe a dramatic change. There will be no space for any negative thinking, it must be full steam ahead to a brighter and better future. This sport is awash with badly directed funds that leave us continually firefighting. It can change but we must all pull in one direction, "That man tae man the world oer shall brithers be for a,that

The change needs to start and happen from the top, we have had all these problems with declining membership, bird lossage, bops, we have been at meetings wrote letters to the weeklies but still the problems exist. What are we paying are fees for, what has the RPRA and other ruling bodies doing about it. I think its about time we heard something coming from these people and their opinions in all these issues I would like to hear their thoughts for a change after all its in their interest as well as ours. Sadly our sport is slowly dying :( :(

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A few years ago there was a book being read in primary schools called Geordie Racer. A young boy and his racing pigeons! The local school asked me to give a talk on racing pigeons. I took birds along and the kids were fascinated as well as the staff. A small tv series of programmes will work wonders but first,

ALL clubs feds and regions must get together and work as one. A big ask but the alternative has already been stated

when i was at primary school i watched that mate!


A few years ago there was a book being read in primary schools called Geordie Racer. A young boy and his racing pigeons! The local school asked me to give a talk on racing pigeons. I took birds along and the kids were fascinated as well as the staff. A small tv series of programmes will work wonders but first,

ALL clubs feds and regions must get together and work as one. A big ask but the alternative has already been stated

when i was at primary school i watched that mate!

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A few years ago there was a book being read in primary schools called Geordie Racer. A young boy and his racing pigeons! The local school asked me to give a talk on racing pigeons. I took birds along and the kids were fascinated as well as the staff. A small tv series of programmes will work wonders but first,

ALL clubs feds and regions must get together and work as one. A big ask but the alternative has already been stated

your no allowed to do that in the schools here keeping livestock is frowned upon as cruel. In the title deeds for houses there is no livestock allowed only one dog no birds pigeon poultry rabbits or nowt .


when i was at primary school i watched that mate!



when i was at primary school i watched that mate!

did it mate with a crow :animatedpigeons:

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when i was at primary school i watched that mate!



when i was at primary school i watched that mate!


Here's a reminder.




For what it's worth most of the lads round here want to race young birds but YBS knocks things sideways every season,ending up with fanciers trying to catch up and race unhealthy/unfit birds then loosing them.You soon get fed up with it year in year out especially when certain fanciers want to run before they can walk trying to get birds that have not raced the previous season for one reason or another 300 hundred miles in four or five races.Not on for me,they need educated not punished.JMO

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The way I read Walter's first post was doing away with youngbird racing which would in turn open up an old bird season of some 20 weeks or thereabouts.

I can see many benefits in this.

THE big team fanciers wouldn't agree Tony as it would mean taking a large team of Ybs through the winter months with all the added costs of doing so.

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THE big team fanciers wouldn't agree Tony as it would mean taking a large team of Ybs through the winter months with all the added costs of doing so.


I personally believe the numbers of youngsters bred in most lofts would fall, maybe not dramatically but fall nonetheless. Adding to this they'd be no advantage in breeding early, youngsters would be bred at ones leisure and more important when the weather becomes more favourable for breeding. IMO summer bred youngsters are far superior to those bred during the winter months, quality over quantity springs to mind.

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I have just come back to this game and yes ,63 disabled with bad health but i took the birds back to keep me sane and what i have found as regards premotion of our hobby has not improved in the 10 years that i have been away your ordinary lad on the street knows nothing as regards what goes on in fact a lot of them think they fly to the race point ,they dont know the orginisation that is going on week in week out,so what i say is lobby papers ,magazines get the media on our side, oh and let new members in for nothing pay their fees,and dont throw them out if they start winning.And by the way i will be racing 2year old and yearlings trained but never raced so i will report back on doing away with young bird racing but i have a feeling that it will be :crying: :crying:


phil I don't think for I minute that paying a new members fees would work

imagine a club of 8 with 2 new members that's around an extra £400 these 8 members would have to chip in

smaller clubs even worse

a better way if possible would be sponsorship

or hold events with the profits going into a fund to support new starts

this is what it would cost if in my own fed

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l Think the way to get more people to get interested is more publicity and less stuff on the net about culling you only have to go onto youtube and its all there in loft reports .You look at derby arona and the standard has been set if someway that format with the birds average performances could be brought into fed racing and posted online so people could see progress of birds through the season ,i beleive would draw allot of interest and if a memeber of the generall public could sponsor certain birds and a prize was given to them if that bird came through it would make money for the feds so help clubs with , if there was enough interest ,also the birds online don't have to be the race winner just the winner from the selected pigeons that are put on the internet ,only an idea i don't race but eventually could end up at the bookmakers and round my area allot of younguns go into the bookies.

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l Think the way to get more people to get interested is more publicity and less stuff on the net about culling you only have to go onto youtube and its all there in loft reports .You look at derby arona and the standard has been set if someway that format with the birds average performances could be brought into fed racing and posted online so people could see progress of birds through the season ,i beleive would draw allot of interest and if a memeber of the generall public could sponsor certain birds and a prize was given to them if that bird came through it would make money for the feds so help clubs with , if there was enough interest ,also the birds online don't have to be the race winner just the winner from the selected pigeons that are put on the internet ,only an idea i don't race but eventually could end up at the bookmakers and round my area allot of younguns go into the bookies.

That is another good idea and a forward step to increase more interest and knowledge to racing pigeons :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:

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I personally believe the numbers of youngsters bred in most lofts would fall, maybe not dramatically but fall nonetheless. Adding to this they'd be no advantage in breeding early, youngsters would be bred at ones leisure and more important when the weather becomes more favourable for breeding. IMO summer bred youngsters are far superior to those bred during the winter months, quality over quantity springs to mind.

I agree with you on this Peter as I had the same thought in my head when I was replying to your original post. On a personal level and no disrespect to those fanciers who like to race ybs and put a lot of time into preparing them I myself don't take Yb racing too seriously and at most I would only enter them in a few races before setting them aside until the following season so although it wouldn't affect me if they did scrap Yb racing I would have to respect the argument coming from those fanciers who do look forward to racing their Ybs. :animatedpigeons:

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Another issue I find is in a club you will always have a hard core of really good fanciers who wipe the board with the rest of the members who pick up the scraps each year, me being one of them it is very difficult to keep interested and not being able to compete is frustrating, at the end of the day new members are up against it from the start and from my experience we do not get the knowledge transfer or help needed to take it seriously unless of course you have a best friend or family member to show the ropes, there are too many members telling you lots but with no substance at all. I also witness a lot of nasty competitiveness and not healthy FRIENDLY competitiveness.


An idea could be to have leagues to grade flyers, I dont know really but ideas are needed defo.










Spot on Paul unless you have a family member who's been in the sport who can give u the education needed to compete its hopeless as pigeon fanciers are like the mafia and won't pass on any knowledge . So uz novices are fighting a losing battle from the off .

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The way I read Walter's first post was doing away with youngbird racing which would in turn open up an old bird season of some 20 weeks or thereabouts.

I can see many benefits in this.

I appreciate that Tony and can see where Walter is coming from,IMO the problem isn't solved by not racing young birds the problem will be solved by finding out why we are loosing them,again IMO illness and chasing unhealthy/unfit young birds trying to catch up.

Young bird sickness isn't sorted in a couple of week,if you get it just before the first race it's a month before they are completely over it,give them a difficult race and bye bye.

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I appreciate that Tony and can see where Walter is coming from,IMO the problem isn't solved by not racing young birds the problem will be solved by finding out why we are loosing them,again IMO illness and chasing unhealthy/unfit young birds trying to catch up.

Young bird sickness isn't sorted in a couple of week,if you get it just before the first race it's a month before they are completely over it,give them a difficult race and bye bye.

nail on the head lindsay health bop and birds not trained enough hold the rest back at lib this allows the bop to get to them imo but it mightbe worth a try to see if it had any effect on hawk population now is the time all clubs should be making plans to do something before old bird and youngbird racing starts if we dont help our selfs we deserve all we get imo

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Falling membership has nothing to do with young bird losses everyone can choose whether or not to race or not ;) Perhaps falling membership is because it's a sport mainly of retired old men , kids have computers no need to make a big commitment to them , then the other type of birds come ;)


Thats right blame the pensioners ( Numpty ) We get the blame for everything else, even for living too long If it wasnt for the old brigade you would not be flying birds ??????

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What I am proposing for discussion, and it's no my idea but I find it very interesting is as follows.

1.no young bird racing at all.

2.yearling races in late July or August.

3.no rings issued until Ist. April.


At a stroke this would help the problems of young bird sickness,cross contamination in transporters,untrained babies etc.Additionally fanciers could breed in the spring and summer as nature intended.surelylosses would be less

I know these ideas are controversial but definitely worthy of consideration and pigeon organisation should be en to new ideas..

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