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Do You Change Your Feeding.

Guest Tooshy Boy

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no not really change any feeding at all the stay on diat 200, with added extra linseed, however there is no rations, they get as much as they like but i must say i like my birds to feel the winter, one day a week they will go hungry, however the weather is very very warm for this time of year.

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Mine have been on 80% beans 10% barley and 10% gerry +. The only reason there's gerry in the mix is because it was left over from young bird racing.Once the final flights are about complete I'll be increasing the barley to about 90% the rest beans.They also get a small amount of trapping mix while I'm cleaning them out in the mornings,as much grit as required,cider vinegar most day garlic the other days or I might even put both in the water.

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Yes Mate, With the darker evenings I tend to drink more and eat less http://forum.pigeonbasics.org/public/style_emoticons/default/emoticon-0136-giggle.gifhttp://forum.pigeonbasics.org/public/style_emoticons/default/emoticon-0136-giggle.gifhttp://forum.pigeonbasics.org/public/style_emoticons/default/emoticon-0136-giggle.gifhttp://forum.pigeonbasics.org/public/style_emoticons/default/emoticon-0140-rofl.gif


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Just keep them on a breeding or moulting mix at this time of year ,never overfeed and always like them to be looking for food ,feel they moult better,then miss out there Sunday feeds during January then all is well :emoticon-0157-sun: PS I don't have any overweight joiners working for me that's because during January they don't eat on Sundays aswell just go down to the pub and get p----d :emoticon-0136-giggle:

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