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flying fifer

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Everything posted by flying fifer

  1. WELL DONE Andrew and Papa .AW THE BEST
  2. Youv'e never given out a fiver, never mind a flying fiver. AW THE BEST
  3. Sorry to hear of anyone losing such large amount of birds. How old are these birds?
  4. Suggest make up fresh in the morning, feed birds twice, rather than full amount in 1 go. Shouldn't affect them i.e. vomiting, but should take in greater volume of medicated water. Sorry, yes 24hr treatment.
  5. 5ml per litre of water.
  6. Have txted him, awaiting reply. THANKS.
  7. Blue Pied hen in with trainers this morning. Any takers
  8. Aye guid ane Del. I'ts DOOMEN we're talkin' aboot. :emoticon-0179-headbang:
  9. IT's in the blood pal once a dooman always a dooman. Unless the wife says different.LOL
  10. Having been involved with pigeons and pigeon men for nearly 50 years, go for it. The frustrations, the arguments (sorry differences of opinion), BOP's, weather, questionable race controlling. It all pales into insignificance when you spot a bird folding it's wings and heading down to your loft on a Saturday. Yes we have many mountains to climb and obstacles to overcome, that's a story for another day. Again, GO FOR IT AW THE BEST
  11. expletive remove what distance is this. WERE DOOMED MIN. Hope returns are better than velocities. AW THE BEST
  12. WELL DONE Mark. AW THE BEST for rest of season.
  13. Wishing you good luck and good returns Tom. AW THE BESTðŸ‘
  14. No, can you help. The bird got B&B and was released it headed away but returned after 1hr. It's obviously trying , thought if it got a wee hitch nearer to Forfar it might make it home under its own steam.Pm me your phone No. if you can help. AW THE BEST.
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