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As title says, I drive between Blyth Northumberland and Helensburgh Dunbartonshire most weekends and I'm happy to drop any birds/equipment on route. Nothing too big as I only drive a Ford Ka, yes I know it's a womans car but needs must! PM me if I can be of any service.

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I go up the A69 onto the M74, so I'm only a few mile away from Carlisle, theres a service station a couple of miles south of the junction onto the M74 if thats any good. I'll be going south this thursday or friday and going back up 2 weeks after that (well deserved break).

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I go up the A69 onto the M74, so I'm only a few mile away from Carlisle, theres a service station a couple of miles south of the junction onto the M74 if thats any good. I'll be going south this thursday or friday and going back up 2 weeks after that (well deserved break).

Thank you for the offer mate ,will keep you in mind.

Thanks again :emoticon-0137-clapping: .


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I'd also like to offer my time as a loft hand, if anyone in the Helensburgh area is after someone to do a bit of scraping and have a chat with, I'm your man. As I mentioned in my introduction thread I'm not in a position to have any birds myself yet, and as such I've got no experience, but I'm keen and got plenty of time on my hands during the week after work. Plus I would be able to release the birds at whatever distance on my way home to Blyth on a thursday/friday.

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  • 3 months later...

As title says, I drive between Blyth Northumberland and Helensburgh Dunbartonshire most weekends and I'm happy to drop any birds/equipment on route. Nothing too big as I only drive a Ford Ka, yes I know it's a womans car but needs must! PM me if I can be of any service.


Thats a very decent offer, and not many people would offer that, so it has to be totally commended.Thinking of others, and how to help with transporting birds.


Well done!!!! :emoticon-0140-rofl::egyptian:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Good on you, I hope somebody takes you up on the offer and you get involved at a loft. If you are ever up in the North of Scotland let me know, I have a spare scraper :emoticon-0167-beer:


Cheers mate, because I work in Barrow during the week and go home to Northumberland at weekends theres no chance I could have my own loft, not for a few years yet anyway. Wouldn't mind helping out with the cleaning and driving birds during the week though, best not to offer my services at the weekends, quality family time. :P

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  • 5 months later...

good offer gurnster well done, as ive said b4 on pb im more than happy to collect birds within a 15 mile radius of crawley (which is 20 miles north of brighton) especially those with non fanciers, anyone needing help can get me on 07511 46620 or pm me on pb,some ive collected have been ok after a few days of rest/feeding and usually make it home under their own steam but others have been at deaths door and would never have made it home alive by courier so it always helps if a fancier can take a look first,ive had favours done for me by fanciers so think it only fair to try return the favour by doing our bit for others

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

As title says, I drive between Blyth Northumberland and Helensburgh Dunbartonshire most weekends and I'm happy to drop any birds/equipment on route. Nothing too big as I only drive a Ford Ka, yes I know it's a womans car but needs must! PM me if I can be of any service.


Really good offer. If you build a loft on the submarine I'll supply you with some young ones.

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