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Lanarkshire Fed

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Is it your fault if a big perigran gets it up at the forth rail bridge sorry your right it is your fault if you voted east.

Imo it won't matter what route you go the cream always comes to the top the macs are miles in front yous need to try harder imo

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Imo it won't matter what route you go the cream always comes to the top the macs are miles in front yous need to try harder imo



My thoughts aswell the macs are only as good as you allow them to be if they can do it you can do it .

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Guest stb-

My thoughts aswell the macs are only as good as you allow them to be if they can do it you can do it .

theres 100s been trying for 30 yrs robbie and never managed it in diffo feds too . :animatedpigeons:

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Guest chad3646

My thoughts aswell the macs are only as good as you allow them to be if they can do it you can do it .



the macs have got the top pigeons, i take it they are not short of a bob or two


could you buy top pigeons





only as good as you allow them to be lol

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Guest bigda

I would like to hear wha Bigda has to say on this thread. animatedpigeons.gif


No dowt we will have something to read with interet as usual. ohmy.gif



glad you can give me a vote of confidence cem if you have to voice your opinion on here it gets taken off they seem to run to the mods to get threads pulled of as they cant stand truths, well its back to todays racing, the national and its members are in for the shock of there lives tomorrow as is the Pilgrims that went with them

the racing is over for most before the strings are cut people are kidding them self on now racing pigeons into Scotland more so if your route happens to be at a dog leg approach, the east game is a lot healthier as the doos can skim out to sea not saying they don't have there perils but safer out there than coming in from the likes of the ski slopes en route for the westerly birds, all of lanarkshire are measured through mountains they say as the crow flies yet some of the hills east or west can be as much as 6-9 mile wide, and they might have to face 3 or 4 on the road home

for me the game has ended with the amount of doos that get injured per loft you can send 10 birds nowadays the result are 1 never made it yet, you can have 3 with injury's the percentage of that would read like for every 1,000 birds in the race there are 400 strikes where this takes place to me its at the home end around the ski slopes at Edinburgh and in around Livingstone area as it is known that birds in the broxburn area can be timed at say 3pm yet some 26 mile away from there heading for lanarkshire can take 3 hours to travel 26 mile more why is this happening well its simple the BOP live out there some where along the M8 and there ain't just 1or2 i have seen the bop go into the birds and if you can imagine what it be like if you seen a lion loose in your park what you would be planing on doing yes f / off and no looking back and the BOP have another trick up there sleeve they have learned how to Shepherd your doos 2 low and 2 above and the rest is devastation

ever though why Londoners flying from places like Perth and yet doing 1900-2000 velocity's well its straight up and down just as it is for others on that coast yet we can not achieve it even when the wind is favorable in 1986 the rspb stated that in the UK there where 1,500 nesting pairs that was before they introduced them to big buildings

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Must say i find it Very Strange that there are members on this Forum, who don't get it when it comes to George, Wullie and now Paul.

You see George has been a Master Dooman in every sense of the word for EVER, now if your that man's son, your gonny be a Master Dooman, WHY? because George's attention to detail is just as strong and observant when it comes to educating his family, if yer lucky enough to have those 2 as yer Da AND Granda!!, odds are yer gonny be a Master dooman.


IMO...When they men see and handle a pigeon, they see things and read into those things different conclusions to what we others see and conclude. Ye could put camera's everywhere tae watch and still no see what They see. To even suggest "Try Harder" and you'll beat them, is about as ridiculous a statement as i could imagine, that it comes from fanciers who only Look in is perhaps your only defence. You do every other fancier in Lanarkshire a disservice to suggest they don't try as hard as they Possibly can to win, week in week out. Just so happens our best isn't good enough Most years but i can assure you neither would you, no matter "How Hard" you try,

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Guest stb-

Must say i find it Very Strange that there are members on this Forum, who don't get it when it comes to George, Wullie and now Paul.

You see George has been a Master Dooman in every sense of the word for EVER, now if your that man's son, your gonny be a Master Dooman, WHY? because George's attention to detail is just as strong and observant when it comes to educating his family, if yer lucky enough to have those 2 as yer Da AND Granda!!, odds are yer gonny be a Master dooman.


IMO...When they men see and handle a pigeon, they see things and read into those things different conclusions to what we others see and conclude. Ye could put camera's everywhere tae watch and still no see what They see. To even suggest "Try Harder" and you'll beat them, is about as ridiculous a statement as i could imagine, that it comes from fanciers who only Look in is perhaps your only defence. You do every other fancier in Lanarkshire a disservice to suggest they don't try as hard as they Possibly can to win, week in week out. Just so happens our best isn't good enough Most years but i can assure you neither would you, no matter "How Hard" you try,

the macs are a diffo class on a consistant persistant bassis

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Guest bigda

a wee insight to george macalonnie, would there be many faciers sleep inside the dooket for 3 days to find out why he lost one race, not many i would think yes he did and he found out why he lost that week as his widowhood doos never got a sleep for he found out there was a wee baby mouse got in and ran in and out of nest boxes, so there you go. he knew there was something wrong and he corrected it

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Must say i find it Very Strange that there are members on this Forum, who don't get it when it comes to George, Wullie and now Paul.

You see George has been a Master Dooman in every sense of the word for EVER, now if your that man's son, your gonny be a Master Dooman, WHY? because George's attention to detail is just as strong and observant when it comes to educating his family, if yer lucky enough to have those 2 as yer Da AND Granda!!, odds are yer gonny be a Master dooman.


IMO...When they men see and handle a pigeon, they see things and read into those things different conclusions to what we others see and conclude. Ye could put camera's everywhere tae watch and still no see what They see. To even suggest "Try Harder" and you'll beat them, is about as ridiculous a statement as i could imagine, that it comes from fanciers who only Look in is perhaps your only defence. You do every other fancier in Lanarkshire a disservice to suggest they don't try as hard as they Possibly can to win, week in week out. Just so happens our best isn't good enough Most years but i can assure you neither would you, no matter "How Hard" you try,john sorry to say it but your talking sh**

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I would like to hear wha Bigda has to say on this thread. :animatedpigeons:


No dowt we will have something to read with interet as usual. :o

In all the time I've been on this site that must be the first time anyone has said they would like to hear bigda lol

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as for all this titter tatter east and west get it sorted we stay east or go west but whatever we decide keep it at that we get one stiff race and we are crying for help all this does is bucks the birds up as for the macaloneys they deserve all the success they get talk about dedication they have it all wullie mac travels a few times a day from stirling to coatbridge a few times a day they say you only get out this game what you put into it and they put plenty into it thats how they have been at the top for years pure dedication

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Andy I'm following things up on be half of the club but I am in agreement with it. Surely you can't disagree when the fed go by 120 miles when racing on the east coast racing becomes bad this is why the members are trying to get something done for the love of our sport and everyone involved because the way it is going just now it won't last much longer if we stick to what we doing



Robert good luck with your petition but go for good race points and keep clear of politics when things are going wrong for the correct reasons and never forget the 98% mirror rule.

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yer not long shooting guys down andy and its the 98% sh** u talk most guys want go down west u have the answears so why don't u come up with something that help the doos and not yer ego to top feds only want breed 100\150 doos stay dn west get first drop *expletive removed* yer returns then say its 98% sh** doos as u say think lot to do with the guys sending the doos

Glad Joe your looking in the mirror it will assist you to know End and never forget the rule 98% it makes sense.

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Must say i find it Very Strange that there are members on this Forum, who don't get it when it comes to George, Wullie and now Paul.

You see George has been a Master Dooman in every sense of the word for EVER, now if your that man's son, your gonny be a Master Dooman, WHY? because George's attention to detail is just as strong and observant when it comes to educating his family, if yer lucky enough to have those 2 as yer Da AND Granda!!, odds are yer gonny be a Master dooman.


IMO...When they men see and handle a pigeon, they see things and read into those things different conclusions to what we others see and conclude. Ye could put camera's everywhere tae watch and still no see what They see. To even suggest "Try Harder" and you'll beat them, is about as ridiculous a statement as i could imagine, that it comes from fanciers who only Look in is perhaps your only defence. You do every other fancier in Lanarkshire a disservice to suggest they don't try as hard as they Possibly can to win, week in week out. Just so happens our best isn't good enough Most years but i can assure you neither would you, no matter "How Hard" you try,

john thay have only won the fed avreges 1 in 4 years budgie won it 3 year in a row until wee whent west then his weels fel af his cart lol

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  • 1 year later...
Guest chad3646

My thoughts aswell the macs are only as good as you allow them to be if they can do it you can do it .



best laugh iv,e had for a while

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Guys as this is my first ob season I can't possibly form an opinion on what route is best as I've nothing to compare it to,seems to me when I've sent my birds to 130 mile mark I seem to have suffered more losses(last years yb racing inc) I seem to have more losses..weather that's down to bad birds,loft management or bops I can't say for sure,what I do know is that whatever route we go with the ybs I'll see what I've got left after 100 mile mark,and hopefully be able to put some away for nxt years ob season and if I'm in a position to still send some then I will as I don't have room to house a lot of obs and don't want to overcrowd,so I'll have to go with the majority in whatever we decide and hope we make the right decision..one thing I've learned this season is that this is a hard game were in and expect the unexpected ,I've had my highs and lows this year(as most of will have I'm sure),hope we he have a good end to the ob season and a good yb season,atb guys kenny

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Guest chad3646

yer not long shooting guys down andy and its the 98% sh** u talk most guys want go down west u have the answears so why don't u come up with something that help the doos and not yer ego to top feds only want breed 100\150 doos stay dn west get first drop *expletive removed* yer returns then say its 98% sh** doos as u say think lot to do with the guys sending the doos

Glad Joe your looking in the mirror it will assist you to know End and never forget the rule 98% it makes sense.



a heard it was more like 200

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yer not long shooting guys down andy and its the 98% sh** u talk most guys want go down west u have the answears so why don't u come up with something that help the doos and not yer ego to top feds only want breed 100\150 doos stay dn west get first drop *expletive removed* yer returns then say its 98% sh** doos as u say think lot to do with the guys sending the doos

Glad Joe your looking in the mirror it will assist you to know End and never forget the rule 98% it makes sense.

So are all the birds you keep Andy in the 2% and if not why do you keep so many????

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